Design and Determine the LADM Infrastructure for Turkey Country Profile (original) (raw)

Nowadays Land Administration Domain Model (LADM) is a very important component for Cadastral Systems and e-government database framework all over the world. In that case, design and develop LADM for using the cadastral data specific issue for every country. When the past or present cadastral systems are examined, it is seen that the cadastral systems have different purpose, content, scope and administrative structure in different countries. However, all of these systems are generally based on the same logical basis. This basis is the relationship arrangement between people and land through the rights of the cadastre on real property. Internationally, the demand for a widely accepted standardised domain model in land administration emerged in the early 2000s, partly as a result of Cadastre 2014. An effort to standardise cadastral systems started in 2002 by Lemmen and van Oosterom, who had the vision of the Core Cadastral Domain Model. Since then, the model has evolved into the intern...