Phase structure of D-brane gauge theories and toric duality (original) (raw)
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MIT-CTP-3646 , CERN-PH-TH / 2005-084 , HUTP-05 / A 0027 Gauge Theories from Toric Geometry and Brane
We provide a general set of rules for extracting the data defining a quiver gauge theory from a given toric Calabi–Yau singularity. Our method combines information from the geometry and topology of Sasaki–Einstein manifolds, AdS/CFT, dimers, and brane tilings. We explain how the field content, quantum numbers, and superpotential of a superconformal gauge theory on D3–branes probing a toric Calabi–Yau singularity can be deduced. The infinite family of toric singularities with known horizon Sasaki–Einstein manifolds L is used to illustrate these ideas. We construct the corresponding quiver gauge theories, which may be fully specified by giving a tiling of the plane by hexagons with certain gluing rules. As checks of this construction, we perform a-maximisation as well as Z-minimisation to compute the exact R-charges of an arbitrary such quiver. We also examine a number of examples in detail, including the infinite subfamily L, whose smallest member is the Suspended Pinch Point.
M5-branes, toric diagrams and gauge theory duality
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2012
In this article we explore the duality between the low energy effective theory of fivedimensional N = 1 SU (N) M −1 and SU (M) N −1 linear quiver gauge theories compactified on S 1. The theories we study are the five-dimensional uplifts of four-dimensional superconformal linear quivers. We study this duality by comparing the Seiberg-Witten curves and the Nekrasov partition functions of the two dual theories. The Seiberg-Witten curves are obtained by minimizing the worldvolume of an M5-brane with nontrivial geometry. Nekrasov partition functions are computed using topological string theory. The result of our study is a map between the gauge theory parameters, i.e., Coulomb moduli, masses and UV coupling constants, of the two dual theories. Apart from the obvious physical interest, this duality also leads to compelling mathematical identities. Through the AGTW conjecture these five-dimentional gauge theories are related to q-deformed Liouville and Toda SCFTs in two-dimensions. The duality we study implies the relations between Liouville and Toda correlation functions through the map we derive.
Superconformal D-branes and moduli spaces
The on-going quest for a single theory that describes all the forces of nature has led to the discovery of string theory. This is the only known theory that successfully unifies gravity with the electroweak and strong forces. It postulates that the fundamental building blocks of nature are strings, and that all particles arise as different excitations of strings. This theory is still poorly understood, especially at strong coupling, but progress is being made all the time. One breakthrough came with the discovery of extended objects called D-branes, which have proved crucial in probing the strong-coupling regime. They are instrumental in realising dualities (equivalences) between different limits of string theory.
Towards M2-brane theories for generic toric singularities
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2008
We construct several examples of (2+1) dimensional N=2 supersymmetric Chern-Simons theories, whose moduli space is given by non-compact toric Calabi-Yau four-folds, which are not derivable from any (3+1) dimensional CFT. One such example is the gauge theory associated with the cone over Q^{111}. For several examples, we explicitly confirm the matter content, superpotential interactions and RG flows suggested by crystal models. Our results provide additional support to the idea that crystal models are relevant for describing the structure of these CFTs.
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Journal of High Energy Physics, 2010
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Gauge theories from toric geometry and brane tilings
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2006
We provide a general set of rules for extracting the data defining a quiver gauge theory from a given toric Calabi-Yau singularity. Our method combines information from the geometry and topology of Sasaki-Einstein manifolds, AdS/CFT, dimers, and brane tilings. We explain how the field content, quantum numbers, and superpotential of a superconformal gauge theory on D3-branes probing a toric Calabi-Yau singularity can be deduced. The infinite family of toric singularities with known horizon Sasaki-Einstein manifolds L^{a,b,c} is used to illustrate these ideas. We construct the corresponding quiver gauge theories, which may be fully specified by giving a tiling of the plane by hexagons with certain gluing rules. As checks of this construction, we perform a-maximisation as well as Z-minimisation to compute the exact R-charges of an arbitrary such quiver. We also examine a number of examples in detail, including the infinite subfamily L^{a,b,a}, whose smallest member is the Suspended Pinch Point.