National Conference on Conservation Agriculture ( ITM University , Gwalior on 22-23 February , 2018 ) Effect of Organic Manure and Biofertilizers on Growth , Yield and Quality of Strawberry ( Fragaria X ananassa Duch ) CV . Sweet Charlie (original) (raw)
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An experiment was carried out during 2017-2018 and to study the effect of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers on plant growth, yield and quality of Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) cv. Shimla Delicious under mid-hill conditions of Uttarakhand. There were 9 treatments replicated thrice in randomized complete block design. Treatments comprise different doses of organic manures and inorganic Fertilizers. Plant spread, leaves per plant, duration of fruiting, no. of flowers per plant, no. fruits per plant, percentage of fruit set, fruit yield per plot and physicochemical characteristics of plant i.e. TSS, reducing sugar, non reducing sugar and total sugar were also found maximum under the treatment 75% Organic Manure FYM+ Inorganic Fertilizer NPK (T8). While maximum no. of runners per plant found among the treatment 75% Organic Manure (Poultry Manure) +25% Inorganic Fertilizer NPK (T4). However the maximum acidity of fruit juice (0.72 %) was observed in treatment 25% Organic Manure...
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1 Dry Land Agriculture Research Station Budgam, SKUAST-K Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir 191123, India 2 Degree College Baramulla Kashmir 193502, India 3 Division of Fruit Science SKUAST-K Shalimar, India 4 Department of Plant pathology, FAO/RSS SKUAST-K Wadura, Jammu and Kashmir-193502, India 5 Department of Agriculture Kashmir, Government of Jammu and Kashmir, India 6 Department of Horticulture, Allahabad Agriculture Institute (DU), Allahabad U.P-211007, India *Corresponding author
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Aims: Growing the organic strawberry fruit in tropical and subtropical region with the help of shade of banana plants. Place and Duration of Study: The experiment was conducted at Research Farm, Department of Horticulture, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad in the year 2017 to 2018. Methodology: A field experiment was conducted with cv. sweet charley of strawberry. The observations were recorded on various vegetative growths, flowering and fruiting parameters. The mean data were subjected to the various statistical and biometrical analyses. Results: Results show that there were major difference among treatments T3 Vermicompost (5 tonnes/ha) + Poultry manures (5 tonnes/ha) in plant height on 120 DAP (20 cm), number of leaves on 120 DAP (12.13), plant spread at 120 DAP (25.50 cm), days taken to first flower (60 days), number of flower plant-1 (14.37), days taken to first fruit (72 days), number of fruit plant-1 (7.40) fruit set % (52.12%), thr...
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The field experiment was conducted during two subsequent years, i.e., 2017-18 and 2018-19 at the Department of Horticulture, Hisar with aim to study the effect of organic manures and Azotobacter on quality and leaf nutrient status of strawberry cv. Winter Dawn under hi-tech greenhouse conditions of Haryana. In this experiment, organic manures in combination with biofertilizers comprised of nine treatments, viz., T1: Sand: FYM (3:1), T2: Sand: FYM (2:1), T3: Sand: Vermicompost (3:1), T4: Sand: Vermicompost (2:1), T5: Sand: FYM (3:1) + Azotobacter, T6: Sand: FYM (2:1) + Azotobacter, T7: Sand: Vermicompost (3:1) + Azotobacter. T8: Sand: Vermicompost (2:1) + Azotobacter and T9: Control (Sand); were tested as potting media in complete randomized block design. Maximum TSS, ascorbic acid, anthocyanin content and minimum acidity content and leaf with maximum N, P and K content were observed under sand: vermicompost (2:1) + Azotobacter in comparison to the other treatments. The results of th...
Two separate experiments were carried out on sandy clay loam soil during fall season at Mu'tah University, Agricultural Research Station, Rabba in the southern part of Jordan. These studies aims to evaluate the effect of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on growth, yield, quality and nutrients uptake of strawberry (Fragaria xananassa Duch.). Treatments in experiment were assigned randomly in randomize complete block design with split-split-plot arrangement. The results revealed that plots treated with combination of organic manure and chemical fertilizers levels tended to increase yield of strawberry, fruits number and leaf area of strawberry were increased in response to organic manure and chemical fertilizers application. Different manure and chemical fertilizer levels combinations were significantly increased strawberry vegetative growth, but not dry weight, which was found to be increased significantly by chemical fertilizer levels only. Vitamin C and TSS% content were higher in strawberry received organic manure compared with the chemical fertilizers as well as control treatments. Macro-and micro-nutrients uptake by strawberry (fruit and leaves) were higher in plots treated with the combination of manure and chemical fertilizers levels compared with each of them individually. Strawberry plant were severely injured or killed after transplanting due to adding high rates of chicken manure (40, 60 and 80 ton/ha). In strawberry soil received different fertilizers combination had no significant effect on macronutrients (N, P and K) content.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2017
An experiment was conducted in the department of horticulture, Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad during rabi season (2016-17). The experiment was laid out in RBD having 13treatments and 3replication. The treatment T4 (RDF + Vermicompost 5t/ha + Neem Cake 4t/ha) was found significantly superior compared to other treatment combinations, which recorded highest mean value of plant height (21.20cm), plant spread (26.62cm), number of leaves per plant (16.23), petiole length (13.93cm), number of fruits per plant (4.20) and average fruit weight (19.51g). The highest yield per plant (286.56g) and yield per hectare (17.19t/ha) werealso obtained from treatment T4 (RDF + Vermicompost 5t/ha + Neem Cake 4t/ha) followed by T3 (RDF +Vermicompost 5t/ha + Neem Cake 2t/ha) and lowest yield was obtained from T0 (control).
