Grating tuned Ti:Sa laser for in-source spectroscopy of Rydberg and autoionizing states (original) (raw)

Rydberg and autoionization tm states investigation by the three-step laser excitation and electric field ionization method

Zeitschrift f�r Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 1987

The energies of 190 Rydberg and autoionization 4 f 13 6snp-states of the Tm atom (ground electron configuration 4 f ~3 6s 2, nuclear charge Z=69) have been measured by the laser multistep excitation with subsequent electric field ionization method. The investigation range of these states has been extended towards states with higher and lower values of the principal quantum number. As a result the energies of 160 states have been obtained for the first time. The experiment has been carried out on an automated laser photoionization spectrometer. The measurement accuracy has been _ 0.5 cm-~

Optical resonance detection by field ionization of Rydberg state in colinear laser spectroscopy

Journal de Physique, 1986

2014 Deux nouvelles méthodes efficaces, et non optiques, de détection de résonance optique en spectroscopie colinéaire sont décrites. La première méthode utilise l'ionisation par champ d'un état de Rydberg peuplé à l'aide de deux lasers : le premier est monomode et interagit colinéairement avec le jet d'atomes rapides et le second est multimode et interagit perpendiculairement. En détectant, à la résonance, les ions produits à la place des photons de fluorescence, on obtient une efficacité de 1,1 x 10-5 qui est comparable à la limite de sensibilité habituellement atteinte par la méthode de fluorescence induite par laser. Une deuxième expérience similaire utilise deux lasers à colorant monomodes tous deux interagissant colinéairement avec le faisceau d'atomes rapides. Par comparaison avec la première méthode, on obtient un accroissement de la sensibilité de deux ordres de grandeur (correspondant à une efficacité de 1,2 x 10-3). L'application de ces méthodes à l'étude d'isotopes de courte durée de vie, produits en ligne, est examinée. Abstract 2014 New efficient non-optical detection methods of optical resonances in colinear laser spectroscopy are described. A first method uses the field ionization of a Rydberg state populated by means of two lasers : one is single frequency and interacts colinearly with the fast atomic beam, the other one is multimode and interacts perpendicularly. By detecting, at resonance, the produced ions instead of the fluorescence photons, an overall efficiency of 1.1 x 10-5 has been obtained, which is comparable to the usual sensitivity limit reached by the laser induced fluorescence method. A second similar experiment uses two single mode dye lasers both interacting colinearly with the fast atomic beam. Compared to the first technique an increase of the sensitivity by two orders of magnitude has been obtained (corresponding to an efficiency of 1.2 x 10-3). Application to the study of on line produced short-lived isotopes is discussed.

Laser-enhanced ionization spectroscopy of mercury Rydberg states

Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 1997

The spectral characteristics of mercury Rydberg states (n = 10-42) were observed and studied. Each principal quantum number was observed as a triplet, and after observing a quartet of lines for n = 10, 11, and 12, these lines were assigned, from red to blue, as belonging to upper levels ~p0, 3p0, 3p10 ' and 3p0. These levels were studied as a function of variable applied high voltage (between the electrodes) and variable buffer gas pressure. In this way, the broadening and splitting caused by the influence of Stark effects and of increasing buffer gas pressure were observed for different n values. These observations will allow one to choose the optimal level for excitation, as well as the optimal operating conditions in terms of pressure and applied high voltage, for obtaining the best sensitivity and limit of detection by analytical laser-enhanced ionization spectroscopy. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.

Tm autoionization rydberg states in the vicinity of the third and fourth atomic ionization limit

Zeitschrift f�r Physik D: Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 1989

The energies of about 200 autoionization Rydberg states of the thulium atom have been measured in the 57380-58960cm -1 energy region by laser multistep excitation and subsequent autoionization with an accuracy of +0.4 c m -i . More than a half of the states have been grouped in series. New spectroscopic information has been derived. Three-step two-colour effective excitation schemes have been proposed for thulium atom detection.

