Doubled Single-Frequency Nd:YLF Ring Laser Coupled to a Passive Nonresonant Cavity (original) (raw)

High-power diode-pumped single-frequency nd:ylf and nd:yvo4 lasers with intra-cavity second-harmonic generation to the red range

2008 IEEE PhotonicsGlobal at Singapore, IPGC 2008, 2008

Single-frequency operation of diode-pumped Nd:YLiF 4 and Nd:YVO 4 continuous-wave (cw) ring lasers are investigated in the 1.31-1.34μm range, together with their intracavity second-harmonic generation to the red spectral range (0.65-0.67μm) using either BiB 3 O 6 (BiBO), LiB 3 O 5 (LBO) or periodically-poled KTiOPO 4 (ppKTP). Smooth singlelongitudinal mode wavelength tuning over Δλ~3-4 nm within the gain bandwidths could be achieved, with a watt-level output at gain centers in the near-IR and red range. Unlike with the birefringence phase-matched crystals, second-harmonic generation using ppKTP leads to various dynamical regimes, from narrow-band continuous-wave to broadband self modelocked operation triggered by χ (2) : χ (2) second-order Kerr-lens cascaded nonlinear interactions.

Unidirectional Single-Frequency Operation of a Nd:YVO4 Ring Laser With and Without a Faraday Element

Applied Optics, 2004

We demonstrate high-performance unidirectional and single-frequency ring-laser operation based on a diode-side-pumped Nd:YVO 4 bounce amplifier, obtained in a ring system both with and without a Faraday rotating element. Ring-laser operation with intracavity Faraday unidirectional element produces 15-W cw output in a TEM 00 and single-longitudinal mode with beam propagation parameter M 2 Ͻ 1.1 with 35-W diode pumping. A novel non-Faraday-based ring laser uses a polarization-dependent output coupler and asymmetric polarization state in the birefringent Nd:YVO 4 gain medium and is demonstrated to produce highly unidirectional ͑1200:1͒ single-frequency output of 14 W in a TEM 00 mode with beam propagation factor M 2 Ͻ 1.2 at 30 W of diode pumping.

Unidirectional Single-Mode Nd:YAG Laser with a Planar Semimonolithic Ring Cavity

Applied Optics, 1999

Unidirectional single-mode operation of a diode-pumped Nd:YAG laser with a planar semimonolithic ring cavity has been demonstrated at 1064 nm. The semimonolithic cavity consists of a laser active medium placed in a magnetic field, a crystal quartz plate, and an output coupling mirror, which form an optical diode by acting as a Faraday rotator, a reciprocal polarization rotator, and a partial polarizer, respectively. A single-mode output power of 155 mW and a slope efficiency of 17% were obtained with a 1.2-W diode laser at 809 nm. A laser linewidth of less than 100 kHz is inferred from a beat note frequency spectrum between two identical laser systems and continuous tuning to greater than 2 GHz was observed.

Quasi-monolithic ring resonator for efficient frequency doubling of an external cavity diode laser

Applied Physics B, 2010

A quasi-monolithic second-harmonic-generation ring resonator assembled with miniaturized components is presented. The ring contains a 10-mm-long bulk periodically poled lithium niobate crystal for second-harmonic generation, four plane mirrors and two gradient-index lenses. All parts are mounted on a glass substrate with an overall size of 19.5 mm × 8.5 mm × 4 mm. As pump source a broad-area laser diode operated in an external resonator with Littrow arrangement is utilized. This external cavity diode laser provides near diffraction limited, narrow-bandwidth emission with an optical output power of 450 mW at a wavelength of 976 nm. Locking of the diode laser emission to the resonance frequency of the ring cavity was achieved by an optical self-injection locking technique. With this setup more than 126 mW of diffraction-limited blue light at 488 nm could be generated. The opto-optical conversion efficiency was 28% and a wall plug efficiency better than 5.5% could be achieved.

