Guest editorial: Special issue on information visualisation (original) (raw)

2018, Journal of Visual Languages & Computing

In the current information era, most aspects of life depend on and driven by data, information, knowledge and user experience. The infrastructure of an information-dependent society and drive for new innovation and direction of activities heavily relies on the quality of data, information and analysis of such entities from past to its projected future activities. Information Visualisation, Visual Analytics, Business Intelligence, machine learning and application domains are just a few of the current state of the art developments that effectively enhance understanding of these driving forces. There are several key interdependent determinants emerging that are becoming the focus of scientific activities, such as: raw data (origin, autonomous capture, classification, incompleteness, impurity, filtering), data scale transformation to knowledge acquisition and its dependencies on domain of application. Processing the relationship between these stages, from the raw data to visualisation, has added new impetus to the way these are understood and communicated. Visualisation has been one of the most used methods in presenting data and generating insights [1]. The tradition of use and communication by visualisation is deep rooted and helps us investigate new meanings by application to the humanities, history, art & design, and human factors & user experience studies. Modern day computer assisted analytics and visualisation has added momentum in developing tools that exploit metaphordriven techniques within many applied domains. The techniques are developed beyond visualisation to simplify the complexities, to reveal ambiguity, and to work with incompleteness. The next phase of this evolving field is to understand uncertainty and risk analysis; how this uncertainty is built into the processes that exist in all stages of the process, from raw data to the knowledge acquisition stage.