FAKTOR – FAKTOR YANG MEMPENGARUHI PERSEPSI PETANI TERHADAP PEREMAJAAN KELAPA SAWIT (di Desa Suka Makmur Kecamatan Sungai Bahar Kabupaten Muaro Jambi) (original) (raw)
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The agricultural sector is one of the national development agendas in order to strengthen the resilience of the nation's economy. This is marked by the birth of Law Number 41 Year 2009 concerning Protection of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land. While the formulation of the problems in this study are (1) How is the land function change that occurred in Kumpai Batu Bawah Village? (2) What are the factors that influence the conversion of paddy fields to oil palm plantations in Kumpai Batu Bawah Village? (3) What is the impact of the transfer of the function of rice farming to oil palm land on the welfare of Kumpai Batu Bawah Village? The purpose of this study is to (1) To analyze the land use change that occurred in Batu Bawah Village of Kumpai. (2) To find out the factors that influence the conversion of paddy fields to oil palm plantations in Kumpai Batu Bawah Village. (3) To find out the impact of the transfer of experts from the function of rice farming to oil palm on welfare in Kumpai Batu Bawah Village. The resulting regression equation: Y = 0.198 + 0.002 X1 + 0.243 X2 + 0.326 X3 + 0.412X4 + 0.027X5 + 0.043X6 + e, and the value of the coefficient of determination is 0.662. In other words, this shows that the large percentage of conversion of function from paddy fields to oil palm plantations can be explained by the variation of independent variables, namely the Amount of Farmers' Dependency, Farming Costs, Farmer's Total Income, Farmer's Family Expenditures, Paddy Productivity and Land Ownership Area is 66 , 2% while the remaining 33.8% is explained by other variables outside the research variable. From all the results of the t-test conducted partially on service quality variables, the results showed that the variables that partially had a significant effect on the Transfer of Functions from Rice Fields to Oil Palm Plantation Land were variable in Farm Cost, Total Farmer Income, Rice Field Productivity and Land Ownership Area. while those that have no effect are the Amount of Farmers 'Dependents and Farmers' Family Expenditures. From the calculation results for the F test (together), the calculated F value of 7.522 was obtained with sig. 0,000. With a significant limit of 0.05 and Ftable 2.53, Fcount> Ftable. So the hypothesis is obtained that states that there is an influence on the number of dependents of farmers, farming costs, total income of farmers, family expenses of farmers, productivity of rice paddy fields and land ownership together to the conversion of rice fields into oil palm plantations.Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the factors that influence the conversion of paddy fields to oil palm plantations
Kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu komoditas yang potensial yang banyak dibudidayakan di Kabupaten Seluma. Untuk dapat tumbuh dan berproduksi dengan baik, kelapa sawit membutuhkan pemanfaatan faktor-faktor produksi yang optimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi kelapa sawit rakyat di Kabupaten Seluma Provinsi Bengkulu. Pengkajian dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Air Periukan dan Kecamatan Seluma Selatan Kabupaten Seluma pada bulan Mei 2012. Pemilihan lokasi dilakukan secara sengaja dengan responden berjumlah 76 orang. Responden yang dipilih merupakan petani kelapa sawit yang telah menghasilkan (umur tanaman diatas 3 tahun). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada dua lokasi egroekosistem yaitu perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat di lahan kering dan perkebunan kelapa sawit rakyat dilahan gambut. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survei berupa data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh melalui informasi yang dihimpun dari responden menggunakan daftar pertanyaan yang disusun secara terstruktur (kuesioner) meliputi identitas responden, kelembagaan, kepemilikan lahan dan ternak, aksebilitas wilayah serta faktor produksi kelapa sawit. Sedangkan data skunder diperoleh dari Badan Pusat Statistik dan Dinas Instansi terkait. Data yang diperoleh di analisis dengan menggunakan model fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas yang diolah dengan teknik analisis OLS (Ordinary Least Square). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang mempengaruhi produksi kelapa sawit di Kabupaten Seluma adalah umur tanaman berpengaruh nyata positif sebesar 56,10%, curahan tenaga kerja berpengaruh nyata positif sebesar 46,30%, frekuensi pemupukan berpengaruh nyata positif sebesar 7,70% serta variabel dummy jenis lahan .
