Medicinal flora of the Maranhão, Brazil: plants species and their therapeutic indications in popular use (original) (raw)

Medicinal flora of the Maranhão, Brazil: plants species and their therapeutically indications in popular use

Nature and Conservation, 2020

Medicinal flora of the Maranhão, Brazil: plants species and their therapeutic indications in popular use The Brazil is considered a megadiverse country, with a diversified flora, present in their different biomes, with characteristics especially typical, with plants species with different popular use, major of medicinal utilization. Known the plants species used for the people is important, for very species same not were investigated of scientific form, verifying their potentialities medicinal and therapeutically. The research presented 70 species, distributed in 58 genera and 28 botanical families. The work present for all species with scientific name, family, Common name, part used, use form and Therapeutic indication. Plates with imagens of any plants species medicinal are presents.

Medicinal plants popularly used in the Xing� region � a semi-arid location in Northeastern Brazil

J Ethnobiology Ethnomedicine, 2006

The aim of this study was to identify plant species among the diverse flora of the caatinga ecosystem that are used therapeutically. Research was undertaken in the municipalities of Piranhas and Delmiro Gouveia, in the Xingó region (state of Alagoas, NE Brazil). In order to identify the medicinal plants used in this region, semi-structured questionnaires were applied. The species cited were collected and sent to the Xingó Herbarium for taxonomic analysis. The relative importance (RI) of each species cited was calculated to verify their cultural importance. The therapeutic indications attributed to the species were classified under 16 body systems. A total of 187 medicinal species were cited, from 64 families and 128 genera. The main indications for medicinal plant use were against common colds, bronchitis, cardiovascular problems, kidney problems, inflammations in general, and as tranquilizers. Approximately 16% (30 plant species) were versatile in relation to their use, with an Relative Importance value over 1, having been indicated for up to nine body systems. The body systems that stood out the most were: the respiratory system, the gastrointestinal system, and infectious diseases. Most cited plant parts used for medicinal purposes were flowers, leaves, and inner stem bark.

Survey of medicinal plants used in the region Northeast of Brazil

Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 2008

RESUMO: "Levantamento das plantas medicinais usadas na região Nordeste do Brasil". Este trabalho teve como objetivo um levantamento das plantas e dos seus usos como medicinais, as quais são utilizadas com fi ns terapêuticos na região Nordeste do Brasil. A área de estudo é reconhecida por uma rica biodiversidade, principalmente de plantas e de hábitats, abrangendo desde a Floresta Amazônica, Floresta Atlântica, sistemas de mangues e dunas costeiras, até fl orestas secas e savanas. Como resultados, foram registrados um total de 650 espécies pertencentes a 407 gêneros e 111 famílias, e suas informações etnomedicinais. A diversidade fl orística é dominada por vegetais superiores e apenas cinco espécies das famílias Aspleniaceae, Cyatheaceae, Equisetaceae, Polypodiaceae e Selaginellaceae pertencem ao grupo das Pteridófi tas, que corresconde a menos que 1% do total das espécies registradas. Este estudo sugere a grande importância da investigação das espécies farmacologicamente ainda não estudadas, uma vez que seus usos populares estão registrados.

Medicinal plants popularly used in the Brazilian Tropical Atlantic Forest

Fitoterapia, 2002

A survey of medicinal plants used by rural and urban inhabitants of the three cities of the Tropical Atlantic Forest, Region of Vale do Ribeira, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil was performed by means of 200 interviews with medicinal plant users and extractors and, traditional healers. One hundred fourteen herbal remedies were recorded and the following information reported: Latin, vernacular and English names, plant part used, forms of preparation and application of the herbal remedies, medicinal or food uses, areas of plant Ž . collection, economic importance when available and other data. ᮊ

Other medicinal plants and botanical products from the fi rst edition of the Brazilian Offi cial Pharmacopoeia

RESUMO: "Outras plantas medicinais e produtos botânicos da 1ª Edição da Farmacopéia Brasileira". Em trabalho anterior foi descrita a relação das plantas medicinais e produtos botânicos presentes nas quatro edições da Farmacopéia Brasileira (FBRAS). O trabalho discutiu também sobre a substituição das plantas nativas do Brasil por outros produtos importados e sintéticos ao longo das últimas décadas. Neste artigo, são apresentados novos dados sobre plantas medicinais e produtos botânicos presentes na 1ª Edição da FBRAS e em seus dois suplementos.