Investigation of lutetium rydberg states by laser multistep resonance ionization spectroscopy

Zeitschrift f�r Physik D Atoms, Molecules and Clusters, 1992

Laser multistep excitation and electric-field ionization spectroscopy have been used to investigate experimentally highly excited states (HES) of lutetium in the vicinity of the first ionization limit. The investigation includes the measurement of energy levels (ionic signal vs last transition frequency) and radiation lifetime (ionic signal vs ionizing electric-field pulse delay) of the states investigated. Even Rydberg states of 4f a4 6s2nd have been observed with two-step laser excitation. The maximum experimental error is 0.3 cm-1 for the energy and 20% for the radiation lifetime measurements. This is the very first time that results for the lifetimes as well as for a large part of the energy values have been obtained. Our present experimental results compare well with previously calculated values obtained by relativistic perturbation theory using the zero-order model approximation, and with the available experimental values.

A three-step laser stabilization scheme for excitation to Rydberg levels in 85Rb

Applied Physics B, 2012

We demonstrate a three step laser stabilization scheme for excitation to nP and nF Rydberg states in 85 Rb, with all three lasers stabilized using active feedback to independent Rb vapor cells. The setup allows stabilization to the Rydberg states 36P 3/2-70P 3/2 and 33F 7/2-90F 7/2 , with the only limiting factor being the available third step laser power. We study the scheme by monitoring the three laser frequencies simultaneously against a self-referenced optical frequency comb. The third step laser, locked to the Rydberg transition, displays an Allan deviation of 30 kHz over 1 second and <80 kHz over 1 hour. The scheme is very robust and affordable, and it would be ideal for carrying out a range of quantum information experiments.

Laser spectroscopy measurement of radiative lifetimes of highly excited thulium Rydberg states

Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 1989

The radiative lifetime Ï{sub rad} of the highly excited 4{ital f}¹³ââ6{ital s}ââ(4){ital np}ââ(1ââ) ({ital n}=21--31) Rydberg Tm states have been measured with the method of multistep laser excitation and electric fiedl ionization. The lifetime values have been obtained with an accuracy of better than 15%. The influence of blackbody radiation on the states with {ital n}â¥27 has been observed. The

Three-step resonant photoionization spectroscopy of Ni and Ge: ionization potential and odd-parity Rydberg levels

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2007

In preparation of a laser ion source, we have investigated multi-step laser ionization via Rydberg and autoionizing states for atomic Ni and Ge using a mass separator with an ion beam energy of 20 keV. For both elements resonant three-step excitation schemes suitable for modern Ti:sapphire laser systems were developed. Rydberg series in the range of principal quantum numbers 20 n 80 were localized, assigned and quantum numbers were allocated to the individual resonances. Ionization potentials (IP) were extracted from fits of the individual series and quantum defects of individual levels were analysed for confirmation of series assignment. For Ni the ionization potential could be extracted with significantly increased precision compared to literature with a value of E IP (Ni) = 61 619.77(14) cm −1. Also, at least one notable autoionizing state above the first IP was discovered for both elements, and the different ionization schemes via Rydberg or autoionizing states were compared with respect to line shape, ionization efficiency and selectivity.

Atom-at-a-time laser resonance ionization spectroscopy of nobelium

Nature, 2016

Optical spectroscopy of a primordial isotope has traditionally formed the basis for understanding the atomic structure of an element. Such studies have been conducted for most elements and theoretical modelling can be performed to high precision, taking into account relativistic effects that scale approximately as the square of the atomic number. However, for the transfermium elements (those with atomic numbers greater than 100), the atomic structure is experimentally unknown. These radioactive elements are produced in nuclear fusion reactions at rates of only a few atoms per second at most and must be studied immediately following their production, which has so far precluded their optical spectroscopy. Here we report laser resonance ionization spectroscopy of nobelium (No; atomic number 102) in single-atom-at-a-time quantities, in which we identify the ground-state transition (1)S0 (1)P1. By combining this result with data from an observed Rydberg series, we obtain an upper limit f...

A beam of laser-cooled lithium Rydberg atoms for precision microwave spectroscopy

Optics Communications, 1993

Lithium atoms slowed down by laser cooling have been prepared into Rydberg states. Pulses of excited atoms, whose velocity can be reduced down to zero, have been detected at a repetition rate ofO.5 kHz. This atom source operates with cheap, easy to use semiconductor solid state lasers and is very convenient for high-resolution microwave spectroscopy of circular Rydberg states of lithium. 0030-4018/93/$ 06.00