To the 80th anniversary from the birth of A.A. Samokhin, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, chief researcher of the Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)
Physics of Plasmas 22 123119 (2015)
High field terahertz emission from relativistic laser-driven plasma wakefields Phys. Plasmas 22, 103105 (2015); 10.1063/1.4933130 Nonlinear Raman forward scattering driven by a short laser pulse in a collisional transversely magnetized plasma with nonextensive distribution Phys. Plasmas 22, 092128 (2015); 10.1063/1.4931747 Effects of high energy photon emissions in laser generated ultra-relativistic plasmas: Real-time synchrotron simulations Phys. Plasmas 22, 033117 (2015); 10.1063/1.4916491 Energy partition, γ-ray emission, and radiation reaction in the near-quantum electrodynamical regime of laserplasma interaction Phys. Plasmas 21, 023109 (2014); 10.1063/1.4866014
Preface: Contrib. Plasma Phys. 7-8/2009
Contributions to Plasma Physics, 2009
This special issue of"Contributions to Plasma Physics" is devoted to modern developments in the field of correlated charged particle systems, in particular, concerning their interaction with intense electromagnetic radiation. This has become, over the last 20 years, a field of tremendous interest, due to the increased availability of high quality optical lasers and x-ray radiation sources. The subject of laser-matter interaction concerns not only plasma physics, but also condensed matter physics and high energy physics. The results are not only of fundamental interest in basic science but numerous technological applications are beginning to emerge.
Topical issue on Fundamental physics and ultra-high laser fields: Editorial
European Physical Journal D, 2009
This special issue is dedicated to the investigation of the new physics that has been opened up in the last decade by our recently acquired ability to produce relativistic plasmas in the laboratory [1]. Relativistic plasmas [2] are systems of charged long-range interacting particles in which either their disordered (thermal) kinetic energy or their ordered (fluid) kinetic energy is at least as large as the rest mass energy of the lighter particles (the electrons in general).
Theoretical studies of some nonlinear laser-plasma interactions
Thesis University of California Berkeley 1975 Source Dissertation Abstracts International Volume 37 01 Section B Page 0297, 1975
The nonlinear coupling of intense, monochromatic, e1ectromagnetic radiation with plasma is considered in a number of special cases. The first part of the thesis serves as an introduction to three-wave interactions. A general formulation of the stimulated scattering of transverse waves by longitudinal modes in a warm, unmagnetized, uniform plasma is c9nstructed. We derive a general dispersion relation that describes Raman and, Brillouin scattering, modulational instability, and induced Thomson scattering. 'J ' J J J then we obtain the linearized coupled mode equations We thus consider all three waves on an equal basis. MUch work has been done on these equations in various limi. ts. 18-21 In the limit that la21,laJI« lall, the coupled set of equations reduces to two equations describing the evolution in space and time of the field quanti ties ai x, t) and a J C x, t) coupled by the pwnp whose amplitude is assumed constant. ll ,12,22-24 The research on various
[Francis F. Chen] Introduction to plasma physics a(
In th~ nine )t:an since this book wa-s fine ""Tiuen. rap'd progrts~ hn bttn nude ~nti(tcally in nuclear fusion. space phftia. and nonlinnr pla.Jma thtory. At the same-tirnr-. ~ energy shortage on the one hand -and the c-:xploration or Jupiter and Saturn on the: other ha\' C' incrcucd the national a\\>art'ness of 1hc imponant applications of pluma ph)"sics to ene-rgy produccion and to the understanding of our space environment.