Monolithic, unidirectional single-mode Nd:YAG ring laser

Optics Letters, 1985

We have built a nonplanar ring oscillator with the resonator contained entirely within a Nd:YAG crystal. When the oscillator was placed in a magnetic field, unidirectional oscillation was obtained with a pump-limited, singleaxial-mode output of 163 mW. In this Letter, we describe a new solid-state laser design that achieves high single-mode output power by using a unidirectional nonplanar resonator. Excellent frequency stability is achieved because the ring resonator is constructed from a single Nd:YAG crystal. We refer to the design as a MISER (Monolithic Isolated Single-mode End-pumped Ring) design. We developed this source as an oscillator for a long-range coherent Doppler anemometer. 1 Other applications areas include coherent communications, coherent optical radar, and inertial rotation sensing. Ideally, a continuous-wave homogeneously broadened laser should oscillate in a single axial mode. The laser

Observation of strong cascaded Kerr-lens dynamics in an optimally-coupled cw intracavity frequency-doubled Nd:YLF ring laser

Optics Express, 2010

Self-starting self-pulsing dynamics at the cavity free-spectralrange frequency were observed in intracavity second-harmonic generation of a diode end-pumped Nd:YLF ring laser containing a periodically-poled KTiOPO 4 (ppKTP) nonlinear crystal. Although the unidirectional laser was designed for continuous-wave (cw) single-frequency operation, with a resonator set at the middle of its stability range, partial Kerr-lens modelocking (KLM) arose spontaneously once the ppKTP was inserted. This ultrafast dynamics along with a strong spectral gain broadening, not observed with any birefringent nonlinear doubler, is associated to the finite bandwidth of the quasi-phase-matched crystal with respect to the laser gain bandwidth, leading to giant cascaded Kerr-lensing effects when the ppKTP temperature is detuned from perfect quasi-phase-matching either in the selffocusing or defocusing sides. While under partial KLM operation the laser delivered only ~0.14W of broadband red output power, single-frequency operation could be only achieved by using an intracavity etalon with a suitable partial reflectivity (R≥25%), leading to an optimally (~100% efficiency) out-coupled 1.4W red power at 660.5nm, as much as the fundamental 1321nm power that could be extracted from the unidirectional laser using an optimal T = 2% output coupler.

Vortex laser from anti-resonant ring coupled cavities

Optics Express

Optical vortex Laguerre-Gaussian (LG 0l) modes have wide-ranging applications due to their annular spatial form and orbital angular momentum. Their direct generation from a laser is attractive, due to the pure and high-power modes possible; however, previous demonstrations have had limited ranges of applicability. Here, we propose and implement direct LG 0l vortex mode generation with an anti-resonant ring (ARR) coupled laser cavity geometry, where the gain medium inside the ARR is shared between two laser cavities. This generation uses standard wavelength-insensitive optical components, is suitable for high peak and average power levels, and could be applied to any bulk gain medium in pulsed or continuous wave regimes. This work demonstrates the technique with a diode end-pumped Nd:YVO 4 gain medium. From 24 W of pump power, 8.9 W LG 01 and 4.3 W LG 02 modes were generated, all with high mode purity and pure handedness. The LG 01 mode handedness was controlled with a new technique. Published by The Optical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI.

Efficient and compact diode-side-pumped Nd:YLF laser operating at 1053 nm with high beam quality

Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 2008

A very efficient, diode-side-pumped Nd:YLF laser is demonstrated using a compact cavity design based on total internal reflection inside the gain medium. With one pass through the crystal using a single bounce at the pumped face, efficiency in excess of 40% in multimode operation was measured, giving 6.6 W of output power for 16.2 W of pump power. Using two

Efficient diode-pumped intracavity frequency-doubled CW Nd:YLF laser emitting in the red

Optics & Laser Technology, 2006

We demonstrate an efficient continuous-wave diode-pumped Nd : YLF laser emitting in the red (660.5 and 657 nm) by intracavity frequency doubling with a LBO crystal. We obtained more than 1 W of average power (in two output beams) for 12 W of pump power with a TEM 00 mode. This power is to our knowledge the highest obtained with a frequency-doubled Nd : YLF laser emitting in the red. Comparison between ''a-cut'' and ''c-cut'' crystals has been carried out in terms of performance and wavelength emission. r

Dynamically stable continuous single frequency green ring laser

2019 SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC), 2019

A single-frequency ring laser using two standard commercial diode-pumped Nd:YAG modules is demonstrated. Employing a dynamically stable resonator design, multilongitudinal mode operation at 1064 nm with 53 W of output power was obtained. When inserting a LBO crystal in the resonator, 1.8 W of single-sided, single-frequency output at 532 nm was achieved. The measured linewidth was 3.6 MHz, close to the resolution limit of the scanning etalon used to measure the longitudinal mode structure.