Pengaruh Kombinasi Massase Dan Counter Pressure Terhadap Nyeri Persalinan Kala I DI Wilayah Kabupaten Cilacap (original) (raw)

Literature Review : Penerapan Counter Pressure Untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Persalinan Kala I


The Pain is a natural process of labor, but if not handled properly, it will cause another problem, namely increasing anxiety in the labour process. So that the production of adrenaline hormone increases and results in vasoconstriction that causes maternal blood flow to the fetus to fall. During this time, pain management using drugs but many drugs except expensive, contains a side effect too. So, non pharmacological methods are more recommended because they safe for pregnant women. One of the non pharmacological recommended is Counter Pressure. Article searching conducted in some databases: Google Scholar, Proquest and Science Direct. Keyword used were "Counter Pressure", "pain", Labour"and finally got 10 articles matched (4 international articles and 6 national articles). Counter Pressure could be categorized as a safe and effective intervention to reduce labor pain at first phase. Using Counter Pressure will close the pain stimulus that will be delivered to the spinal cord and brain. Endorphin compounds will be activated at Counter Pressure so that the transmission of pain messages can be inhibited which can cause significant decrease in pain sensation. Counter Pressure could reduce labour pain at first phase.

Penerapan Counter Pressure Untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Persalinan Kala I Di Klinik Rahayu Ungaran

Journal of Holistics and Health Science

Pain during labor increases maternal anxiety which can increase the risk of prolonged labor and high rates of secsio caesaria because this is the determining point of whether a mother can undergo a vaginal delivery or end with an action due to complications caused by severe pain.It is very important for the delivery helpers to meet the mother's need for their security and comfort.This study was conducted to find out the effectiveness of Counter Pressure Massage Against Decreased Labor Pain During I Active Phase at Rahayu Ungaran Clinic. This research uses preecperiment research method with the design of one group pretest posttest research. Samples were taken using accidental sampling techniques, namely as many as 20 maternity mothers. The instruments used in this study are SOP sheets (Standard Operating Procedures). The results of this study using Marginal Homogenity Test showed the value of Asymp value. Sig. (2-tailed) acquired 0.000. Based on statistical test criteria: If a Si...

Pengaruh Counter Pressure Terhadap Nyeri Persalinan Kala I Fase Aktif


Labor pain methods can be applied pharmacologically and non-pharmacologically. Labor pain is something that is commonly felt by pregnant women just before the birth process. But if it is not treated with proper pain management, it will cause other problems, one of which is anxiety. The aim of the study was to determine the Effectiveness of Counter Pressure on Pain Levels in Active Phase I Labor at Independent Midwife Practice (PMB) in Hasna Dewi, Pekanbaru City. This type of research is pre-experimental with two group pretest and posttest designs. The time of research was carried out in August-November 2022. The sample in this study was 10 respondents using a total sampling technique. The research instrument used a Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) questionnaire. Univariate and bivariate data analysis. The univariate results obtained pain before being given a moderate pain counter pressure with a percentage of 80.0%. pain after being given counter pressure pain decreased to mild pain wit...

Efektifitas Pemberian Kompres Hangat Terhadap Pengurangan Rasa Nyeri Persalinan Kala I

Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan, 2018

Penggunaan kompres hangat di punggung bawah dapat menenangkan dan memberi rasa nyaman serta dapat membantu mengurangi rasa sakit saat permulaan persalinan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis efektifitas pemberian kompres hangat terhadap pengurangan rasa nyeri persalinan Kala I fase laten dan fase aktif. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu (quasi eksperimen) dengan rancangan one group pretest posttest. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 89 ibu bersalin. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan accidental sampling berjumlah 20 responden. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala analog visual dengan observasi. Data dianalisis menggunakan paired sample t-test. Berdasarkan hasil diketahui karakteristik responden sebagian besar berumur 26-30 tahun (40%), berpendidikan SMA (45%), pekerjaan pegawai swasta (50%), paritas multipara (55%), penghasilan 2-3 juta (50%). Hasil uji paired t-test diketahui nilai t-hitung untuk hasil skala nyeri sebelum dan sesudah diberikan kompres hangat pada fase laten 4,33 dengan probabilitas (sig) 0,000 dan t-hitung untuk hasil skala nyeri sebelum dan setelah diberikan kompres hangat pada fase aktif 5,3 dengan probabilitas (Sig) 0,000. Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari pemberian kompres hangat terhadap pengurangan nyeri pada ibu bersalin pada fase laten dan fase aktif. Kompres hangat dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif pengurangan rasa nyeri pada proses persalinan fase laten dan fase aktif.

Efektivitas Penggunaan Aplikasi Kontraksi Nyaman Terhadap Intensitas Nyeri Persalinan Kala I

Coping: Community of Publishing in Nursing, 2020

Nyeri dalam persalinan merupakan suatu hal yang fisiologis, rasa nyeri ini disebabkan karena adanya kontraksi dan peregangan segmen bawah rahim dan serviks. Pada fase aktif persalinan, ketakutan primigravida lebih tinggi dibandingkan multigravida dan memiliki kontribusi terhadap tingkat nyeri serta durasi persalinan. Seiring dengan berkembangannya teknologi tepat guna dan semakin berkembangnya penerapan teknologi di dalam kehidupan, perlu diciptakan sebuah aplikasi kontraksi nyaman dikemas dalam sebuah aplikasi di android dibuat untuk membantu para ibu agar bisa merasakan nyamannya melahirkan dan mendapatkan pengalaman yang positif saat melahirkan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan aplikasi kontraksi nyaman terhadap intensitas nyeri persalinan kala I di Kabupaten Kudus. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen dengan rancangan one grup pre test dan post test. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 30 ibu yang akan melahirkan. Instrumen penelitian menggun...

