A polychaete-dominated community in the NW Mediterranean Sea, 20 years after cessation of sewage discharges (original) (raw)

The use of a biotic index (Bentix) in assessing long-term effects of dumping coarse metalliferous waste on soft bottom benthic communities

Ecological Indicators, 2007

The biotic index Bentix [Simboura, N., Zenetos, A., 2002. Benthic indicators to use in Ecological Quality classification of Mediterranean soft bottom marine ecosystems, including a new biotic index. Mediterr. Mar. Sci., 3 (2), 77-111] developed for the classification of ecological status of zoobenthic communities was tested in a Mediterranean coastal area (Aegean Sea, N. Evvoikos gulf, Greece) subject to coarse metalliferous waste discharge. The residues in the form of slag are the byproducts of the smelting procedure of a local ferronickel plant and are discharged in a permitted area 8 km from the shore. This practice adopted over the last 36 years has led to the formation of a thick underwater deposit of slag on the sea bottom. A decade of monitoring resulted to a long series of data on macrozoobenthos communities in the area. Application of the Bentix and other indices on the data has revealed the long-term impact of dumping on the benthic communities and the potential of the indices used to assess the community health. Among the indices tested, Bentix index succeeded in assessing the long-term trends of decline or recovery of the community health. The index proved efficient in detecting differences of the ecological status of the communities attributed to the transferring of the core of the dumping activity over the area studied, as validated by the geophysical data provided. #

Benthic community response to sediment organic enrichment by Mediterranean fish farms: Case studies

Aquaculture, 2016

There is a great deal of scientific information about the biogeochemical processes in sediments near fish farms and how those processes may be driven under nutrient enrichment to environmental negative effects, as biodiversity decrease observed in benthic assemblages. Within an adaptive management framework, a good monitoring program can be used to adjust farm management to avert serious and persistent impacts to the sediment. Macrobenthic community represent a good indicators able to detect environmental effects resulting from organic enrichment and, based on this, was selected to monitor Italian marine fish farms. In order to assess the environmental sediment disturbance resulting from marine aquaculture along the Italian coasts three marine fish farms were considered based on their different environmental features: two located in Tyrrhenian Sea and one in Adriatic Sea. The selected cage fish farms produce European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), gilthead sea-bream Sparus aurata (L.) and meagre Argyrosomus regius (A.) The study ranges from 2001 to 2012, at different time in each fish farm, and was planned according to the fattening cycles. The samples for benthic communities analyses were collected by mean of a Van Veen grab in selected stations located from 0 to 1000 m from the sea cages, the furthest as control stations. In total 134 stations were sampled for more of 20,000 individuals belonging to more than 450 species. Data analysis were performed with statistical methods and biotic indices were calculated. The results showed changes in benthic communities at the stations located just beneath the cages and connected with high cultured biomass. The impacted sites showed loss of biodiversity and opportunistic species increase as Capitella Sp. I and Nebalia strausi. Change in the benthic communities were more or less evident in relation to substrata composition, hydrodynamic conditions and cultured biomass. The observed impact was limited to few tens of meters around the sea cages of all the three studied fish farms.

Determination of metal and organometal trophic bioaccumulation in the benthic macrofauna of the Adour estuary coastal zone (SW France, Bay of Biscay)

Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2005

A multidisciplinary approach has been adopted in order to investigate the bioaccumulation of metals and organometals in macrobenthic populations. A complete method coupling a sampling strategy and classification of benthic organisms with a performant analytical procedure for the analysis of both metals and organometals has been developed. A single sample preparation method using a TMAH extraction and species specific isotope dilution makes it possible to analyse metals and organometals in the same extract, which is especially interesting for situations where only a limited amount of sample is available. Low detection limits have been obtained in the range of 12-250 pg g(-1) for mercury and butyltin compounds and 0.4-50 ng g(-1) for metals with good precision (1-10% RSD) even for a very low mass of sample (0.02 g). This method has been applied for monitoring contamination and bioaccumulation of metals and organometals as well as the biodiversity and trophic structure of the macrobenthic population of the Adour Estuary (South-West, France). The benthic macrofauna diversity indicates that inner estuarine stations are moderately polluted whereas outer estuarine stations are less impacted. However, metals concentrations in both sediment and benthic biomass do not change drastically between stations. Moreover, the bioaccumulation has been determined in relation to the feeding guild of benthic organisms. The results demonstrate that higher bioaccumulation is generally observed for deposit feeders directly impacted by sediment contamination compared to suspensive feeders and predators. Biomagnification along the trophic levels was highlighted for MMHg but no significant trend was observed for the other metallic compounds.

