To Control Effects of Air Pollution Using Roadside Trees
Pollution is one of the serious problem in the world. There are different types of pollution. Pollution affects on Environment Degradation, Human Health, Global Warming, Ozone Layer Depletion, and Infertile Land. Vehicles are one of the main causes of air pollution. It is known fact that 60 % of air pollution in metro city is caused by automobilesonly. Vehicles releases Particular matter (PM), Hydrocarbons (HC), Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Carbon monoxide (CO), Sulphur dioxide (SO2), Toxics, Greenhouse gases into the air. The effect of these pollutants is observed on plants which are considers for investigation of effect of auto exhaust pollutants on road side trees. Plants are one of the natural solution to reduce air pollution. This Paper states work that is done on different trees at different places for analyse the effects of air pollution on tree leaves. The all author is used air pollution tolerance index (APTI) method to measure plants responses towards air pollution. The four pro...
Effect of Air Pollutants on Urban Roadside Trees in Shivajinagar Pashan Area, Pune City
ES Food & Agroforestry, 2021
Roadside urban trees have great potential to control air pollution. This study evaluates the impact of air pollutants (PM 10 & 2.5, SO x , NO x) on the morphology of Polyalthia longofolia (Ashoka tree) & Ficus racemosa (Umbar tree) in Shivajinagar and Pashan area of Pune city. APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index) was calculated by estimating pH, R.W.C. (Relative water content), Ascorbic acid (A.A.) & Total chlorophyll (T.C.). The result reveals that the various oxides studied are within the permissible limits as suggested by NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standard) and WHO (World Health Organisation). However, PM 10 & PM 2.5 were found to be above the permissible limit standards prescribed by NAAQS and WHO. Ficus racemosa was found to be intermediate to air pollution, and Polyalthia longofolia was tolerant of air pollution in Shivajinagar and Pashan areas. Thus Ficus racemosa & Polyalthia longofolia can be planted to mitigate air pollution.
Though water and land pollution is very dangerous, air pollution has its own peculiarities, due to its transboundary dispersion of pollutants over the entire world. In any well planned urban set up, industrial pollution takes a back seat and vehicular emissions take precedence as the major cause of urban air pollution. A study of Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) was calculated for various plant species growing at the seven cross-roads of Ahmedabad city. The leaf samples collected from 5 commonly present tree species at the cross-roads of Ahmedabad city were used to determine their Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI). Four physiological and biochemical parameters, which are leaf relative water content (RWC), Ascorbic acid content (AA), total leaf chlorophyll (TChl) and leaf extract pH were used to compute the APTI values. The result showed order of tolerance as Ficus benghalensis exhibited the highest value at all the sites followed by Ficus religiosa> Ficus glomerata followed by Azadiracta indica > Polyalthia longifolia.
Urban air quality around commercial and residential areas in cities has been progressively deteriorating due to gaseous pollutants released by an increasing load of vehicular on the roads resulting in adverse effects on human health. Plants due to their gas exchange have capability combat gaseous pollutants. The Phytoremediation capability and capacity of plants has been studied through the use of Anticipated Pollution Index (API) and Air pollution tolerance Index (APTI). Apart from other factors, the ecological significance of each plant has been considered for evaluating the API. The present study was undertaken for 40 plants, Syzygium cumini, Menispermum cordifoliu, Albizia lebbeck, Saborium chinense Raf. Eclipta prostrate, Tectona grandis, Thevetia peruviana, Nerium oleander Linn, Pithecellobium dulc, Alianthus excelsa Roxb., etc.. Phoenix humili (3.65) and Calotropis gigantean (15.13) with highest APTI were found to be more tolerant to gaseous pollutants, whereas Syzygium cumini is anticipated to be better performer along road sides on the API score. Others plants found to be excellent performers were
Tree as Bio-Indicator of Automobile Pollution in Surat City: A Case Study
international journal of chemical sciences, 2012
With the fast growth in industrial projects along with vehicular growth in Surat city the level of pollution is also increasing. The study examined the air pollution tolerance indices (APTI) of plant species Gulmohar Plant (Delonix Regia) around residential area, commercial area, developing area and industrial area of Surat city. Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) is used by landscapers to select plant species tolerant to air pollution. Experimental data suggested that combining a variety of physiological parameters could give more reliable results. The results of control site (CS) were compared to that of experimental site (ES). Throughout the study period, some species exhibited APTI variation related to changes in air, temperature and water status of the plant. The results highlighted the need for APTI measurements to be conducted at regular time intervals to keep an eye on pollution. The results showed that the most tolerant tree species with respect to APTI is Neem tree. Thes...
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, 2018
As the foliage being continually exposed to the atmosphere, absorb, collect and integrate pollutants impinging on their foliar surface, continually they show visible or stubble changes depending on their sensitivity level. Trees remove air pollutants by three means: assimilation by the leaves, deposition of particulates and aerosols over leaf surface, and
Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) is used by landscapers to select plant species tolerant to air pollution. To develop the usefulness of plants as bioindicators requires an appropriate selection of plant species which entail an utmost importance for a particular situation. Four physiological and biochemical parameters including leaf relative water content (RWC), ascorbic acid (AA) content, total leaf chlorophyll (TCh) and leaf extract pH were used to develop an APTI. The present study was designed to categorise trees commonly used as roadside plantations, as sensitive or resistant based on their air pollution tolerance index (APTI) values. The study area selected for the same was the educational hub of Gujarat State i.e. Vidyanagar. The seasonal variations in the APTI values of the selected tree species were studied. From the present study the order of tolerance of the selected tree species was Cassia renigera>Cassia fistula> Delonix regia>Azadirachta indica >Samanea ...
The International Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences, 2015
Trees naturally clean the environment and help in reducing air pollution. The selection of suitable tree species depends on the response of trees to air pollution and can be understood by analyzing the factors that determine resistance and susceptibility. In order to evaluate the resistance and susceptibility level of plant species to air pollutants, twelve different plant species i.e. Polyalthia longifolia, Nerium indicum, Tabernamontana divariata, Cassia saimia, plumeria rubra, leucaena leucocephala, Azadirachta indica, Zizipus zizuba, Ficus religeosa, Boughanvellia spectabilis, Annona squamosa & Alstonia Scholaris was taken from Residential (S1), Commercial (SII) & Industrial (SIII) area of the city as this flora is very much common to the Jalgaon city & is planted on the roadside. The quality of air with respect to SPM, SO2 and NO2 has been also assessed on respective sites to see its effect on biochemical parameters of the leaves i.e. pH, total water content, chlorophyll and as...
The resistivity and susceptibility level of tree species to air pollution within avenue's of Urban Bangalore has been evaluated on the basis of Air Pollution Tolerance Index (APTI) value. Four parameters namely Leaf extract pH, Total Chlorophyll Content, Relative Water Content of Leaf and Ascorbic Acid content were determined and APTI was computed. The tree species with higher APTI values like Polyalthia longifolia, Albizia saman, Azadiracta indica, Pongamia pinnata, Swietenia mahogany, Michelia champaca, Millingtonia hortensis and Tamarindus indica are tolerant to air pollutants and can be used as an effectively indicators and pollution scavengers. The tree species having higher APTI value can be given priority for plantation program in newly urbanized areas and avenue's of Urban Bangalore; so as to reduce the stress of motorists at traffic junctions, effect of air pollution and make the environment clean for healthy life.