WINE: Web Integrated Navigation Extension; Conceptual Design, Model and Interface (original) (raw)

eNavigate: Effective and Efficient User Web Navigation

Web Site is huge source of information. User requires different pages at the same time or same user may access different pages at different time. Web structure mining uses data from web usage and accordingly makes changes in structure of web site. Web site that semi-automatically maintains its organization and presentation by learning from visitors access patterns. Developer develop web site according to their own judgment of use, without considering users intension to use. So users suffers problem of searching in network. We propose a mathematical programming model to improve the user navigation on a website with minimum alterations to its existing structure. Test performed on publicly available real data sets shows that this model significantly improves the user navigation with very few changes as well as effectively solves the navigation problem. The completely reorganized new structure can be highly unpredictable, and cost of disoriented users after website structure changes remains unanalyzed. This approach is how to improve web site without introducing substantial changes. We use two metrics and use them to access the performance of the improved website using the real data set.

eNavigate: A Survey On Effective and Efficient User Website Navigation

Web Structure Improvement has attracted much attention now days. The large websites such as E-commerce, universities etc. have lots of pages visited by users daily. The users needed to be navigated effectively and efficiently throughout the website. Each user has its own set of target pages where the stay time is larger than that of other pages. While making website structure improvements the web master must consider the set of target pages of the users. The users’ web log must be maintained at the server side which further has to be divided into session and mini sessions. These mini sessions provides the inputs to extract the target pages of a specific user. The improvement in website must be done under some circumstances. The newly added links must satisfy some criteria such as how many number of links can be added. Previous literature provides some meaningful considerations about static and dynamic websites. The effective website structure improvements along with the set of target pages can be efficiently designed with static and informative websites while it’s difficult to consider the target pages in dynamic one. The structure optimization can be done with minimization or maximization strategies. Here in this survey paper we studied some previously published journals to get better knowledge about the web structure improvements for effective user navigation.

An integrated web system to facilitate personalized web searching algorithms

Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing - SAC '08, 2008

Generic web searching often turns out impersonal and frustrating due to lack of adaptivity to user preferences. These problems can be alleviated in the presence of a solution to assist personalization in an effective manner. Such a tool is presented within the context of this paper that enables personalization on the client's browser and is supported by a Web Service based backend system that implement a number of different personalization approaches as an option. Our aim is to provide a generic platform based on web technologies a) for end-user personalization and b) for assistance in the research & development evaluation of existing or novel personalization techniques. The solution is further underpinned with novel personalization techniques. The latter have emerged as fine-grained and improved alternatives to provably efficient personalization methods previously presented in . The solution altogether has been experimentally evaluated and proved effective.

ARCHIMIDES" An Intelligent Agent for Adaptive Personalized Navigation within a WEB Server

System Sciences, 1999. …, 1999

With the explosive growth of Internet and the volume of information published on it, the search and retrieval of desired information has become practically impossible, if its source is not known in advance. This is the reason why search engines have been emerged, aiming to relieve the user from the "lost in hyperspace" feeling and the information overload. Imagine, however, cases where the result of some query to a search engine contains hundreds of thousands of URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). With such a number of URLs, search engines become in practice inefficient, if we consider that the navigation through even a few decades of URLs is very tiring and time consuming. Thus, instead of trying to address the information overload problem with search engines and robots (spiders), we believe that each server should facilitate itself the retrieval of desired information, published on its own domain. In this paper we present "Archimides", an intelligent agent that aims to provide intelligent, adaptive and personalized navigation within a WEB server. Provided a subset of the set of keywords that characterize the server's contents, Archimides undertakes the task to perform an intelligent information retrieval and afterwards to construct a personalized version of the server in the form of an index to pages that present some interest to the user. This index does not resemble what search engines return as a result of some query; it could be probably regarded as a much sorter version of the WEB server, with links that are dynamically inserted or deleted according to the user's interests, preferences and behavior, providing Archimides with the feature of adaptivity. As a result the user navigates in a WEB server that may completely present interest to him or her, thus relieving the user from undesired information overload..

Online web navigation assistant

Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp'yuternye Nauki

The problem of finding relevant data while searching the internet represents a big challenge for web users due to the enormous amounts of available information on the web. These difficulties are related to the well-known problem of information overload. In this work, we propose an online web assistant called OWNA. We developed a fully integrated framework for making recommendations in real-time based on web usage mining techniques. Our work starts with preparing raw data, then extracting useful information that helps build a knowledge base as well as assigns a specific weight for certain factors. The experiments show the advantages of the proposed model against alternative approaches.

Supporting Tools to Simplify the Navigation Process over the Web

Journal of Computer Science, 2006

We Navigation through the Web has problems of positioning and space-temporal reference marks. Therefore, it's necessary to design some computer-aided tools to help the user to position himself in space and time during a navigation session. The user is provided with a map of visited sites, thus giving an explicit representation of virtual space. Various levels of visualization are set up to make the map more visible and less overloaded. A permanently displayed time indicator enables users to keep an eye on themselves and thus to optimize navigation time.