Nuclear fusion problems (original) (raw)
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Fusion-energy -the hurdle is theoretical rather than technological
Harnessing fusion-energy is something theoretically impossible, and not a technological problem. Energy production requires spontaneous changes, whereas nuclear fusion is nonspontaneous on Earth. In this paper, I explain in a simple way why it is non-spontaneous, by comparing it with the spontaneous changes involved in the existing power plants (hydroelectric, fission and thermal). The difference between fission and fusion is that in the former, energy 'flows out', but in the latter, energy is 'squeezed out'.
The analysis of the worlds energy needs shows them in historical growth, with the highest per capita demand concentrated in the developed countries. Nuclear Fusion is a candidate as a longterm energy solution, for developed countries. The recent stress on safety by the world community has stimulated the research on other fuel cycles than the Deuterium-Tritium (DT) one, based on 'advanced' reactions, such as Deuterium-Helium-3 (D-3 He). With these cycles, it is not necessary to breed and fuel tritium. The D-3 He cycle has also a very low presence of fusion neutrons. The plasma confinement requirements for a D-3 He reactor are more challenging than those for a DT reactor, and 3 He is not currently available on earth. As an important step towards the study of a D-3 He reactor, a feasibility study of a high-field D-3 He experiment of relatively large dimensions and high fusion power, however based on present technologies, has brought to the proposal of the Candor fusion experiment. Terrestrial sources of 3 He are very small. However, a major deposit of 3 He, originally discovered in lunar samples in 1970 was considered by the fusion program in 1986. The 3 He of the moon is contained in the regolith, roughly a million t. A cost and energy balance assessment to feed the Candor experiment has been performed, based upon available data. It turns out that 3 He feed for a large experiment such as Candor can be a good demonstration technological step for lunar D-3 He mining. The D-3 He fusion cycle offers strong safety advantages and could be the ultimate response to the environmental requirements for future nuclear power plants.
Fusion power, solution to the global energy crises in 21st century
Fusion power, solution to the global energy crises in 21 st century Introduction to Fusion Even before the development of nuclear energy, scientists realized that a type of nuclear reaction different from the fission was theoretically possible as a source of nuclear energy. Instead of using the energy released as a result of fission of fissile materials like Uranium and Plutonium, the liberation of energy in the fusion reaction of hydrogen isotopes is possible. In fact, this process is the opposite of fission since it involves the fusing together of the nuclei of hydrogen isotopes. It is for this reason that the energy generation based on nuclear fusion is often called nuclear fusion energy. Of the three isotopes of hydrogen the two heaviest species, Deuterium and Tritium, combine most readily to form Helium. Although the energy released in the fusion process per nuclear reaction is less than fission, the same quantity of hydrogen isotopes contains many more atoms than fissile materials. Thus the energy released from hydrogen isotopes fuel is almost four times as much as fissile materials and also 10 million times more than fossil fuels. Of course, this estimation is based on the complete fusion of all hydrogen isotopes atoms. Fusion reactions occur only at extremely high temperatures about 15 million °C, and the rate of reaction increases enormously with the increase in temperature. Such nuclear reactions are known as thermonuclear reaction. Strictly speaking, the term thermonuclear implies that the energy release of nuclei is highly dependent on the temperature, and high temperature plays an important role in proceeding of fusion reaction. Development of fusion reaction is possible only at high temperatures because a huge amount of heat is necessary to trigger fusion through the collision of isotopes of hydrogen nuclei. To start the fusion reaction, the repulsion of positively charged nuclei has to be ovileercome. When the nuclei get close enough to touch, the strong nuclear force becomes the dominant force. This is exactly the process that happens in the inner core of the sun, where the temperature is about 15
The proposed views (Nuclear fusion )
The greater the velocity of the electrons, the smaller the radius of force reach of electron re , the easier and more likely it can penetrate in star. In short, when four protons fuse to become one helium nucleus, two of which must be converted into neutrons, and each such transition depends on the penetration of the two electrons from the Universe, to the interior of the star. How to easily build a power plant where nuclear fusion can take place? 1. On Earth - in the source of protons send high-energy electrons from electron accelerators at CERN,... Of course, it is necessary to eliminate or at least mitigate the wave of neutrinos, otherwise there would be a blast. This is also the biggest problem of the safe implementation of nuclear fusion. 2. On the moon: into source of protons to leave penetrate high-energy electrons from the Universe. 3. Perhaps on Earth (Antarctica) under the ozone hole to place the source of protons into which penetrate high-energy electrons from the Universe. In addition, exist several other options, which after reading this article, the reader certainly finds.
Some Proposed Solutions to Achieve Nuclear Fusion
Materials Engineering eJournal, 2017
Despite research carried out around the world since the 1950s, no industrial application of fusion to energy production has yet succeeded, apart from nuclear weapons with the H-bomb, since this application does not aims at containing and controlling the reaction produced. There are, however, some other less mediated uses, such as neutron generators. The fusion of light nuclei releases enormous amounts of energy from the attraction between the nucleons due to the strong interaction (nuclear binding energy). Fusion it is with nuclear fission one of the two main types of nuclear reactions applied. The mass of the new atom obtained by the fusion is less than the sum of the masses of the two light atoms. In the process of fusion, part of the mass is transformed into energy in its simplest form: Heat. This loss is explained by the Einstein known formula E = mc2. Unlike nuclear fission, the fusion products themselves (mainly helium 4) are not radioactive, but when the reaction is used to e...
Fusion Reactors – a Dream that Can Never Come True
viXra, 2016
Nuclear fusion is primarily a process of 'system becoming dense', rather than 'fusion of two nuclei'. It is spontaneous in stars, which are light and are moving at high speeds. Earth is dense and moves at a comparatively slow speed. So on Earth, nuclear fusion is non-spontaneous – the energy input required to maintain the reaction will be greater than energy released. So it is practically impossible to produce energy from nuclear fusion reactions.
Process by which nuclear reactions between light elements form heavier elements (up to iron). In cases where the interacting nuclei belong to elements with low atomic numbers (e.g., hydrogen [atomic number 1] or its isotopes deuterium and tritium), substantial amounts of energy are released. The vast energy potential of nuclear fusion was first exploited in thermonuclear weapons, or hydrogen bombs, which were developed in the decade immediately following World War II. Meanwhile, the potential peaceful applications of nuclear fusion, especially in view of the essentially limitless supply of fusion fuel on Earth, have encouraged an immense effort to harness this process for the production of power.