Management of Medical Record Unit to Preparing Accreditation at Primary Health Care (original) (raw)

The Readiness of Medical Record Unit Clinic for Accreditation

Background: First Level Clinic is a health facility that provides first-layer clinical services to the community. Efforts that can b e made to improve the quality and safety of clinical services at the Pratama clinic are through accreditation. The medical record unit is part of the Pratama clinic su pport service unit included in the Pratama clinical accreditation assessment section. The readiness of medical record units needs to b e assessed to see what documents and implementations do not yet exist and are done. Identification of readiness of Clinic X medical record unit accreditation was carried out two years earlier in 2015. Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine the continuity of readiness of medical record unit accreditati o n in 2018. Method: This study was an ob servational descriptive study using a cross-sectional design. Data collection was carried out through ob servation and interviews with medical record officers. Analysis was done b y comparin g th e prediction of Clinic X medical record unit accreditation readiness scores b etween 2015 and 2018. Results: The result showed that the prediction score increased from 41.7% in 2015 to 65.8% in 2018. The comparison of readiness for accreditation can b e used as an evaluation to complement the needs of d o cu m e n ts that do not yet exist and procedures that have not b een implemented. Conclusion: The clinic has not b een accredited b ecause most of the elements b eing evaluated were the incomplete supporting documents. The clinic can make a framework, determine the method, and analyze the instruments b ased on the suitab le method.

KESIAPAN UNIT REKAM MEDIS KLINIKDALAM MENGHADAPI AKREDITASI The Readiness of Medical Record Unit Clinic for Accreditation

Background: First Level Clinic is a health facility that provides first-layer clinical services to the community. Efforts that can b e made to improve the quality and safety of clinical services at the Pratama clinic are through accreditation. The medical record unit is part of the Pratama clinic su pport service unit included in the Pratama clinical accreditation assessment section. The readiness of medical record units needs to b e assessed to see what documents and implementations do not yet exist and are done. Identification of readiness of Clinic X medical record unit accreditation was carried out two years earlier in 2015. Aims: The purpose of this study was to determine the continuity of readiness of medical record unit accreditati o n in 2018. Method: This study was an ob servational descriptive study using a cross-sectional design. Data collection was carried out through ob servation and interviews with medical record officers. Analysis was done b y comparin g th e prediction of Clinic X medical record unit accreditation readiness scores b etween 2015 and 2018. Results: The result showed that the prediction score increased from 41.7% in 2015 to 65.8% in 2018. The comparison of readiness for accreditation can b e used as an evaluation to complement the needs of d o cu m e n ts that do not yet exist and procedures that have not b een implemented. Conclusion: The clinic has not b een accredited b ecause most of the elements b eing evaluated were the incomplete supporting documents. The clinic can make a framework, determine the method, and analyze the instruments b ased on the suitab le method.

The Readiness of Airlangga Health Care Centers (Ahcc) B Faced Accreditation for First Level Clinics


PLK B Unair is one of the first level clinic that owned by Airlangga University in cooperation with Social Security Agency of Health (BPJS). As mandatory by act, PLK B Unair should start to prepare to reach accreditation for first level clinics to realizing quality assurance for health services. This study aimed to know the early achievement of accreditation assessment in accordance with the guidelines Health Ministerial Regulation No. 46/2015. This was descriptive observational study with cross sectional design The documents were traced to identify the completeness according the instrument, and interviewed was did to know some procedures. The results showed that the achievement there is only 51% of all elements assessment in accreditation standards for the readiness of PLK to faced acreditation. Research recomendation leading to the formation of the team for the preparation of accreditation. Keywords: accreditation, first level clinics, quality assurance, accreditation standards

Health Protocol Implementation on Medical Record Document Management At Primary Health Centre


Health protocols are rules and regulations need followed by related parties in order to carry out activities safely during COVID-19 pandemic. Health Protocol is established so people can continue to carry out their activities safely and do not endanger safety or health of others. This study aims to identify health protocol flow implementation on medical record document management at Sewon I and II Health Centers, Bantul Yogyakarta. Qualitative descriptive research method. Interviews were conducted with filling officers. Result, health protocol implementation flow at Sewon I and II Health Centers has been implemented and carried out by all relevant parties. Officers use personal protective equipment, namely masks, gowns, handscoons, face shields, and headscaps. Medical record document management by drying and spraying after service. Conclusion, health protocol flow needs to implemented by all officers. Medical record document management during covid-19 pandemic needs adjustments to c...

Analysis The Standard of Medical Record Resources Needed, Based on Workload at Ken Saras Hospital Medical Record Instalation 2013

Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat (Undip)

Background: Medical record has a purpose to achieve an orderly administrative in an increasing health effort. UU RI no. 29 of 2009 section 46 and 47 said that every doctor and dentist should be make an medical record in their practices. If they violate, they can be penalized accordance with the provisions. In this research, needs analysis seen from some aspect, the amount of resources, education, skill, and work motivation. Ken Saras Hospital Medical record installation suffer fairly high turnover in 2013, so it make increasingly heavy workload for the employees who still survive.Medical Records Installation in Ken Sarah Hospital has been regeneration at sometime ago, so it made heavy workload for resources who still survive. .The purpose of this research is to determine the workload of resources, the suitability of the workload and the need that based on workload. Method: This research used qualitative descriptive study with cross sectional approach. Data collection used work sam...

Identifikasi Prioritas Masalah Unit Rekam Medis di Puskesmas Nusukan Identification of Priority Problems in the Medical Record Unit at the Nusukan Health Center Puguh Ika Listyorini 1) Novita Yuliani 2

Health services consist of two kinds, namely medical and non-medical services. One of the nonmedical services provided by the medical record unit. In providing medical record unit services do not always run well, therefore it is necessary to identify the priority determination of the problem to find out what problems must be solved first. The Multiple Criteria Utility Assessment (MCUA) method is a method of determining priority problems with scoring techniques. The purpose of this study was to determine the priority of problems in the medical record unit of the Nusukan Health Center using the MCUA Method. This research uses descriptive research design with 4 speakers. According to the results of the identification of problems carried out by the Group Group Discussion (FGD) that there are 3 problems in the medical record unit of the Nusukan Public Health Center, namely the lack of resources for medical records, medical record documents, and the availability of rooms for managing medical records that are still limited. The priority problem with the MCUA method shows that the problem with the highest value is the lack of medical record personnel. Before making additional workforce, it is recommended to calculate the workforce needs in the medical record unit according to the workload of the medical record officer so that the additional workforce is in accordance with the workload of the officer.

Tinjauan Sistem Penyelenggaraan Rekam Medis Menurut Standart Akreditasi Puskesmas di Puskesmas Pangakalan Berandan Tahun 2020

Jurnal Ilmiah Perekam dan Informasi Kesehatan Imelda (JIPIKI), 2021

Puskesmas are required to maintain medical records containing data and information on patient care. Implementation according to accreditation standards, namely criteria 3.2 Registration Process and 3.8 Administration of medical records which are divided into 3.8.1 Coding, 3.8.2 Medical Record Access Rights 3.8.3 Clinical Information Filling and 3.8.4 Storage. The purpose of the study was to find out the implementation of the medical record management system according to the Puskesmas accreditation standards at the Pangkalan Berandan Health Center in 2020. This type of research was qualitative with a Phenomenology approach. The place of research was conducted at the Pangkalan Berandan Health Center. Time of study in July 2020. Research population is all medical record officers at the Pangkalan Berandan Health Center. The research sample is 5 officers. The research instrument was interview guide and check list sheet for observation. The results of the study revealed that the outpatien...