Beyond incremental change (original) (raw)

Engineering America's Future in Space: Systems Engineering Innovations for Sustainable Exploration


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) delivers space transportation solutions for America's complex missions, ranging from scientific payloads that expand knowledge, such as the Hubble Space Telescope, to astronauts and lunar rovers destined for voyages to the Moon. Currently, the venerable Space Shuttle, which has been in service since 1981, provides U.S. capability for both crew and cargo to low-Earth orbit to construct the International Space Station, before the Shuttle is retired in 2010, as outlined in the 2006 NASA Strategic Plan. I In the next decade, NASA will replace this system with a duo of launch vehicles: the Ares I Crew Launch Vehicle/Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle and the Ares V Cargo Launch Vehicle/Altair Lunar Lander. The goals for this new system include increased safety and reliability, coupled with lower operations costs that promote sustainable space exploration over a multi-decade schedule. This paper will provide details of the in-house ...

Virtual collaborations with the real: NASA's new era in space exploration

IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2002

A ll science is computer science, say recent claims. 1 Historically, scientific breakthroughs typically occur in the presence of a major breakthrough in a humanmade technology. With Newton, it was the clock. With Maxwell and Einstein, it was the steam engine. Today, it is the computer.

The Technology Puzzle

The Technology Puzzle: Quantitative Methods for Developing Advanced Aerospcae Technology, 2004

Technology infusion in any application is a complex process. Incorporating an unproven new design into the development of an operational system presents significant cost, schedule, and technical risk. Historically, developers of operational systems have maintained a healthy distance from the realm of technology development. New designs are first matured independent of operational systems and brought on-line only when they have proven their mettle. In space systems, demonstrator or precursor missions are used to test new designs before the commitment to a new technology is made. This is usually a very slow process; it can take years or decades to move a technology from the laboratory to fully operational status. The result is a stepwise evolution of capability – an approach that minimizes risk at the expense of responsiveness.

NASA's exploration agenda and capability engineering

Computer, 2006

M any NASA flight systems have been devel-oped according to an approach that defines hardware first, then effectively retrofits soft-ware and human procedures to the hard-ware systems. Throughout this process, a careful allocation of functionality handles time-sensitive operations ...

Artificial Intelligence Waves on Space Computation Management: A Review Report

Engineering International, 2020

When writing about the history of the internet, it is important to note that aerospace was among the significant pioneers in computer networking computer network for private was used in first airline reservation system “SABRE” in 1960 for American airlines. While sage was the first computer system in the world, its deficiencies led to the development of ARPANET. These systems formed the foundations for the internet and the development of other computer programs in aerospace, any deficiency led to the invention of a new program, giving birth to programming, CAD, and CAM that brought about simulations. Aerospace computing has evolved over the years and is now carrying the whole weight of the aerospace industry. Before the launch of any space vehicle or satellite, simulation has become a necessary step, checking for weaknesses for corrections to be done on the ground. Besides, computer simulation has been essential in training, facilitating the training of pilots worldwide. This articl...

Project Description: XSEDE: eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment

The eXtreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) partnership proposes to develop an unprecedented, comprehensive advanced digital services cyberinfrastructure (CI) to enable transformative open science and engineering research and innovative training and educational programs. The goal of XSEDE is to offer users tremendous capabilities with maximum productivity, enabling them to advance and share knowledge across domains. The XSEDE architecture, engineering, operations, support, and education activities are co-designed by an unparalleled team to achieve this goal, far surpassing TeraGrid in usability, reliability, capability, performance, and security-and ultimately, in user productivity and science impact. This proposal and the accompanying supporting documents detail the results of extensive evaluation and planning by the XSEDE team to build this unique cyberinfrastructure. D.1 Enabling New Digital Science Computing in science and engineering is now ubiquitous: digital technologies underpin, accelerate, and enable new, even transformational, research in all domains. Informatics and data mining in computational research now complement modeling and simulation. Scientists are now both collecting and generating vast quantities of digital data, introducing new challenges as well as opportunities in the digital science era. Scientists are also increasingly integrating distributed resources and instruments directly into their research and education. The following questions naturally arise: How can we make the impact of diverse, distributed resources greater than what they would have been as stand-alone resources? How can we enable even more transformational science by coordinating, federating, and even integrating these loosely coupled technologies? Is this not especially important for very high-end, relatively rare digital resources? These questions take on greater importance because science is increasingly driven by distributed, collaborating researchers and because data collections emerge from activities conducted worldwide. Access to an array of integrated and well-supported high-end digital services is critical for the advancement of knowledge in many domains, spanning all directorates of NSF and research supported by other funding agencies (DOE, NIH, DOD, NOAA, etc.). NSF has funded TeraGrid as an HPC-focused CI environment to support diverse research since 2003, while major domain-specific science projectsincluding the Large Hadron Collider, the Southern California Earthquake Center, the Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation, the Ocean Observing Infrastructure project, and the iPlant Collaborative-have developed, or are working to develop, integrated CIs for specific research challenges. The NSF Office of Cyberinfrastructure now aims to extend the scope and impact of TeraGrid to offer a more powerful solution: a comprehensive, integrated CI of advanced digital services that enables the next generation of knowledge discovery for important research problems and educational needs spanning domains, campuses, and CI projects.