International Journal of Enviornment and Climate Change, 2022
A field experiment was carried out during 2021-2022 to see the Development, Fruit setting and Pomological characteristics in Strawberry (Fragaria ananasa Duch.) as affected by Biofertilizers under vertical farming system. Cv. Winter dawn with 10 treatments including control in combinations of organic and microbial sources of nutrients (Vermicompost, FYM, Azotobacter, Azospirillum and PSB) replicated thrice with 3 plants per replication in Randomized Block Design. Observations were recorded for vegetative growth, fruit yield, quality. In different combinations (biofertilizers and organic manure) the treatment T 9 (Soil (50%) +Vermicompost (50%) + Azotobacter (2g) + Azospirillum (2g) recorded highest plant height, plant spread, number of leaves and leaf area as compared to T 7 (Soil (50%) + FYM (50%) + PSB (2g) + Azotobacter (2g). Plant treatment T 9 (Soil (50%) +Vermicompost (50%) + Azotobacter (2g) + Azospirillum (2g)) registered earliest flowering and also highest number of flowers per plant. The maximum fruit weight, number of fruits per plant and yield were recorded with plants treated with T 9 (Soil (50%) +Vermicompost (50%) + Azotobacter (2g) + Azospirillum (2g) followed by T 7 (Soil (50%) + FYM (50%) + PSB (2g) + Azotobacter (2g) at 90 DAP followed by T 8 (Soil (50%) + coir pith (50%) + Azospirillum (2g) + PSB (2g) treatment. The maximum Benefit: Cost ratio (1: 3.39) was recorded in the T 9 (Soil (50%) +Vermicompost (50%) + Azotobacter (2g) + Azospirillum (2g) than T 7 (Soil (50%) + FYM (50%) +
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Strawberry is an attractive, luscious tasty and nutritious fruit with a distinct and pleasant aroma, and delicate flavour. It is an man made hybrid. The present experiment entitled "Effect of organic manure, NPK and mulching on yield and fruit quality of strawberry". The experiment was conducted at farm of Agriculture and Allied Industries, Rama University Mandhna Kanpur in the year 2018-2019. It was carried out in Randomized Block Design with 10 treatments and each treatment replicated thrice. It is a basically temperate crop but these days the crop is being grown in all kind of climate. This area lies under the upper gangetic plains region of Uttar Pradesh at an elevation of 126 m above mean sea level. This research aim was effect of the combination between organic manure (FYM & Vermicompost), NPK and mulching (White polythene & Black polythene) for better growth, yield and quality of strawberry and effect of organic manure, NPK and mulching on physico chemical quality of strawberry. The investigation revealed that minimum time of flower first (49.75days), maximum canopy spread per plant (51.52), maximum number of crowns per plant (3.25), maximized the number of stolen per plant (2.53), maximum fruit yield (358.8 q/ha), Longest berries (3.78 cm), heaviest berry (11.90g), while tallest plant (24.65cm), maximum number of leaves (22.66), maximum juice percent (93.83%) were recorded in Vermicompost 2.5 kg/plot + NPK 15:8:6 gm/plot + black polythene mulch (T9) treated plants,. But the berries of maximum width (2.517 cm) were recorded in FYM 10 kg/plot + black polythene mulch (T7) treated plants.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2020
The present investigation entitled Effect of Spacing and Organic Manures on Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) cv. Jutogh Special under Mid-Hill Conditions of Uttarakhand was carried out at the Fruit Nursery, College of Horticulture, VCSG UUHF, Bharsar, Pauri Garhwal during the month of July 2018 to June 2019. The experiment was performed to find out the most suitable treatment combination for better yield and profitability to farmers. The experiment was laid out in a factorial Randomized Complete Block Design with nine treatments and three replications. The treatments comprise of different spacing with the combination of different Organic manures. Result obtained in present investigation showed that the plant spread, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, number of flowers per plant, duration of flowering, duration of fruiting, fruit set, yield per plant, yield per plot,TSS, Ascorbic acid, total sugar and antocyanin content were observed maximum with the treatment combination o...