Effect of Organic and Inorganic Manure on Yield, Quality Trait and Economics of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under Indo Gangetic Plain of Eastern Uttar Pradesh (original) (raw)
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Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 2021
Influence of various organic manures with chemical fertilizers on increasing growth, yield and nutritional quality of potato was studied. The experiment consisted of seven treatments including T0: Control, T1: 75% recommended fertilizer dose (RFD); T2: 100% RFD, T3: 75% RFD + Kazi compost (5 t/ha), T4: 75% RFD + Kazi compost (3 t/ha), T5: 75% RFD + Poultry manure (3 t/ha) and T6: 75% RFD + Cowdung (5 t/ha). Among the organic manures, Kazi compost performed the best which compensated up to 25% of recommended inorganic fertilizers and significantly improved the growth components, yield parameters, tuber yield and nutrient uptake by potato. In field performance, Kazi compost @ 5 t/ha was effective followed by poultry manure and can be recommended for better growth, yield and nutritional quality of potato. Bangladesh J. Bot. 50(3): 651-657, 2021 (September)
Ethiopian Journal of Science and Technology
Lack of sustainable soil fertility management system is a critical challenge in the highlands of Awi Zone. Important physicochemical properties of the soil are below the critical level to support crop growth. Hence, a study was undertaken with the aim of improving the yield of potato through organic treatments and sound crop rotation system. Two rotation systems and four levels of organic treatments were factorially arranged and laid out in RCBD with four replications. The organic treatments were: V1 = 0 t/ha farmyards manure (FYM); V2 = 2.5 t/h fresh sesbania green manure (FSB) V3 = 5 t/ha FYM; and V4 = 5 t/ha FYM +2.5 t/ha FSB applied in fixed plots for three years. Indeed, the rotation systems varied from year to year to estimate the changes in potato tuber yields due to the differences in crop rotation systems. Tuber yields of potato showed increasing trend over the period of the three years with the lowest in the first year, intermediate in the second year and the highest in the third year across all treatments. Among all, the highest total potato tuber yield (35.15 t/ha) was obtained at the combined application of 5 t/ha FYM +2.5 t/ha FSB and clover-wheat-potato rotation system in the third year. The treatment combination increased total potato tuber yield by 140% and 41% over that of the first and the second years and would be recommended as ecologically sound option in improving the productivity of potato.
To investigate the effects of Farm Yard Manure (FYM) and nitrogen fertilizer on the characteristics of potato crop, an experiment was carried out in split plots based on completely randomized blocks during the crop year 2012-13. The experiment was performed in three replications for each of FYM in three levels (control, 20 and 40 t/ha) and nitrogen fertilizer derived from urea in four levels (control, 100, 200 and 300 kg/ha). The results revealed that the treatment of 40 t/ha of FYM on the total dry weight (204.0 g), average tuber weight (92.58 g), average yield (34,040) respectively were significant (P<0.01). It is also proved that treatment effect of 300 kg of nitrogen fertilizer on plant height (59.55 cm), bulb diameter (6.168 cm), total dry weight (203.9 g) and the dry matter (23.81%). The investigation of the interaction effect of FYM and nitrogen fertilizer on potato proved to show no significant differences between the mentioned treatments and the measured characteristics....
Journal of Agricultural Science, 2012
Field experiments were conducted in three consecutive summer seasons of 2005 to 2007 to study the effect of integrated nutrient management on soil health and productivity of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) under rainfed condition. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with eight nutrient management practices (combinations of organic manures viz, farm yard manure (FYM), poultry manure (PM), vermicompost (VC) and www.ccsenet.org/jas 224 inorganic fertilizers in main plots and seed tuber treatment with three biofertilizers (Azotobactor, phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and Azotobactor + PSB) in sub plots. The results showed that 50 % of the recommended dose of NPK through inorganic + 50% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) through organic manures (FYM, PM or VC) or 100% recommended dose of NPK through inorganic fertilizers alone favorably influenced the tuber yield, nutrient uptake, soil fertility and paid higher returns compared to other treatments. Seed treatment with Azotobactor + PSB proved better in tuber yield, nutrient uptake and recorded higher returns as compared to sole treatment of either Azotobactor or PSB. Three years pooled result revealed that integrated application of 50 % of recommended NPK through inorganic and 50 % RDN through PM recorded significantly highest tuber yield (22.73 t/ha) closely followed by 100 % recommended NPK through inorganic (22.20 t/ha) which were 228 % and 223 % respectively, higher than control. Integrated application of inorganic and organic fertilizers and seed treatment with Azotobactor + PSB biofertilizers improved tuber yield, nutrient uptake, and gave higher return as compared to other treatment combinations. Total organic carbon (TOC), soil microbial biomass carbon (SMBC), available N, P, and K status of the soil after 3 years were maximum when 50 % recommended dose of NPK were applied through inorganic and remaining 50 % RDN through PM.
Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Bot.), 2016
The present field exp eriment was c arried out at Q aragol res earch st ati on i n S ulaimani governorate, Ir aqi Kurdistan region w hic h li es between (45 o 37-18" E east longitud e, and 35 o 21-30" N nort h latitud e) and is 552 m abov e s ea l ev el duri ng spring growi ng s eason from 25/ 2/ 2014 t o 3/ 6/ 2014 t o st ud y t he ef fec t of adding diff erent p oultr y and c at tle manur e rates on veg et ative grow th c haract ers and yi eld of P ot at o (S olanum t uberos um), cv. Sant e. T en-tr eatm ents w ere used in a randomiz ed complete block design, in 30 experiment al units with t hree repli cati ons as follow: [(c ontrol), (10, 20, 30-t on cattle/ha), (5, 10, 15-t on poultr y/ ha), and (10 + 5, 20 + 10, and 30 + 15-ton c at tle + poultr y/ ha, respectiv el y)]. Results showed t hat plants treated wit h (30-t on c at tle/ ha) had a significant i ncreas e i n l eaf area/plant and l eaf area index (990. 973 cm 2 , and 0.644 m 2 /m 2) aft er 75 days af ter planti ng, plant l engt h (18. 850 cm) aft er 90 d ays of planting, t uber number/plant (6. 050), tub er wt. / t uber (113.080 gm), tuber weight /plot (6. 027 kg), and t uber yield (30. 437 t on/ha), whic h w as superior signific antl y to all other treatm ents respectiv el y. Als o, r esults showed t hat potassi um and nitr ogen cont ent in l eav es w as ranged from (57.600 to 98.867, and 32. 247 t o 35.000 (gm kg-1), respectiv el y. It c an be concluded that t h e us e of cat tle manure (30 ton /ha) al one gave bett er resul ts f or almos t the treatm ents i n t he present st udy.
Indian Journal Of Agricultural Research, 2018
Field experiment was conducted during rabi season of 2009-10 and 2010-11, to study the effect of application of different sources organic manure and micro-nutrients on growth, productivity and quality of potato (Solanumtuberosum L.) grown under alluvial soil. The different sources of organic and micronutrients were integrated into 8 possible treatments viz. RDF (NPK @ 200 :150 :150 kg ha-1) , 50% of RDF + well decomposed FYM @ 10t ha-1, 50% of RDF + Well powder neemcake @ 0.5t ha-1,RDF+ Zinc sulphate @ 20kg ha-1as soil application, RDF + ammonium molybdate @ 1kg ha-1as soil application, RDF + sodium tetraborate @ 1kg ha-1as soil application, RDF + tuber soaking with 40g inc sulphate + 10g ammonium molybdate + 10g sodium tetraborate, RDF + foliar spray of 1% KnO3 salt. All the treatments resulted in improvement of growth and tuber yield characteristics, out of these treatments where organic sources of nutrient were integrated registered significantly maximum effect. Highest leaf area...
Growth and yield of two indigenous potato varieties as influenced by organic manures
An experiment was carried out at the Germplasm Center, Department of Horticulture, Patuakhali Science and Technology University (PSTU) during November 2014 to March 2015 to find out the growth and yield of two indigenous potato varieties as influenced by organic manures. Two factors experiment consisted of two indigenous potato varieties viz., Shilbilati and Lalpakri and five different types of organic manures 0 (control), 15 t ha –1 cowdung, 12 t ha –1 vermicompost, 5.0 t ha –1 mustard oil cake and 7.0 t ha –1 poultry litter designated as T 0 , T 1, T 2, T 3 and T 4 respectively. Significant variations were observed between potato varieties and sources of plant nutrients in respect of all growth and yield parameters. The variety Shilbilati showed better performance in case of most growth and yield parameters compared to the variety Lalpakri. Among the characteristics of growth and yield of potato, mustard oil cake @ 5 t/ha gave the highest results compared to control and other treatments. The treatment combination Shilbilati × mustard oil cake @ 5 t/ha gave significantly greater results on growth and yield parameters. The maximum number of stem per hill (15.62), the tallest plant (96.19 cm), maximum number of leaves per plant (27.61), the highest tuber per hill (18.48), tuber weight (508.0 g), the maximum gross yield of 23.13 t/ha and the maximum marketable tuber yield (20.74 t/ha) were obtained from the treatment combination of Shilbilati × mustard oil cake @ 5 t/ha. The variety Shilbilati and mustard oil cake @ 5 t/ha alone and their combinations were more effective for better growth and yield compared to Lalpakri in combinations with organic manures.
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change
The present investigation entitled “Effect of different sources of organic manures on plant growth and flowering parameters of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) var. Kashi Aman under Bundelkhand region” was carried out at Organic Research farm at Karguan ji, Department of Horticulture, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi (Uttar Pradesh) during Rabi season of 2021- 2022. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with 8 treatments and 3 replications. The detail of treatments were as T0 (Control), T1 (FYM100%), T2 (Poultry manure 100%), T3 (Vermicompost 100%), T4 (FYM 50% + Poultry manure 50%), T5 (Poultry manure 50% + Vermicompost 50%), T6 (Vermicpost 50% + F YM 50%), T7 (FYM 33% + Poultry 33% + Vermicompost 33%). The data were collected from five random ly selected plant of each treatment and subjected to statistical analysis. The results reflected that among 8 treatments under study, treatment T7 (FYM 33% + Poultry 33% + Vermicompost 33%) ...
A field experiment was conducted during the Rabi seasons 2004-05 on sandy clay loam to study the effect of nitrogen fertilizers and farmyard manure on yield, nutrient content and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L).The yield and quality of potato tubers were influenced by the rate of nitrogen and farmyard manure. Application of 180 kg N ha-1 along with 24 t FYM ha-1 gave significantly higher yield. The concentration of N, P and K in tubers increased with increasing levels of N and FYM. Addition of N and FYM significantly enhanced the quality of potato. Maximum carbohydrate, crude protein and ascorbic acid was recorded in the treatment combination of N 180 F 24 .