Pengaruh Keaktifan Mahasiswa Dalam Berorganisasi Terhadap Kedisiplinan Belajar Mahasiswa Pai Uin Raden Fatah Palembang (original) (raw)
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CERMIN: Jurnal Penelitian
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Korelasi Keaktifan Berorganisasi Dengan Prestasi Belajar Mahasiswa
The development of the times requires humans not only to master scientific theory alone, but also requires soft skills that can keep up with the rapid technological advances. Technological advances have caused many human workers to be replaced by technology. Awareness regarding the mastery of soft skills in this era has been realized by some people, as evidenced by the large number of people who attend seminars, training, workshops, communities, organizations and others which are places to hone their skills. Being active in an organization can help hone the soft skills of each individual. However, different assumptions were found regarding the activeness of the students in the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teaching Science (FTIK) Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris State Islamic University (UINSI) Samarinda. Through observation, 29% of students thought that being active in an organization would reduce learning achievement and 71% thought it could increase learning achievement. This difference in assumptions made researchers interested in knowing how the relationship between activeness in an organization and the learning achievement of students who are actively involved in organizations. This study uses a correlational quantitative method using a sample of 68 based on the calculation of the Slovin formula. The results of the research show that 1) there is a significant relationship between organizational activity and learning achievement, 2) organizational activity has a positive relationship with learning achievement, 3) the contribution of organizational activity to learning achievement is 36%.