Corroding iron as a hydrogen source for sulphate reduction in growing cultures of sulphate-reducing bacteria (original) (raw)

Iron corrosion by novel anaerobic microorganisms

Nature, 2004

Corrosion of iron presents a serious economic problem. Whereas aerobic corrosion is a chemical process, anaerobic corrosion is frequently linked to the activity of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). SRB are supposed to act upon iron primarily by produced hydrogen sulphide as a corrosive agent and by consumption of 'cathodic hydrogen' formed on iron in contact with water. Among SRB, Desulfovibrio species--with their capacity to consume hydrogen effectively--are conventionally regarded as the main culprits of anaerobic corrosion; however, the underlying mechanisms are complex and insufficiently understood. Here we describe novel marine, corrosive types of SRB obtained via an isolation approach with metallic iron as the only electron donor. In particular, a Desulfobacterium-like isolate reduced sulphate with metallic iron much faster than conventional hydrogen-scavenging Desulfovibrio species, suggesting that the novel surface-attached cell type obtained electrons from metallic ...

Development of an Alternative Method for Studying the Role of H2-Consuming Bacteria in the Anaerobic Oxidation of Iron

Data are presented providing a new perspective on the role of anaerobic bacteria in corrosion. A method was devised to measure the anaerobic oxidation of mil rl steel in the presence of H2-consuming bacteria. The appearance ofmetabolites and disappearance of electron acceptors are used to indicate probable corrosion rates. This research departs from the traditional corrosion literature in that electrochemical methods are not employed, that a defined medium with no added energy sources is used, and that corrosion rates are estimated by coupling bacterial growth to the corrosion process. Desulfovibrio vulgaris Madison, capable of substituting fumarate for sulfate as electron acceptor, was utilized to further account for the role of sulfide in corrosion. The highest corrosion rate (33 mdd) with fumarate as the electron acceptor, in the absence of sulfide, was observed at the optimum growth temperature of the bacterium (35 C). The corrosion rate under similar sterile conditions was 2 mdd.

Sulphate-reducing bacteria which do not induce accelerated corrosion

International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 1992

The corrosive activity of the recently isolated SRB genera has not previously been reported in the literature. In this investigation, three genera of sulphatereducing bacteria (SRB), Desulfovibrio vulgaris, Desulfobacter postgatei and Desulfobulbus propionicus were tested for their ability to induce accelerated corrosion of mild steel in laboratory growth media. Desul fovibrio vulgaris, well-recognised for its corrosive activity, caused a 78.2% increase in weight loss compared to the control, uninoculated medium (95% confidence limits +37.0% to + 130.6%). Desulfobacter postgatei and Desulfobulbus propionicus had no significant effect on corrosion. For Desulfobacter postgatei the mean rate of corrosion was 10.6% more than the control (95% confidence limits-12.0% to +39.0%). For Desuifobulbus propionicus the mean corrosion rate was increased by 5"8% over control (95% confidence limits-9.8% to +24.2%).

A Study of Microbiologically Induced Corrosion by Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria on Carbon Steel Using Hydrogen Permeation

Corrosion, 2005

The mechanism of microbiologically infl uenced corrosion (MIC) on carbon steel (CS) by the bacteria Desulfovibrio desulfuricans subs. desulfuricans was studied using hydrogen permeation, open-circuit potential, and cathodic polarization techniques, in a concentrated culture medium containing bacteria cells (10 7 cell/mL) and ferrous ions (300 mg/L) designed to simulate a condition common in systems for the secondary recovery of crude oil, characterized by highly contaminated microenvironments that severely corrode iron alloys in a short time period. This research project was carried out using several 24-h experiments to defi ne initial stages of the corrosive process under the conditions indicated. The results evidenced a hydrogen permeation current peak of about 12 µA correlated with a minimum open-circuit potential of-780 mV vs saturated calomel electrode (SCE), 400 min after inoculation. Next, the permeation current decreased abruptly to its base line and the potential increased, stabilizing at-585 mV SCE at 24 h, a condition that is associated with high, similar bacterial activity both with and without cathodic polarization (10 8 CFU/mL and 10 9 CFU/mL), typical hydrogen sulfi de (H 2 S) attack morphology, and a weak iron sulfi de fi lm. These results using CS as the corrodible material, together with those obtained using a palladium strip as previously reported, show defi nitely that the cathodic depolarization theory does not represent the chief mechanism used by D. desulfuricans in the MIC process, whereas sulfi de corrosion together with iron sulfi de products seem to better explain the mechanism of this severe bacterial corrosion problem.

