The aim of this study is to explain the role of education on social development and progress, individual development and progress and to explain the dynamic relationships among these concepts. Education is not only an institution but also a procedure taken place in society. If these concepts are ordered in terms of their functions, the society is aim, and the education is an avoidable tool to make this aim come true. Development and improvement are based on socio economic decisions of the politicians to improve the welfare of individuals. At the present day, development and improvement, not only on people's material needs, the development of their social conditions, is related to the realization of their hopes. In developed countries, the knowledge generated through research and education, used not only to realization social and economic objectives, as well as the use of the realization the individual's personal development is observed. To understand the relationship between education and society in a healthy way and to explain the highly dynamic structure of education is not a routine process that affects every level of society as an social institution, political authority needs to be imposed that to build a prosperous society that education and knowledge are provision.

Education Studies

This article presents the role of democratic education and its importance to the younger generation. Democratic education (DE) positively influences the learning process with certain fundamental values of our society. The world keeps on changing dramatically. As a result, educators have to be tolerant; they should use pedagogical practices and create certain virtues among students. DE sees the youngsters as active participants and joint creators of their own learning rather than passive recipients of knowledge. They are not regarded as products of the education system but rather valued contributors and members in a vibrant learning community (VLC). The focus on education for the development of the individual and the community in general helps them to engage and become positive and contributing members of society. Various writers and philosophers have contributed to the theme of DE such as John Dewey, Marian Wright Edelman, Margaret Mead and Paulo Freire. They use democratic values and principles in the process of Literacy and Education. They stated: “they need to create environments where people of all ages, especially youth, are immersed in the values, practices, and beliefs of democratic societies and human rights.” Unless education has some frame of reference, it is bound to be aimless, lacking a unified objective. The necessity for a frame of reference must be admitted. There exists in this country such a unified frame. It is called democracy (Dewey 1937).

On the Importance of Education

It is no news that education forms an intrinsic part of man’s life. As such, an individual without education is as good as a man born blind, groping blindly in the dark world without any guideline principles to model himself. Just like culture, education is a means of transmitting a way of life from one generation to the other. By this, education cannot be divorced from both the learners and the society which they ultimately help to build. However, the quality as well as the personnel involved in education has widely become an issue of great concern to the world at large. The reason being that, the task and process of educating people cannot be entrusted in the hands of unskilled personnel, in other words, mediocre, for in sure, it will only lead to a dead end. In recognition of the foregoing matter of fact, this piece shall shed light on the importance of education. To achieve this feat, this piece shall kick off with a definitional analysis of education, to be followed by the importance of education. The study ends with a conclusion which is a peroration of our main findings and claims.

About Education as a Fundamental Human Dimension


People are, above all, cultural beings; the central elements of culture are values, they direct the spirit of any culture and function as a selective grid towards cultural creation and diffusion. Culture involves all the products of human activity, values and modes of behavior objected by certain communities to other human communities and subsequent generations. As a global process, education could be characterized as a quick and abridged recapitulation-because it is selective-of the cultural experience of humanity as a whole and, in particular, the experience of the community and the reference group. Biopsychological maturation processes, socialization and culture can only be conceived through intimate correlation, they are three facets of a single process. Therefore, the mature psychological individual, the social and the cultural being are just hypostases of the Ego, because it is an existential unity.

Education in Modern Society

BCES Conference Book 2016, 2018

The paper substantiates the position that education and modern society, a 'society' in change because of present day developments in all the different sectors at local as well as national and international levels, are mutually dependent on each other. A modern national society expects its education system to provide in its differentiated education needs for their members to function effectively both in society and the international world. To effect this, society should, through the synchronizing participation of the coordinator, guide their education system according to the basic philosophy of education and should also formulate and prioritize their education needs. In addition, society should provide sufficient funding for providing for their education needs. The education system should apply its professional competencies to organize and strengthen the components and elements of that system in such a manner that the education needs can be provided for. Education should support the well-being of the community, but should not be regarded as the cure for every wrong.

