Peranan Budaya Dan Kebudayaan DI Indonesia Dari Aspek Sosiologi Hukum (original) (raw)

Budaya Hukum Dan Implikasinya Terhadap Pembangunan Hukum Nasional

DIKTUM: Jurnal Syariah dan Hukum, 2013

The culture of law is acceptance and resistance on a law event indicating each human behavior on legal problem and event brought in to community. The law can't be only seen from the yuridical perspective, but it must be seen by several perspective according to people and nation development either developed or developing countries. National development is an absolute requirement to improve people life, nation, and state.

Kriminologi Budaya Untuk Kesejahteraan Indonesia

Jurnal Hukum Pidana dan Kriminologi

Suatu ilmu pengetahuan harus memberi manfaat tempat ilmu pengetahuan tersebut digali.Dalam konteks ini, kriminologi yang dipelajari dari masyarakat Indonesia harusmemberikan manfaat terhadap masyarakat Indonesia. Artikel ini merupakan tesis tentangkriminologi budaya yang bermanfaat bagi pengendalian kejahatan dan perwujudankesejahteraan sosial bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Kriminologi budaya Indonesiamelandaskan diri pada konsep structural coupling, yaitu struktur penyesuaian diri atauadaptasi dan toleransi antar etnis dan golongan di Indonesia. Sementara kesejahteraansosial adalah tujuan yang harus diwujudkan dalam setiap program pembangunan.

Peran dan Kompleksitas Hukum Adat dalam Konteks Keberagaman Budaya Indonesia

Analisis Hukum Adat Chapter 1, 2024

Hukum adat, dengan sifatnya yang tidak tertulis dan beragam di antara berbagai komunitas, memerlukan kajian yang mendalam terhadap perkembangannya. Paradigma baru dalam memahami hukum adat menuntut pemahaman yang luas, meliputi: a) pengakuan terhadap hukum adat, agama, dan kebiasaan sebagai sistem hukum yang berdampingan dengan hukum negara; b) pemahaman yang mencakup berbagai komunitas, termasuk yang tidak terwakili secara tradisional; dan c) pengakuan terhadap hukum transnasional sebagai bagian dari interpretasi hukum nasional dan lokal. Perkembangan hukum adat harus dipelajari secara obyektif dan analitis, baik dari sisi positif maupun negatif. Secara positif, hukum adat diakui sebagai ekspresi nilai-nilai dan aspirasi masyarakat, sedangkan secara negatif, hukum adat sering kali terpinggirkan oleh hukum positif negara. Pertanyaan pun muncul mengenai relevansi hukum adat dalam konteks kehidupan kota modern, yang dipengaruhi oleh politik hukum dan metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitiannya.


Aqlam: Journal of Islam and Plurality, 2018

Culture as a result of the free and dual human creative power of the natural world, it encompasses the material matters (Immaterial) and Maddi (material), real and unreal objects, Malmusah and Ghairu malmusah (palpable and untouched). Essentially, culture (Tsaqafah) is expressed as the product of human reason consisting of patterns, steady attitudes, thoughts, feelings, and reactions obtained and is primarily derived by symbols that make up its achievement independently of human groups. The nature of this Islamic responsiveness has been built by the Prophet (s) when prohibiting Khamr, forbidding the worship of idols and other shari'ah. How Rasulullah saw is very careful and gradual in doing da'wah, so achieved the success of da'wah in upholding Islamic creed and shari'ah at that time. Today many problems in the establishment of law and legislation, legislators are more concerned with intellectual subjectivity and importance than the objectivity of humanity to the benefit, resulting in policies that are not responsive to the needs of society. The author in this context tries to inventory the various local wisdom of the Muslim community in the archipelago that is relevant as an approach in establishing legislation based on local culture.

Rekonstruksi Budaya Hukum Nasional Yang Berbasis Nilai-Nilai Budaya Hukum Bangsa Indonesia


Indonesia is former Dutch colony in which its legal system is heavily influenced by the Continental European Legal System. Geographically located in the continent of Europe which was colonized by France, Holland has traditionally followed the Continental European Legal System. This System is formally and substantially adopted by Indonesia. The Continental European Legal System is based on a system of law that has been created by Parliament. Conversely, cultural-customs differences among the Indonesian communities have led to the conflict between the existing law and law cultural. It is therefore that effort is urgently needed to adjust both the system and reconstruction of the law faculty curriculum in order to accommodate the clash between one law cultural and another one.

Peranan Budaya Hukum Dalam Perspektif Pembangunan Hukum Nasional


Law as a tool of social engineering so to look at that interdepenced between system of law with social culture showed that to build the development of culture of law is a urgent component because will be influence to development substance of law and practice of law

Pengaruh Budaya Hukum Terhadap Pembangunan Hukum Good Governance DI Indonesia

Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Syir'ah, 2016

Constitutionally, rule of law is recognized in Indonesia. It means recognition of the law enforcement. Law is part of the community. Therefore, there is a term law community. The existence of law in Indonesia that can be encountered in daily life in the era of post-reform differs from that of the New Order (ORBA), either in positive or negative terms. Development continues to be implemented, as a process of change that is planned, to reach various aspects of the Indonesian community. One form of development is law development, which is also intrinsically related to other life aspects of similar social phenomena.In Indonesian society, where culture and social structure is complex, law serves more as a means of societal revival that grows from the community members who have power and authority, which may reflect the interests of the general public. Thus, the good governance project occurred, representing the Indonesian government's commitment to realize equitable and fair prosperi...

Hukum Adat dan Politik Hukum Indonesia

Indonesia sebagai negara yang besar memiliki adat istiadat dan suku bangsa yang beraneka ragam. KEkayaan lain yang juga terkandung di dalamnya adalah HUkum Adat yang juga beragam. Lalu bagaiman HUkum Adat ini tumbuh dan berkembang di tengah makin derasnya arus globalisasi di dunia. Tulisan ini akk n membahas mengenai HUkum Adat dan Politik Hukum yang ada di Indonesia. bagaimana pemerintah menfasilitasi masyarakat adat yang notabene merupakan warga negara Indonesia.