Pengaruh Pemberian Kompres Panas untuk Mengurangi Nyeri Persalinan pada Kala I Fase Aktif di BPM Susi Hersaptiti Desa Kalikebo, Trucuk Klaten, Jawa Tengah Tahun 2014

Journal of Health, 2015

Background: Mothers who give birth often experience pain and no pain will rarely cause anxiety, muscles become spastic, rigid, narrow birth canal and less relaxation. It also can cause fatigue in a decrease uterine contractions. The number of women who want to give birth with the birth process that takes place without pain, the various efforts undertaken to reduce pain in childbirth,both pharmacological and non-pharmacological. One alternative non-pharmacological administration of hot compress on the back. Objective: Knowing the effect of hot compress compresses to reduce pain in active phase of the first stage of labor on Susie Hersaptiti BPM. Methods: The study was a Quasi Experiment. With one group pre-test post-test. Respondents in this study were all women giving birth in the active phase of the first stage in BPM Susi Hersaptiti the number of subjects 10 mothers, who were taken by means of non-probability sampling with quotas techniques. Results: The test results analysis using the Wilcoxon test marked ratings obtained asymp. Sing (2-tailed) for the effect of hot compress is (0.004) with the a = 0.05 it can be concluded that Ho is rejected Ha accepted. There is the effect of hot compresses to reduce pain active phase of the first stage of labor.

Efektifitas Massage Counter Pressure Pada Nyeri Persalinan Kala I Fase Aktif

Journal of Holistics and Health Science

Labor pain is a subjective experience of physical sensations associated with uterine contractions, cervical dilation and thinning, and fetal decline during labor. Severe pain condition during the first stage of labor allows mothers to tend to choose the easiest and fastest way to relieve pain. Efforts that can be made to deal with the first stage of labor pain are non-pharmacological methods, one of which is counter pressure massage. To determine the difference in pain before and after counter pressure massage in the active phase I labor pain. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a pretest and posttest control group design. The sampling method was accidental sampling with a sample size of 15 people. Statistical test analysis using Dependent T-Test. The average labor pain before counter pressure massage was 3,600 with a standard deviation of 0.507 and after counter pressure massage the respondent's pain value was 2,666 with a standard deviation of 0.617, it w...

Kompres Air Hangat dalam Mengurangi Nyeri Persalinan Kala I

Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan, 2020

Every prespective mother has different intensity and level of pain during a labor. The greatest pain happens in the end of the first phase on servix opening, contraction and maximum uterus. Labor pain causes an uncomfortable feeling during labor process. There are many ways to resolve the pain, but the most effective way have not found yet. The purpose of this research is to measure the warm water compresses efectivity in resolving labor pain on the first phase. Design research with quasi experiment. The sample of this research are 28 giving birth mothers on the first active phase. The study was conducted by compressing warm water on the mother's back for 20 minutes by measuring pain scale. The results showed that mothers who entered labor in the first active phase had pain with a mean of 3.28 higher than mothers after warm water compresses with a mean of 1.54. The results of the dependent T-test analysis is P-value 0.0001 (P <0.05). There is a significant difference in pain ...

Efektifitas Teknik Effleurage Dan Counter Pressure Vertebra Sacralis Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Persalinan Kala I

Jurnal Kebidanan

ABSTRAKNyeri persalinan merupakan suatu yang tidak bisa dipisahkan dari proses persalinan. Hal ini terjadi akibat peningkatan kontraksi uterus yang membuat janin turun memasuki ruang pelvis dan terus meningkat sampai dengan pembukaan serviks lengkap. Nyeri yang tidak ditangani segera dalam waktu lama dapat mengakibatkan kelelahan pada ibu dan stres yang meningkat dapat mengakibatkan rasa sakit yang semakin kuat dan berdampak pada persalinan lama Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektifitas teknik effleurage dan counter pressure vertebra sacralis terhadap penurunan nyeri persalinan Kala I. Metode penelitian ini adalah eksperimen semu jenis one group without control design. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 142 ibu bersalin selama 3 bulan. Teknik pengambilan sampel dengan cara purposive sampling sebanyak 30 responden. Teknik Effleurage dan Counter Pressure Vertebra Sacralis diberikan kepada pasien oleh peneliti bersama dengan satu bidan sebagai enumerator secara bergantian de...

Pengaruh Kompres Hangat Terhadap Tingkat Nyeri Persalinan Kala I Pada Ibu Bersalin DI BPM Rabiah Palembang Tahun 2017

Jurnal Kesehatan : Jurnal Ilmiah Multi Sciences, 2018

Upaya dalam mengatasi nyeri persalinan ada dua metode yaitu secara medis dan non medis. Tindakan non medis salah satunya adalah pemberian kompres hangat yang diberikan didaerah punggung bawah. Penelitian ini didasarkan dari hasil wawancara yang dilakukan di BPM Rabiah Palembang bahwa metode yang diunakan untuk mengatasi nyeri pada ibu bersalin adalah pijat punggung dan pemberian dukungan emosional, sedangakan pemberian kompres hangat belum pernah diterapkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kompres hangat terhadap tingkat nyeri persalinan kala I pada ibu bersalin di BPM Rabiah Palembang tahun 2017. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre eksperimental dengan pendekatan pretest dan postest. Sampel penelitian ini berjumlah 10 ibu bersalin normal di BPM Rabiah Palembang tahun 2017. Dalam penelitian ini tingkat nyeri persalinan sebelum intervensi tertinggi pada kelompok nyeri sedang sebesar 5 responden. Tingkat nyeri persalinan sesudah intervensi tertinggi berada ...