Education as an Effective Component of Political Development and Socio-Economic Prosperity in Society

Revista Romaneasca pentru Educatie Multidimensionala

This article shows the importance of education. Education forms a personality that is able to realize its potential in the process of development throughout life. The purpose of the article is to determine the features of the formation of a personality that strives for self-realization, which is possible only in the educational influence on the personality. The relevance of the article is due to the need for social development, which is the result of a combination of many components that form the basic needs of every person. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article is devoted to the justification of socio-economic policy in the coverage of the educational process, the discussion and systematic analysis form the essence of the thesis that the world is an effective component of the political development and socio-economic prosperity of society, which leads to the need to control the processes that occur in education. The research used an integration method of synthesis ...

The Concept of Education: A Western Rationalist Approach

International Journal of Educational Advancement 04(06):138-150, 2021

the meaning of instruction and of what it includes is of utmost significance within the definition of a framework of education and its implementation. In this research prepare of 'formal concept' alludes to the strategy and the framework by which what is called 'education' is steadily conferred; 'something' alludes to the substance of what is ingraining, and 'human beings' alludes to the recipient of both the method and the content. The investigation result already encompasses the basic elements that constitute education: the method, the substance, the beneficiary; but it isn't however a definition since those components are purposely cleared out unclear. In this research paper, we look at the comparative approach of instruction. The basic initiatives of the decade inside this division have given accentuation to issues of responsibility, esteem for successful instructive control. The data of different insights concerning the instructive exercises as it completely accomplished its potential esteem in case it is utilized to characterize comprehensive concepts of execution and objective accomplishments educated by the educational' missions. In that soul, we propose concepts of generalizing information and productivity in arrange to pick up assist bits of knowledge into the organization's operations. Information envelopment investigation and its later propels were utilized to assess outline-based proficiency.

Educational Situation: Some Preliminary Remarks on a Basic Concept of Education

 When educationalists are asked to define their own academic discipline of Education Studies, they often struggle to reach a common understanding. From an epistemological point of view, this indeterminacy leads back to the complex considerations involved in establishing a basic concept of education. In this article, the author explores in a preliminary fashion the possibility of identifying the essence of education in its performativity as an occurrence in context that always precedes and supersedes our theoretical considerations of it. Education is not to be understood primarily as something conceptual (theory) but rather in terms of its significance as a situational event (reality).

Education, Economy and the Impact on the Comprehensive Development of Students (Atena Editora)

Education, Economy and the Impact on the Comprehensive Development of Students (Atena Editora), 2024

Una de las funciones del Estado es asegurar en un contexto de igualdad y justicia social, el bienestar socioeconómico de la población a que gobierna, para esto, define e instrumenta un modelo de desarrollo el cual es reflejo de la postura política del grupo gobernante en turno. La revisión y análisis de los datos históricos generados por los ejercicios de administraciones anteriores son contundentes al mostrar resultados que no han sido óptimos y que actualmente la sociedad mexicana enfrenta una cada vez mayor polarización del ingreso, problemas de descomposición social, crecientes demandas sociales de servicios educativos, de salud, de vivienda, de seguridad pública, entre otros, por lo que es necesario revisar el modelo de desarrollo nacional así como el funcionamiento de las instituciones responsables de su instrumentación, a fin de proponer los mecanismos de mejora. Este trabajo se desarrolla a partir de elementos en el diseño de un modelo de desarrollo integral, con una visión de crecimiento sustentable y sostenido en el tiempo, que haga explícita la importancia de la educación, considera el fortalecimiento del desempeño del sistema educativo como condición necesaria y antecedente del desarrollo.

La Investigación Como Vínculo Entre Educación y Sociedad


INTRODUCTION countries' data, they cover many nations or long Maintaining government spending on time span. No study has focused on one education has been a major goal in Indonesia, developing country's case, especially Indonesia's. where the government has been struggling since As education spending will have different effect in 2003 to keep the allocation for education at or different circumstances, it is important to study above 20% of the national and regionalbudget, country specific cases. Our paper will attempt to based on Law no. 20 of 2003. Indonesia has this fill this gap by focusing on Indonesia alone. budget requirement for education because The paper will analyze the effect of government believes that it will enhance the government education spending on growth as an country's economic growth. A large body of indirect process through enrollment rate. Thus, it research supports the belief that government aims to find the effect of that spending on spending on education influences economic enrollment rate and economic growth, and the growth significantly (Baldacci, Clements, Gupta, direct effect of school enrollment rate on growth,