Medicinal plants and other botanical products from the Brazilian Official Pharmacopoeia

Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia, 2006

RESUMO: "Plantas medicinais e outros produtos vegetais da Farmacopéia Brasileira". Este artigo descreve os resultados de uma extensa revisão efetuada nas quatro edições da Farmacopéia Brasileira, buscando dados sobre as plantas medicinais e outros produtos vegetais nela descritos. O crescimento da indústria farmacêutica internacional a partir da segunda metade do século passado afetou intensamente a medicina ofi cial no Brasil. O texto faz uma breve análise das transformações sofridas pela Farmacopéia, tomando como base a existência de Monografi as para as espécies vegetais nativas. Os resultados do estudo demonstram uma intensa substituição das plantas nativas do Brasil por medicamentos industrializados e outros produtos vegetais estrangeiros, confi rmando assim a necessidade de investimentos em pesquisa de validação das nossas plantas medicinais.

Brazilian medicinal plants described by 19th century European naturalists and in the Official Pharmacopoeia

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2008

Ethnopharmacological relevance: The American flora represents one of the world's wealthiest sources of material with pharmacological activity due to its biodiversity. Medicinal plants are widely used as home remedies in Brazil but several species used are native of other continents and were introduced here since the colonization, beginning in 1500. The Traditional Medicine Division of the WHO recognizes the importance of plant species used by the Amerindian as medicines, and recommends that their efficacies should be evaluated through pharmacological and toxicological assays. Aim of the study: To verify which Brazilian medicinal plants, especially those of Amerindian origin, were used in 19th century and have been evaluated by pharmacological studies. Materials and methods: Data about the use of native plants in traditional medicine were searched in bibliographic material from European naturalists who traveled throughout Minas Gerais in the 19th century. Results and conclusion: Two hundred and three species were described as useful by these naturalists and thirty-nine of them were also included in the first edition of Brazilian Official Pharmacopoeia (FBRAS) in 1929, showing their use also in conventional medicine. Seventeen species have medicinal properties of Amerindian origin but despite the long tradition of medicinal plant use, only nine have been evaluated by pharmacological studies. That the studies which have been conducted to date have in each case confirmed the traditional uses of the plants examined. We suggest that the remaining species must be regarded as a priority for pharmacological studies, as they have promising phytotherapeutic potential.

Synopsis of the plants known as medicinal and poisonous in Northeast of Brazil

Revista Brasileira De Farmacognosia-brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy, 2007

The objective of this work is a survey of the species of plants and their alleged therapeutic uses which are utilized in Northeast region of Brazil. The area of this study is well known for its rich diversity of species of plants and habitats, which range from rainforest, atlantic forest, coastal dunes systems and mangroves, to dry forests and savannas. A total of 483 species belonging to 79 families along with their ethnomedicinal information have been recorded. This study aims at emphasizing the greatest importance of investigating those species of plants which have not been the subject of any pharmacological study, although their popular uses have been reported.

Medicinal plants popularly used in the Xingó region - a semi-arid location in Northeastern Brazil

Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine, 2006

The aim of this study was to identify plant species among the diverse flora of the caatinga ecosystem that are used therapeutically. Research was undertaken in the municipalities of Piranhas and Delmiro Gouveia, in the Xingó region (state of Alagoas, NE Brazil). In order to identify the medicinal plants used in this region, semi-structured questionnaires were applied. The species cited were collected and sent to the Xingó Herbarium for taxonomic analysis. The relative importance (RI) of each species cited was calculated to verify their cultural importance. The therapeutic indications attributed to the species were classified under 16 body systems. A total of 187 medicinal species were cited, from 64 families and 128 genera. The main indications for medicinal plant use were against common colds, bronchitis, cardiovascular problems, kidney problems, inflammations in general, and as tranquilizers. Approximately 16% (30 plant species) were versatile in relation to their use, with an Rel...