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Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Agroinfo Galuh
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang berpengaruh terhadap produksi sawi hijau baik secara simultan maupun parsial di Desa Sukamaju Kecamatan Cimaung Kabupaten Bandung. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, untuk memperoleh sebanyak 50 orang petani dilakukan teks wawancara dari sampel yang dipilih secara acak sederhana. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan regresi linear berganda. Dari hasil analisis secara simultan uji F maka faktor produksi (luas lahan (X1), (tenaga kerja (X2), (benih (X3), (pupuk organik (X4), (pupuk kimia (X5)) dan (pestisida (X6)) maka diperoleh Fhitung = 2155,617 > F tabel = 2,29, dengan asumsi Ha diterima apabila F hitung > F tabel dan menolak H0 yang berarti variabel bebas berpengaruh terhadap volume produksi sawi hijau. Sedangkan analisis parsial melalui t-test hanaya tiga variabel yang bisa dilanjutkan ke pengujian t-test dengan metode BackWard dikarnaken variabel lainnya terjadi multiko...
The research aims to find out the affecting factors of the expenditure of household farmer. Primary data are from sample farmers at Mart until May 2016. The sample size is 60 respondent household farmers in Banyuasin in South Sumatra. The data analysed by regression analysis. The result showed the affecting factors of expenditure are positive affect to total farmer income, total of member household, formal education and consumption. Keyword : Analysis regretion,impact, cost of living household farm. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pengeluaran rumah tangga petani. Pengumpulan data primer secara acak dilakukan pada bulan Maret sampai Mei 2016 dengan mewawancara sebanyak 60 petani responden pada 6 desa sebagai perwakilan dari Kabupaten Banyuasin di Sumatera Selatan. Analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengeluaran rumah tangga petani berpengaruh positif, terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga petani, jumlah keluarga dan peremajaan karet dan pengaruh negatif terhadap tabungan rumah tangga, pendidikan formal dan pengeluaran konsumsi. Kata kunci : Analisis regresi, pengaruh., pengeluaran rumah tangga.
Perluasan lahan perkebunan kelapa sawit lebih diarahkan pada lahan-lahan di luar Pulau Jawa. Lahan yang tersedia bersifat marginal seperti pada tanah Ultisols dan Oxisols. Pada lahan tanah tersebut telah mengalami pencucian yang hebat karena curah hujan yang tinggi sehingga kadar hara Mg rendah. Sumber hara Mg yang banyak digunakan adalah pupuk kiserit (Mg dan S), dolomit (Ca dan Mg) dan pupuk majemuk. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari peranan pupuk kiserit terhadap pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanah. Penelitian dilakukan di kebun pembibitan Cimulang, Kabupaten Bogor (PTP. Nusantara VIII), pada Februari -Desember 2005. Tanah yang digunakan untuk penelitian adalah Ultisols dan Oxisols. Rancangan menggunakan acak kelompok, 5 perlakuan, ulangan 9 kali. Satu perlakuan terdiri dari satu tanaman bibit kelapa sawit. Pupuk Mg yang digunakan adalah kiserit powder 2 Panda dan kiserit yang telah beredar di pasaran sebagai standar. Dosis pupuk kiserit yang dicoba: 0; 0,5; 1,0; dan 1,5 g/tanaman. Pupuk kiserit dan pupuk dasar diberikan setiap 2 minggu sekali atau 12 kali pemberian. Pemupukan pertama diberikan pada umur 1 minggu, mulai pemupukan ke-2 dosis pupuk dikalikan 2, mulai minggu ke 10 dosis pupuk dikalikan 3, dan mulai minggu ke-18 dosis pupuk dikalikan 4. Contoh tanah bulk dari lapang dikeringanginkan, diayak dengan saringan 2 mm, ditimbang 20 kg dan dimasukkan ke dalam polybag. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemupukan kiserit pada Ultisols dapat meningkatkan tinggi, jumlah daun, diameter batang, bobot kering tanaman bibit kelapa sawit, serta meningkatkan hara Mg dalam tanah dari 1,25 menjadi 3,04 me/100 g dan kadar Mg dalam tanaman menjadi 0,31 g/100 g. Pemupukan kiserit pada Oxisols meningkatkan tinggi, jumlah daun, diameter batang, bobot kering tanaman bibit kelapa sawit, serta meningkatkan hara Mg dalam tanah dari 0,28 menjadi 2,36 me/100 g dan kadar Mg dalam tanaman menjadi 0,34 g/100g. Dosis optimum pupuk kiserit pada Ultisols dan Oxisols sama yaitu 0,80 g/ tanaman. Pengaruh pupuk kiserit terhadap pertumbuhan bibit kelapa sawit dan produktivitas tanah sama dengan kiserit yang telah beredar di pasaran sebagai standar.
