Remote Sensing Satellite Imagery and In-Situ Data for Identifying Geothermal Potential Sites: Jaboi, Indonesia (original) (raw)
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AIP Conference Proceedings, 2016
The potency of the Indonesian geothermal resources able to supply 40% of world's demand on the geothermal resources. These resources are spread over 251 locations at 33 provinces having the total potential energy of 27.149 MW. One of these geothermal resources is Tinggi Raja located at Distric of Dolok Marawa, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatera 449385 E-473025 E and 324105 N-349545 N. This paper reports the study on mapping of the prospect of geothermal resource area by utilizing a remote sensing. The remote sensing consisted of Landsat 8 OLI which was published on February 8th 2015 and June 29th 2015 with Path 129 Row 58 as input data for ENVI 4.7 and ArcGIS 10 as mapping tools. Calculated land surface temperature (LST) was essential for mapping and calculating a geothermal resources. In this study, land surface temperature was used as the Thermal Infrared images obtained from the thermal infrared remote sensor. The highest achieved LST was 310.889587 K. The obtained LST distribution indicated the location of the geothermal potential.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Indonesia has a significant geothermal energy potential because it is in the Ring of Fire. However, only 7% of identified potential geothermal has been utilized until now. This research aims to determine and predict geothermal potential area by using Landsat 8 imagery, Micromine software, and Land Surface Temperature Calculation. Land Surface Temperature calculation can be carried out by thermal infrared bands which can be obtained from Landsat 8 imagery. Land Surface Temperature calculation is based on a Split-Window algorithm which providing a surface temperature value and its distribution. Furthermore, the method can support to generate the distribution of Land Surface Temperature in research area using Micromine software. The remote sensing analysis also being done to determine geological structures development in the research area which assumed to control manifestation occurrence. It also shows the appearances of geothermal surface manifestation. The result of Land Surface Temperature analyses could predict surface temperature zone in the research area. The area that has high surface temperature value tends to be an area that has a potential geothermal area. The application of this method is being done on a potential geothermal field around Mt. Patuha, Ciwidey, West Java to verify these approaches. This research shows that Land Surface Temperature method to determine geothermal potential has a positive result.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
The research area is located in the Southern part of Bajawa, Ngada District, East Nusa Tenggara Province. This area has a geothermal potential and unique geological setting where many cinder cones are extending along NNW-SSE. A geothermal area usually indicated by surface manifestations that reach to the surface through geological structures. The initial stage to find out the existence of a geological structure that represented by surface lineament, and surface manifestations can be identified using satellite imagery to facilitate the exploration process in the field. The relationship between them is important to find out the potential geothermal area. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the relationship between geological lineament density and geothermal manifestations at the southern part of Bajawa based on the integration of ASTER imagery, DEM and Satellite Gravity anomalies. ASTER that consist of Visible-Near Infrared (VNIR), Shortwave Infrared (SWIR), Emissivity, and Surface Kinetic Temperature are used to identify surface geothermal manifestations. DEM imagery is used for lineament density analysis. While the satellite gravity anomalies are used to support the interpretation of geological structure in the study area. Field checking is conducted to ensure the results of images interpretation. The result of imagery analysis shows that geothermal manifestations are distributed at Nage and Mataloko areas indicated by surface kinetic temperature anomalies that reached 37.75°C and 37.85°C degrees, and rock alteration includes silicate clay minerals and quartz. High-density anomalies (>3km/km 2) of geological lineament also located at Nage and Mataloko areas. Also, the analysis of Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) from satellite gravity anomalies shows that low gravity anomalies range from 0 to 0,5 mGal are found in Nage and Mataloko areas indicate the existence of geological structure in this area. The field check shows the same result where there is surface manifestation such as hot springs, fumarole, boiling mud pools, sulfur deposits, and altered rock are found at Mataloko and Nage area. The results of the interpretation of lineament density and the distribution of surface manifestations at the study area concluded that the relationship between the two is linear.
50-may2021, 2021
Ethiopia is among the few countries in Africa with a significant amount of geothermal resources. These resources are found scattered in the Ethiopian Rift valley and in the Afar Depression, which are both part of the Great East African Rift System. The Ethiopian rift extends from the Ethiopia-Kenya border to the Red Sea in NNE direction for over 1000km within Ethiopia, and covers an area of 150,000 Km2. The main objective of this study is to assess geothermal resource potential target area for further exploration in Kone utilizing rapid and cost-effective tools of GIS and Thermal Infrared Remote sensing approach. This paper demonstrates the effectiveness of GIS and satellite remote sensing infrared data for assessing geothermal resource potential in Kone area. Thermal Infrared (TIR) remote sensing data is used to map and quantify Land surface temperature anomalies associated with surface geothermal features such as, fumaroles, and steaming ground, which comes from the subsurface of the area reach the ground by conduction and convection. The identification of geothermal resources was successfully found utilize the thermal infrared remote sensing method provided the Land Surface Temperature of Landsat 8 published on January 2019-01-16. The maximum value of LST for data of January sixteen 2019 was 38.72_ 42.59°C. T and minimum value was 25.85_32.22 °C.
Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences, 2021
Bur Ni Geureudong is one of geothermal areas that potentially to be developed for geothermal power plant in Aceh Province, Indonesia. Prior to the development, detail investigation based on geological, geophysical and geochemical methods are needed for estimating its potential. However, this site is located in a mountainous area with dense forests that are difficult to reach and research of geothermal exploration in site is still very poor considering its promising potential. So that the use of remote sensing method is very suitable to be done to investigate geothermal potential in these remote areas. For reconnaissance survey, Land Surface Temperature (LST) mapping using Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS (Operational Land Imager/Thermal Infrared Sensor) image data was conducted to investigate the geothermal potential in the area. Radiometric correction, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) mapping and emissivity calculations were performed to obtain the LST map. Results show temperatures...
Prediction of Geothermal Manifestation Area in Northern Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia
Indication of the existence of geothermal potential in a region often indicated by the emergence of geothermal manifestations. It can be clearly observed on the surface of the earth, like heat, solfatara, fumaroles, soil containing hot steam, silica sinter and hydrothermal alterations. This study aims to predict the geothermal manifestation area is made based on the environmental conditions of vegetation density and temperature anomalies.
The 5th Indonesia-Japan Joint Scientific Symposium, 2012
Indication of the existence of geothermal potential in a region often indicated by the emergence of geothermal manifestations can be clearly observed on the surface of the earth, like heat, solfatara, fumaroles, soil containing hot steam, silica sinter and hydrothermal alterations. This study aims to estimate the geothermal manifestation area is made based on the environmental conditions of vegetation density, and temperature anomalies. Research area conducted in Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia. To predict the area, Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) satellite imagery used to obtain data of surface temperature and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). ASTER imagery is used because it has a high spatial resolution of thermal band (90 meters) with accuracy on the brightness temperature is 1-2 o C. The method used in this study is spatial analysis of both variable temperature and NDVI. The final results obtained value of the surface temperature is 25-38 o C and the value of NDVI is (-0.1)-0.3 shows the geothermal manifestation area previously identified based on land cover to distinguish artificial surface and natural surface. In determining the area of manifestation also interpreted based on geological and geomorphological aspects.
Remote sensing can contribute to icrease survey’s effectiveness and efficiencies in geothermal exploration. By using remote sensing, geophisical survey in geothermal exploration can be focused on Area of interest (AoI). Parakasak is a geothermal potential area in Banten, Java with appearance several surface manifestations such as kaipohan, hot springs, warm springs and cold springs. This research uses free Landsat 8 OLI imagery that free downloaded from The landsat is processed with some software such as global mapper, ER mapper and surfer. Interpretation of remote sensing data for mapping linements and geological structure is conducted by manual observation. The result finds geological structure that identified as rim caldera and appearance of several surface manifestations is correlated to the lineaments. The result also shows that the main direction of the lineaments developed in Parakasak geothermal prospect area is Northwest-Southeast. Area of Intere...
Exploiting geothermal (GT) resources requires first and foremost locating suitable areas for its development. Remote sensing offers a synoptic capability of covering large areas in real time and can cost effectively explore prospective geothermal sites not easily detectable using conventional survey methods, thus can aid in the prefeasibility stages of geothermal exploration. In this paper, we evaluate the techniques and approaches used in literature for the detection of prospective geothermal sites. Observations have indicated that, while thermal temperature anomalies detection have been applicable in areas of magmatic episodes and volcanic activity, poor resolution especially from space borne data is still a challenge. Consequently, thermal anomalies have been detected with some degree of success using airborne data, however, this is mostly in locations of known surface manifestations such as hot springs and fumaroles. The indirect identification of indicator minerals related to geothermal systems have been applied using multispectral and hyperspectral data in many studies. However, the effectiveness of the techniques relies on the sophistication and innovative digital image processing methods employed to sieve out relevant spectral information. The use of algorithms to estimate land surface temperature and heat fluxes are also applied to aid thermal anomaly detection, nevertheless, remote sensing techniques are still complementary to geologic, geophysical and geochemical survey methods. While not the first of its kind, this review is aimed at identifying new developments, with a focus on the trends and limitations intrinsic to the techniques and a look at current gaps and prospects for the future. INTRODUCTION Globally, there is a serious energy concern as a result of fossil fuels combustion which causes climate change. The exhaustibility of such fuels, their unreliability, and environmental implications have resulted in the search for alternative sources of energy. Geothermal energy, which is the energy of the 'Earths Heat', offers a renewable and reliable source of energy. However, as with most renewable energies, it is inherently regional and site specific, mostly associated with areas of magmatic episodes and crustal plate movements.
Pakistan Journal of Geology
One of the areas that have geothermal potential in Indonesia is Tiris because there are found some manifestation in the form of hot springs. Several studies are needed to determine its geothermal potential before exploitation is carried out. Some previous studies have been carried out in the area, one of which uses Landsat 7 remote sensing data. There are other studies that state that knowledge of geology is needed to implement remote sensing in determining geothermal areas. This study uses 3-years data from Landsat 8 and geological information from the regional geological map of the study area. The result show changes in the value of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Land Surface Temperature (LST) from year to year, where each year the NDVI value decrease which is interpreted as reduced vegetation in the study area. From the distribution of LST values in the study area, it was found that there were hot spots that had higher temperatures than the surrounding area. Wh...