Organic matter quantity and quality, metals availability and foraminiferal assemblages as environmental proxy applied to the Bizerte Lagoon (Tunisia)

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2016

This study analyzes the benthic trophic state of Bizerte Lagoon (Tunisia) based on the total organic matter and the bioavailability of biopolymeric carbon including proteins (PTN), carbohydrates (CHO), lipids (LIP), chlorophyll a, as well as bacteria counts. The overall simultaneously extracted metals (SEM), and acid volatile sulfides (AVS) as well as the SEM/AVS ratio indicative of the toxicity of the sediments also were analyzed aiming to study their impact in the dimension, composition and structure of both dead and living benthic foraminiferal assemblages. In the studied sites TOC content is relatively high and the PTN/CHO values indicate that they can be considered as meso-eutrophic environments. The CHO/TOC and C/N values suggest that the OM which accumulated on the sediments surface has mainly natural origin despite the introduction of municipal and industrial effluents in the lagoon and the large bacterial pool. The living assemblages of benthic foraminifera of Bizerte Lagoon are quite different to other Mediterranean transitional systems studied until now. They are composed of typical lagoonal species but also include several marine and opportunistic species including significant numbers of bolivinids, buliminids, Nonionella/Nonionoides spp. and Cassidulina/Globocassidulina spp. These assemblages seem to benefitfrom the physicochemical parameters and the sediment stability. They may however face environmental stress in the lagoon related to the AVS production as a result of the organic matter degradation and toxicity in some areas due to the available concentrations of metals. Nonetheless statistical results evidence that the structure and dimension of assemblages are being controlled mostly by OM quantity and quality related mainly to the availability of PTN, CHO and chlorophyll a. Results of this work support the importance of considering OM quantity and quality in studies of environmental impact in coastal systems.

Spatial and seasonal variations of the macrobenthic community and metal contamination in the Douro estuary (Portugal)

Marine Environmental Research, 2005

The macrobenthic community structure and characteristics of sediments were studied in samples collected seasonally at five stations in the lower mesotidal Douro estuary, Portugal. Sediment characterisation included grain size distribution, total-recoverable metals (Al, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, Ni and Cd), acid-volatile sulphides (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) and total organic matter contents. Spatial variation surpassed temporal variation both in terms of environmental parameters and community structure. Clear anthropogenic contamination in terms of Zn, Cr, Cu and Pb, and a positive SEM-AVS, indicating the potential bioavailability of these metals, were detected on the north bank of the estuary. Multivariate analysis revealed that in addition to natural sediment characteristics, the anthropogenic metal contamination was influencing the macrobenthic community structure. In fact, greater concentrations of Zn, Cr, Cu and Pb were associated with lower number of species and/or diversity. Finally, the dry weight-normalised metal concentrations appeared as a more 0141-1136/$ -see front matter Ó .pt (A.P. Mucha). Marine Environmental Research 60 (2005) 531-550 www.elsevier.com/locate/marenvrev

Recovery of the Macrozoobenthic Community after Severe Dystrophic Crises in a Mediterranean Coastal Lagoon (Orbetello, Italy)

Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2001

The Orbetello lagoon, one of the largest Western Mediterranean lagoons, was aected by high algal blooms and severe anoxic crises in 1992 and 1993, with ®sh mortality throughout most of the lagoon and a drastic reduction of benthic species. Many measures were undertaken between 1994 and 1996 to remove the severe eutrophication of this lagoon. Such measures included harvesting of the¯oating seaweed biomass, removal of all wastewater and sea channel enlargement by dredging activity. The aim of the present research was to study the macrozoobenthic assemblage in 1999 and to compare it with previous research in order to assess the recovery of the lagoon. A total of 106 taxa and 45 175 individuals were collected in three areas (sea inlets, western and eastern lagoon) having different organic matter loading during winter and summer. The results of multivariate and correlation analyses indicated that trophic status and its seasonal dynamics were crucial in determining species distribution among the different areas. Moreover, comparison of the macrozoobenthic structure between winter 1995 and 1999 showed dierences in species composition and structural parameters in the western and eastern lagoon, where a clear recovery of benthic assemblages was observed in 1999. However, the dominance of opportunistic species in most of the lagoon and the decrease in some structural parameters during summer suggested that this basin still presented signs of disturbance in 1999, six years after the last extended anoxic crises and even after completion of the restoration measures carried out in the environment. It was hypothesized that a secondary disturbance, sustained by a high seasonal release of nutrients from the sediments, could create considerable deviations from the expected improvement in benthic conditions. Ó

Multiannual Trend of Micro-Pollutants in Sediments and Benthic Community Response in a Mediterranean Lagoon (Sacca di Goro, Italy)


Long-term variations of ecological status in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon (Sacca di Goro, Northern Adriatic) were investigated, combining data on the concentration of surface sediment contaminants and on the structure of the macrobenthic community. The aim was to assess any amount of chemical contamination and check the response of the macrobenthic community to sediment contamination. Over the studied period, the sediments of the lagoon showed contamination by trace metals and organochlorine pesticides, with most of them exceeding the thresholds indicated by the Italian legislation in many samples. Contamination by polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) instead never exceeded the threshold. The ecological status based on the macrobenthic community, evaluated through biotic indices (AMBI and M-AMBI), fell below the Good/Moderate threshold in most samples. The results indicate a possible influence of toxic compounds in ...