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2011
The International Advisory Committee of the 15th International Congress on Plasma Physics (ICPP 2010) and the International Advisory Committee of the 13th Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics (LAWPP 2010) both agreed to hold this combined meeting ICPP-LAWPP-2010 in Santiago de Chile, 8-13 August 2010, considering the celebration of the Bicentennial of Chilean Independence. ICPP-LAWPP-2010 was organized by the Thermonuclear Plasma Department of the Chilean Nuclear Energy Commission (CCHEN) as part of its official program, within the framework of the Chilean Bicentennial activities. This event was also a scientific and academic activity of the project `Center for Research and Applications in Plasma Physics and Pulsed Power, P4', supported by the National Scientific and Technological Commission, CONICYT-Chile, under grant ACT-26. The International Congress on Plasma Physics was first held in Nagoya in 1980, and was followed by: Gothenburg (1982), Lausanne (1984), Kiev (1987), New Delhi (1989), Innsbruck (1992), Foz do Iguacu (1994), Nagoya (1996), Prague (1998), Quebec City (2000), Sydney (2002), Nice (2004), Kiev (2006) and Fukuoka (2008). The purpose of the Congress is to discuss recent progress and outlooks in plasma science, covering fundamental plasma physics, fusion plasmas, astrophysical plasmas, plasma applications, etc. The Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics was first held in 1982 in Cambuquira, Brazil, followed by: Medellín (1985), Santiago (1988), Buenos Aires (1990), Mexico City (1992), Foz do Iguacu (1994, also combined with ICPP), Caracas (1997), Tandil (1998), La Serena (2000), Sao Pedro (2003), Mexico City (2005) and Caracas (2007). The purpose of the Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics is to provide a forum in which the achievements of the Latin American plasma physics communities can be displayed, as well as to foster collaboration between plasma scientists within the region and elsewhere. The Program of ICPP-LAWPP-2010 included, amongst others, the following topics: fundamentals of plasma physics, fusion plasmas, plasmas in astrophysics and space physics, plasma applications and technologies, complex plasmas, high energy density plasmas, quantum plasmas and laser-plasma interaction. A total of 180 delegates from 34 different countries took part in ICPP-LAWPP-2010, and 60 delegates received financial assistance from the Local Organizing Committee, thanks to the support granted by the International Union for Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) and by CCHEN. The ICPP-LAWPP-2010 Program was established by the following Program Committee: • Carlos Alejaldre, ITER • Maria Virginia Alves, Brazil • Julio Herrera, Mexico • Günter Mank, IAEA • George Morales, USA • Padma Kant Shukla, Germany • Guido Van Oost, Belgium • Leopoldo Soto, Chile (Chairman) This Program Committee was formed of selected members from the International Advisory Committee of the ICPP and from the International Advisory Committee of the LAWPP ( In particular, plenary lectures and invited topical lectures were selected by the Program Committee from a list of nominated lectures presented by the International Advisory Committees of both ICPP and LAWPP. Also, the classification of oral and poster presentations was established by the Program Committee. The Congress included 15 invited plenary talks, 33 invited topical talks, 45 oral contributions, and 160 poster contributions. Most of the plenary and topical lectures are published in this special issue of Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. The papers were refereed according to the usual standards of the journal. Prior to ICPP-LAWPP 2010, an important activity usually associated with the Latin American Workshop on Plasma Physics took place. This activity was the LAWPP School on Plasma Physics, which was open to participants from all over the world, providing basic training to students and young researchers. The School was attended by 44 participants and 7 lecturers from 11 different countries. All participants received financial assistance from the Local Organizing Committee. The topics covered by the School were: a general description of plasmas, space and astrophysical plasmas, plasma diagnostic techniques, high temperature and fusion plasmas, and low temperature and industrial plasmas. The organizers of ICPP-LAWPP-2010 are grateful to the lecturers of the LAWPP Plasma Physics School: Luis Felipe Delgado-Aparicio (USA), Homero Maciel (Brazil), and Marina Stepanova, J Alejandro Valdivia, Victor Muñoz, Felipe Veloso and Leopoldo Soto (Chile). On 27 February 2010, Chile suffered a major earthquake, one of the worst in the recorded history of the world up to that time. Although Santiago was little affected, the region located 200 km to the south was seriously damaged. After this event, the Local Organizing Committee received many messages from members of the plasma physics community around the world expressing their concern. The Local Organizing Committee greatly appreciates the support of the participants from all over the world who decided to come to Chile to attend the Conference. Their solidarity is highly appreciated. The Chairman of ICPP-LAWPP-2010 is grateful to the members of the Local Organizing Committee for the conference: Karla Cubillos, José Moreno, Cristian Pavez, Felipe Veloso, Marcelo Zambra, Luis Huerta and Fabian Reyes, and to the members of the Program Committee for their work and commitment. The Guest Editor of this special issue is grateful to the Publishers, in particular to Caroline Wilkinson, for their excellent work and cooperation.
Nonlinear theory of intense laser-plasma interactions
Physical review letters, 1990
The classical nonlinear laser-plasma interaction theory is corrected. Given the effects of vacuum polarization (induced by extreme laser) as nonlinear media response, one-dimensional wave equations of a monochromatic laser field are derived from the Heisenberg-Euler Lagrangian density and a derivative correction with the first order quantum electrodynamic (QED) effects. A more suitable model to formulate the interactions of extreme laser and high-energy-density plasma is developed. In the results, the enhanced effect of vacuum polarization will be discussed and shown.