Prospek Perkembangan Reksadana Syariah DI Indonesia (original) (raw)

Prospek Dan Tantangan Perkembangan Reksadana Syariah DI Indonesia

EKSYDA: Jurnal Studi Ekonomi Syariah, 2020

The Islamic economy and finance in Indonesia, which is increasingly developing in a positive direction, is an encouraging matter for the majority of Indonesian people who are Muslim. Conventional economic activities that have been developing have contained elements of speculation and the existence of an interest system that is considered to suffocate the public, including in capital market activities. The development of the capital market in Indonesia currently has a special attraction for investors. However, to be able to invest directly, there are several obstacles faced by investors such as limited knowledge, information and time. One alternative investment instrument that can be a solution to these constraints is Mutual Funds. Islamic mutual funds exist to complement the diversity of existing conventional mutual funds to be an investment choice for investors, not only Muslim investors but investors in general. Islamic mutual funds in Indonesia from 2010-2019 continued to increase both in quality and quantity. However, the development of sharia mutual funds also faces challenges, namely the challenges of applying the sharia principle itself which must be maintained so that sharia mutual funds continue to run in accordance with sharia principles.

Investasi Reksadana Syariah DI Indonesia

AT-TIJARAH: Jurnal Penelitian Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah, 2020

The development of Islamic investment in Indonesia is progressing very rapidly. The principle of every investment made by each individual must be based on sharia principles. This study aims to explain the principles of sharia mutual funds investing which are currently growing rapidly as well as the development and procedures for investing in Islamic mutual funds. The results of this study indicate that the statistical development of Islamic mutual funds tends to increase significantly, the NAV of Islamic mutual funds in August 2020 reached 67.71 trillion. Players in sharia mutual fund investments include investors and investment managers who are trusted by investors in managing their mutual funds. The procedure for investing in Islamic mutual funds includes two ways, namely the method of buying or referred to as subcription and redemption or the method of selling Islamic mutual funds, a good understanding of these two methods will determine the risks and benefits that investors and ...

Prospek Perbankan Syariah DI Indonesia

Al-Insyiroh: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2018

Masyarakat indonesia adalah masyarakat yang kaya akan keberagaman, baik dalam budaya , bahasa, bahkan agama. Dalam kehidupan sosial, masyarakat tersebut tentunya tidak terlepas dengan adanya interaksi antar individu sebagai proses sosialisasi baik dalam bidang keagamaan maupun dal;am bidang perkonomian. Hal ini nyata dalam aspek perekonomian yang menjadi sorotan dewasa ini adalah munculnya bank-bank yang berbasis perekonomian islam yang lebih populer di sebut dengan perbankan syariah tersebut merupakan respon adanya kegelisahan dan kegundaan jiwa masyarakat islam di indonesia akan lalu lintas perekonomian yanh hanya berorientasi pada kehidupan duniawi saja sehingga tidak berjalan seirama dengan aturan agama islam. Kemunculan bank-bank syariah di harapkan mampu menjawab dan merespon agar lalu lintas perekonomian masyarakat di indonesia (yang nota bene masyarakat di indonesia beragam islam), mampu berjalan seirama yang di yakini akan membawa kemaslahatan bagi peningkatan ekonomi.

Studi Empirik: Perkembangan Investasi Reksadana Syariah di Indonesia

Jurnal Syarah IAIN Malikussaleh Lhokseumawe, 2013

To invest in the stock market, people are often constrained in value of investments and high risk. The existence of mutual funds in the investment world is expected to provide an opportunity for investors who have the money and limited investment information in the financial markets. For investors who have a value judgment ethic, Islamic mutual funds can be an option while considering investment risk and return. Mutual fund industry in Indonesia has improved steadily increasing both in number of mutual funds, investment units, and net asset value. Islamic mutual funds also experienced an increase in the number of issued investment products based on Islamic values by investmentmanager. However, the total investment or contribution to economic activity is still lower investment in the mutual fund industry as a whole.

Investasi Pada Reksadana Syariah DI Indonesia

AKSY: Jurnal Ilmu Akuntansi dan Bisnis Syariah

This article has the purpose to explain and analyze sharia investment activities in Indonesia. Investment has become one of the most popular economic activities in several developed countries, so far it has been common in developing countries, such as Indonesia. Islamic mutual fund is an interesting activity for people who will invest their wealth on the trading floor in accordance with sharia rules. As Sharia mutual funds are a means or container used to collect funds from the public which will then be invested in a portfolio of securities that is assisted by the investment manager. In this case, the securities portfolio can be in the form of money market instruments, stocks, bonds, or a combination of several forms of them. The operational me­chanism in sharia mutual funds consists of two channels, first, the contract between the capital owner and the investment manager is implemented with a wakalah system. Secondly, investment managers and investment users are held in a mudharaba...

Prospek Dan Tantangan Perkembangan Asuransi Syariah DI Indonesia

This paper wants to explore more about the prospects and challenges of the development of Islamic insurance in Indonesia. Islamic insurance industry in Indonesia has very good prospects for growth, the demand for insurance products based on shariah will continue to increase. This is supported by a large population of Indonesia and also as the largest Muslim country in the world. However, this industry will also experience a very strong obstacle because of the global economic downturn, as it also conditions the people are not educated about insurance, the free market has begun to be applied, resources are less about Islamic insurance, lack of capital and other on.Therefore it needs the government's role to help to continue to grow, with regulations that support this industry.

Mekanisme Dan Perkembangan Reksadana Syariah


Investasi merupakan salah satu bentuk pemanfaatan dana yang dapat menghasilkan keuntungan bagi pemilik dana. Investasi memiliki berbagai macam bentuk, misalnya deposito, saham, obligasi, maupun reksa dana. Salah satu bentuk investasi syari’ah adalah reksa dana syari’ah. Saat ini, reksa dana syari’ah merupakan investasi yang menarik bagi masyarakat yang ingin berinvestasi sesuai dengan syari’ah. Reksa dana syari’ah merupakan alternatif investasi yang hanya menempatkan dana pada debitor yang tidak melanggar batasan syari’ah, dalam fundamental maupun operasional perusahaan, sesuai fatwa Majelis Ulama Indonesia. Reksa dana syariah merupakan sarana investasi yang menggabungkan saham dan obligasi syari’ah dalam satu produk yang dikelola oleh manajer investasi. Manajer investasi menawarkan reksa dana syari’ah kepada para investor yang berminat, sementara dana yang diperoleh dari investor tersebut dikelola oleh manajer investasi untuk ditanamkan dalam saham atau obligasi syari’ah yang dinil...

Analisis Kinerja Reksadana Syariah Di Pasar Modal Indonesia

Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi dan Bisnis, 2016

Abstrak : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja reksadana syariah, dengan mengukur tingkat keuntungan (rate of return) yang diperoleh dan risiko (risk) yang menyertai investasi tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini runtun waktu atau time-series bersifat data bulanan yaitu dari Januari 2013 – Oktober 2015. Reksadana syariah yang memenuhi periode penelitian ini terdiri dari 3 (tiga) reksadana, sedangkan reksadana konvensional yang dijadikan pembanding berjumlah 21 reksadana. Seluruh reksadana yang diteliti merupakan reksadana campuran. Untuk menghitung kinerja historis reksadana selama periode penelitian digunakan metode time-weighted rate of return dan risiko (risk) yang ditanggung reksadana dihitung sebagai standar deviasi dari kinerja reksadana yang bersangkutan. Metode Sharpe digunakan untuk perbandingan sekaligus pemeringkatan kinerja reksadana berdasarkan risk-adjusted return. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata return yang diperoleh dari investasi pada reksadana...