The role of hydrogenases in the anaerobic microbiologically influenced corrosion of steels

Bioelectrochemistry, 2002

The direct electron transfer between 316 L stainless steel and the NAD-dependent hydrogenase from Ralstonia eutropha was studied by spectroelectrochemistry. The presence of hydrogenase and NAD + clearly increased the quantity of electricity, which was consumed during the electrolysis performed at potential lower than À 0.70 V/SCE. The involvement of hydrogenase in the cathodic depolarisation theory was discussed in the light of these results. D

A peculiar cathodic process during iron and steel corrosion in sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) media

Corrosion Science, 2010

Features related to the cathodic reduction of iron sulfides precipitation on iron surface during its exposure to SRB culture were studied. Electrochemical measurements were performed with pure iron and platinum electrodes plated with a thin iron film in de-aerated SRB culture. The study reveals that iron sulfide precipitation is being cathodically reduced just below a potential of À0.1 V SCE , and if iron corrosion process occurs at potentials below that threshold potential, then the reduction of iron sulfide may provide an alternative cathodic depolarization mechanism in SRB. This cathodic process can maintain iron and corrosion at potentials above RHE potential.

Microbiological Corrosion: Hydrogen Permeation and Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria


This study was undertaken to evaluate cathodic depolarization as the action mechanism triggered by sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in microbiologically induced corrosion (MIC), using an inert substrate such as a 1-mm thick Pd foil with and without cathodic polarization, a H 0 permeation conventional Devanathan-type cell, and the bacteria Desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. desulfuricans ATCC 7757. The permeation tests were run using a deaerated sterile culture medium inoculated or not with 10% D. desulfuricans at 10 8 cell/mL. Serial dilution was used to evaluate the bacterial growth, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to analyze the characteristics of the biofilm and products formed on the Pd foil. Results indicated bacterial growth on the order of 4 ¥ 10 10 CFU/mL at 24 h in both polarization and nonpolarization tests, and hydrogen permeation tests without cathodic polarization determined that there were no conditions for the reduction of the H + generated by hydrogen sulfide (H 2 S) dissociation. These results show that these bacteria develop similarly, whether or not they are on a polarized surface as a source of H 0 , generating H 2 S as a product of sulfate-dissimilating activity. Furthermore, hydrogen permeation tests with cathodic polarization determined an increase in the permeation current, which was associated with the maximum enzymatic activity phase of the bacteria. This good SRB development with cathodic polarization could be an indication that cathodic protection does not control MIC problems.

Isolation and Identification of Sulphite and Iron Reducing, Hydrogenase Positive Facultative Anaerobes from Cooling Water Systems


The significance of sulphidogenic facultative anaerobes in microbially influenced corrosion (MIC) has been overshadowed by extensive research on sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB). An enrichment procedure with Modified Iron Sulphite (MIS) medium was employed to select for sulphidogenic facultative anaerobes from industrial cooling water systems. All isolates reduced sulphite and ferric iron, oxidised cathodic hydrogen on mild steel, and some oxidised cathodic hydrogen on stainless steel (3CRI2). Facultative anaerobes generating sulphide from sulphite were identified by making use of biochemical tests, API 20 NE, BIOLOG, SDS-PAGE of the total soluble cell proteins, partial sequences of the 16S rRNA gene (rDNA) and RFLP-PCR. Our results show that Aeromonas isolated from cooling water systems, ie A. veronii biotype sobria, A. hydrophila and A. media can reduce both ferric to ferrous iron and sulphite to hydrogen sulphide in IS medium. The results further showed that these sulphidogenic bacteria are all capable of reducing cathodic hydrogen and therefore playa role in MIC.

Iron corrosion activity of anaerobic hydrogen-consuming microorganisms isolated from oil facilities

Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, 2010

The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that anaerobic hydrogen-consuming microorganisms generally promote iron corrosion. We isolated 26 hydrogen-consuming microorganisms (acetogens, sulfate-reducing bacteria, and methanogens) from oil facilities in Japan using hydrogen as an electron donor. The iron corrosion activities of these microorganisms were examined using iron (Fe 0) granules as the sole electron donor. Almost all the isolates consumed hydrogen that was chemically generated from iron granules but did not induce significant iron corrosion. The amount of corroded iron in the cultures of these organisms was less than 2-fold that in an abiotic chemical corrosion reaction. These results indicated that hydrogen consumption did not strongly stimulate iron corrosion. On the other hand, one isolate, namely, Methanococcus maripaludis Mic1c10, considerably corroded iron: this phenomenon was not accompanied by hydrogen consumption, methane formation, or cell growth. This finding also provided strong evidence that M. maripaludis Mic1c10 produced some material that caused iron to corrode.