JAS (Jurnal Agri Sains), 2017
The data collection method used in the study was documentation technique that was to obtain data directly from the data of research that palm fruit harvest workers at the Division I PT. Megasawindo Perkasa District of Pelepat many as 79 workers harvest the palm fruits. But the workers must studied the labor of its work effectively during the year 2014 as many as 39 people. The results showed that the average labor productivity of oil palm fruit harvest workers amounted to 37.31 tons / person / month. Harvest Labor productivity of the palm fruits together significantly affected by factors of wages, work experience, number of dependents and age, it could be seen from the calculated F value (983.312)> F table (2.649), but the partial factor wages were on a very real effect on the productivity of harvest labor of the palm fruits, as seen from the value of 49 997 t> t table 2,032. While working experience factor, number of dependents and the age factor did not significantly affected harvest labor productivity of oil palm fruit division I PT.
Jurnal AGRISEP, 2012
This study aims to understand the process, reasons for the actions of farmers and analyze the factors that influence farmers to switch commodities. The number of respondents is 46 farmers selected using Simple Random Sampling. Description and multiple regression are used in this research. The results showed that the commodities convertion is done in some stages. The main reason is that farmers are able to earn income from their initial plants while they wait their new crops starting to produce. There are three reasons that farmers switch of social, economic, and agronomists. Social reasons, namely, to see the success of a friend of 41.30%, follow friends 39.13%, and their-owned beliefs 26.08%. Economic reasons is the high price of cocoa 60.86%, continuity of production 100% and marketing easy in 93.47%. Agronomic reasons, namely cocoa seedlings are easy to get 95.65%, maintenance / cultivation is easy 89.13%, and easy in post-harvest handling 93.47%. The results of regression analysis showed the number of dependents, a price comparison index, previous farm receipts, the coffee plant age, perception of control of the commodity, ease of cultivation and post harvest simultaneously significantly affect the percentage of land area converted. While the partial factors of coffee plant age and the perception of the commodity rather have real impact on the land area converted commodities.
This study aims to determine the socioeconomic conditions of employees after the establishment of oil palm plantation company (PT Tani Prima Makmur) in Mendikonu Village Amonggedo District Konawe District. This research was conducted in Mendikonu Village, Amonggedo Sub-District, Konawe District. The population in this research is the people who work as employees in oil palm plantation companies. Determination of the sample in this study was conducted by using the census method, which took as many as 43 families, who entered work as employees in oil palm plantation companies. The census method is characterized by the consideration that the entire population is taken as a sample of the study if the total population is less than 50 persons. The results of this study show that: the influence of oil palm plantation companies on the socioeconomic life of employees is very positive effect. It is said to have a positive effect because in view of the existence of oil palm plantations can improve good social relations in the midst of community life, the establishment of cooperation in fruit harvesting and with the existence of these mining activities can also help the cost of education of children, helping employees in own facilities, and open business opportunities for local communities. In addition to social influences also affect the economic life where the income of the people who work as local employees, especially those who work as oil palm fruit harvesters on average increased to, Rp.1.981.370 per month, while the employees working as the average foreman increased to become Rp.2.340.000 per month.