Analisis SWOT Strategi Pemasaran Kredit Serta Usulan Program Kerja dengan Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy (original) (raw)

Perancangan Strategi Pemasaran Menggunakan Analisis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) dan Business Model Canvas (BMC) di CV Omah Keramik

Bandung Conference Series: Industrial Engineering Science

CV. Omah Keramik is one of the SMEs engaged in the clay raw material processing sector, this company produces several types of products including ashtrays, jars, flower vases, flower pots, decorative plates, glass mugs. The problems that occur in CV. Omah Keramik, namely the decline in sales since the pandemic in 2019 which has affected the company's income, so a strategy is needed to deal with the post-pandemic situation and the problems that are currently happening. The purpose of this research is to identify the company's potential as well as design and develop marketing strategies to increase sales of the products offered. The research method is using SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) and also the Business Model Canvas (BMC). The results showed that the SWOT analysis that had been carried out by CV. Omah Keramik is in quadrant I based on the results of the IFE (internal factor evaluation) matrix, the result is 2.83 and the EFE (external factor evaluation) is 2.74, which means that it requires an aggressive strategy from all existing media to carry out marketing. Then the results of identification of internal and external factors are in Cell V which requires CV. Omah Keramik maintains and maintains business through product development and market penetration through the use of various media, both online and in person. So it can be concluded that CV. Omah Keramik has the potential to implement marketing strategies through identification results with SWOT Analysis and also BMC, both of which have links to help CV. Omah Keramik implements the right marketing strategy.


Builds a financial dependent on your marketing abilities. Financial, operations, accounting and other business functions will not be meaningful if there is not enough demand for the products and services so that the company could turn a profit. Marketing system plays a very important for entrepreneurs who want to be successful, and also when using the SWOT analysis which generates appropriate data gathering facts and good results so it can help for entrepreneurs in order to observe thefactors external and internal. Besides that employers can display Windows from the past and work with new breakthroughs in the future. As well as CV. CIPTA MANDIRI company able to compete with other credit-credit. Breakthrough and success made a breakthrough and new programs. With down directly to the field, the entrepreneur or the ranks of CV. CIPTA MANDIRI can also be a socializing with the public and can understand the conditions of the customer. With as it can bring in new customers can also tie customers ever. The use of the database "bombed" can also save so as not too many letters whichare issued and that database can choose the customers it deserves and not feasible, giving priority to the most important thing to the thing that is not very important. Choose a market with accurate targets can also reduce the rate of loss and can predict what should be promoted and when should be implemented. Using a SWOT analysis as it may require extra energy and sacrifice because of the spaciousness down directly, but he obtained results not be wasted nor disappointing. So for entrepreneurs who started from scratch, preferably using a SWOT analysis in order to find out myself without any doubt. Because if relying on others or don't use the SWOT analysis, the employers will not know the truth.

Analisis SWOT Dalam menentukan Strategi Pemasaran (Studi Kasus di Citifin Multi Finance Syariah, Kota Cirebon

Strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh CITIFIN Multi Finance Syariah Cirebon dalam memasarkan produk pembiayaan leasing syariah Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi dan kendala apa saja yang dihadapi oleh CITIFIN Mults Finance Syariah Cirebon dalam menjalankan usahanya Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research) yang bersifat kualitatif Dalarn mengumpulkan data peneliti menggunakan menggunakan teknik wawancara dan dokumentasi. Informan dan penelitian ini ada tiga orang pegawai dan CITIFIN Mutti Finance Syariah Cirebon. Setelah data terkumpul diolah melalui proses editing, klasifikasi, dan interpretasi Penelitian ini menghasilkan teman-temuan yaitu strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh CITIFIN Multi Finance Syariah Cirebon untuk calon nasabah diantaranya adalah dengan cara terjun langsung kelapangan dan bersosialisasi dalam pemasaran produknya. Strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan oleh CITIFIN Multi Finance Syariah Cirebon memang sudah berjalan dengan baik, namun strategi pemasaran yang dilakukan belum optimal dikarenakan adanya. beberapa kendala seperti persaingan bisnis karena banyaknya lembaga keuangan yang bersifat pembiayaan baik bank maupun non bank d Banjarmasin, margin dan Urah yang kalah bersaing dengan perayaan konvensional dan kurangnya respon masyarakat terhadap finance syariah, karena masyarakat masih banyak menganggap bahwa finance syarah sama saja dengan finance konvensional.

Analisis Strategi Pemasaran Dengan Metode Swot Dan QSPM Integrasi Analytic Hierarchy Process DI Coffee Shop Moja Kitchen

EKONOMIKA45 : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen, Ekonomi Bisnis, Kewirausahaan, 2021

This study aims to explain and formulate marketing alternatives that can be seen from the internal and external conditions in the Mojo Kitchen Coffee Shop Business at Jln Bhaskara No. 5 City of Surabaya. This research uses SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) and QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) using AHP Integration to Explain and Formulate Marketing Strategies. 5 City of Surabaya. Internal environmental analysis is used to get the strengths and weaknesses of the Mojo Kitchen Coffee Shop, and external environmental analysis is used to get opportunities and threats to the Mojo Kitchen Coffee Shop. From the results of the SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats), there are two SO (Strength Opportunity) Strategies, Two WO Strategies (Weakness Opportunity), Two ST (Strength Threat) Strategies, and Two WT (Weaknes Threat) Strategies. From the results of the four strategies, one strategy that is more superior or prioritized is selected...

Analisis SWOT Dalam Menentukan Strategi Pemasaran (Studi Kasus di Hotel syariah Cordova Cirebon

Artikel, 2023

The purpose of this research is to analyze superior competitive marketing strategies and appropriate company policies using the SWOT analysis method at Hotel Syariah Cordova Cirebon. SWOT analysis is carried out using the IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis) matrix which describes the company's strengths and weaknesses and the EFAS (External Factor Analysis) matrix which describes the company's opportunity and threat factors and the IE (Internal External) matrix which shows the company's current position. From the results of the data analysis, a total score of the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat factors was obtained, respectively, the highest strength weight was 1.68, the highest weakness weight was 0.45, the highest opportunity weight was 0.26, and the highest threat weight was 0.48. The average total score on the IFAS matrix is 2.67


Jurnal Point Equilibrium, 2020

This study discusses the determination of marketing strategies based on internal and external data of the company. Marketing strategy is one way to support marketing programs to achieve marketing objectives, namely seeking profit and seeking customer satisfaction. The purpose of this study is to find a clear picture of marketing strategies in an effort to increase savings and time deposits at PT. BPR Rangkiang Aur, using a descriptive approach to bank funding from 2013 to 2017, with a population of 10 bank employees and 20 customers as well as samples. Determination of marketing strategies using the SWOT analysis method. Data from internal companies come from the leadership, staff and employees of the company. While externally the company comes from savings and deposit customers. Based on observations and considerations of all factors that influence the marketing strategy in an effort to increase savings and deposits at PT. BPR Rangkiang Aur, the selected strategy is the SO strategy with a value of 3.7, the strategy is carried out by using the strengths owned by utilizing the various opportunities that exist, ABSTRAK Penelitian ini membahas mengenai penentuan strategi pemasaran berdasarkan data internal dan eksternal perusahaan. Strategi pemasaran merupakan salah satu cara untuk mendukung program pemasaran guna mencapai tujuan pemasaran yaitu mencari laba dan mencari kepuasan konsumen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran yang jelas tentang strategi pemasaran dalam upaya peningkatan tabungan dan deposito berjangka pada PT. BPR Rangkiang Aur, dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan deskriptif sumber dana bank tahun 2013 sampai tahun 2017, dengan populasi 10 orang karyawan bank dan 20 orang nasabah sekaligus dijadikan sampel. Penetapan strategi pemasaran menggunakan metode analisis SWOT. Data dari internal perusahaan berasal dari Pimpinan, staff dan karyawan/ti perusahaan. Sedangkan dari eksternal perusahaan berasal dari nasabah tabungan dan deposito. Berdasarkan pengamatan dan pertimbangan semua faktor yang mempengaruhi strategi Pemasaran Dalam Upaya Peningkatkan Tabungan dan Deposito pada PT. BPR Rangkiang Aur, maka Srategi yang terpilih adalah srategi SO dengan Nilai 3.7, yaitu strategi yang dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan kekuatan yang dimiliki dengan memanfaatkan berbagai peluang yang ada.

Analisa Strategi Pemasaran Penjualan Martabak Mengunakan Metode SWOT

Jurnal Teknik Ibnu Sina, 2020

Kegiatan penelitian yang dilakukan pada kesempatan kali ini adalah menganalisa stategi pemasaran di usaha martabak Indo rasa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang dan ancaman usaha, kemudian menentukan strategi perusahaan berdasarkan faktor eksternal dan internal perusahaan setelah itu mendapatkan priorias strategi yang akan diterapkan. Dalam persaingan usaha suatu perusahaan dituntut untuk selalu mengembangkan strategi perusahaan agar dapat bertahan dan terus berkembang di tengah gencarnya persaingan usaha, oleh sebab itu perusahaan perlu mengembangkan suatu strategi yang tepat agar perusahaan dapat mempertahankan eksistensinya dan dapat memperbaiki kinerja usaha. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer yang diperoleh melalui observasi, wawancara, dan kuisioner. Penelitian ini di lakukan dengan menggunakan metode analisa internal dan eksternal matriks IFE&EFE. Kemudian dilakukan pembobotan menggunakan metode AHP untuk mendapatkan prioritas strategi. dimasukan kedalam Matrik IE, Matrik SWOT, Matriks SPACE dan QSPM. Hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa dengan menggunakan Matrik QSPM, maka strategi yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan hasil penjualan.

Analisis strategi pemasaran menggunakan matriks SWOT, matriks IFE, matriks EFE, dan matriks IE (Studi kasus pada bisnis

Jurnal manajemen bisnis dan kewirausahaan, 2023

To achieve the expected profit, a business must determine the strategy to be implemented. By setting the right strategy, the company will have an impact on business progress. To determine an appropriate strategy for a business, the strategy must be adapted to environmental conditions both internally and externally. By analyzing the business environment, it is hoped that the strategy implemented will have a positive impact on the business in overcoming competition. This study aims to determine the internal business conditions based on the IFE matrix analysis of the business, to determine the external business conditions based on the EFE matrix analysis on the business, and to find out what strategies should be applied by the business to overcome the problems that arise. experienced. The research method used in this study is qualitative research with primary data types based on observation techniques on the business as well as secondary data which refers to gathering information through various sources. The results of the study show that from the analysis of the IFE, EFE, IE, and SWOT Matrix, the strategy that can implement is market penetration and product development.

SWOT analysis utk pengembangan strategy program studi menuju kelas dunia

MATICS, 2021

Teknologi informasi merupakan salah satu bidang yang berkembang pesat di zaman sekarang. Fenomena ini diperkirakan akan terus berlangsung dalam jangka yang sangat panjang. Kualitas program studi tentunya harus mengikuti perkembangan teknologi informasi tersebut. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pendekatan yang komprehensif dalam mengembangkan program studi berdasarkan kondisi yang ada pada program studi tersebut. Penelitian ini akan membahas strategi pengembangan program studi berdasarkan analisis SWOT dan ranking prioritas pada jurusan TI UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.