Sistem Pakar Mendiagnosa Gangguan Mental pada Diri Seseorang Mengunakan Metode Certainty Factor (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Sistim Informasi dan Teknologi, 2021
People with Mental Disorders (ODGJ) as a trigger for people who suffer from disorders of thought, feeling and behavior cause changes in attitudes and behavior that hinder normal human functioning. Mental disorders as a syndrome characterized by a change in a person's behavior that will be associated with symptoms such as difficulties or disorders, as well as psychological functions and behavior that are not confident in dealing with people but can also be with that person. An expert system is an intelligent computer technology that is based on solving problems using inferential knowledge and procedures. As a problem solver, expert systems will also find it easier to make decisions or policies like humans do. This study aims to produce an expert system that is used to analyze mental disorders who can make similar decisions, as well as psychiatric specialists. The data processed in this study is scientific data on mental disorders ranging from types of mental illness, early sympto...
Metode Certainty Factor pada Sistem Pakar Identifikasi Penyakit Mental
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Sistem Pakar Mendiagnosa Penyakit COVID-19 Dengan Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor
METHODIKA: Jurnal Teknik Informatika dan Sistem Informasi
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered type of coronavirus. The WHO (World Health Organization) reported that this virus first appeared on December 31, 2019 and the country that was first confirmed was China, precisely in the city of Wuhan. Indonesia became one of the confirmed countries after President Jokowi and Minister of Health Terawan Agus Putranto on Monday, March 2, 2020. Most people who are exposed to COVID-19 experience symptoms such as: fever, respiratory tract infection, loss of sense of smell, coughing runny nose, headaches, sore throats, loss of sense of taste, and nausea.. Previous research is a science to find comparisons and results to find new inspiration for research. Research methodology is a scientific process or method to obtain data to be used for research purposes. Methodology is also a theoretical analysis of a method or method, research is a systematic investigation to increase a number of knowledge. Based on the results of the CF ca...
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Adolescence is a period of increased activity, maturity of sexuality, growth of awareness, and recognition that the time free from problems experienced in childhood is lost forever. So they experience emotional instability as a result of adjusting themselves to new patterns of behavior and social environment. Personality and behavior disorders in adolescents are problems faced by parents and their environment. In this study, this knowledge was obtained from experts, namely psychologists. This study uses an interview method with a Psychologist. The expert system is a system designed to assist in detecting diseases with a dynamic knowledge base. This expert system can deduce the user's illness based on the symptoms of adolescent personality disorders that are entered into the system. As for the purpose of the research is to produce an expert system to assist psychologists in documenting their knowledge. The expert system will display the amount of confidence the symptom has on the...
Sistem Pakar Mendiagnosa Penyakit Varises Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor
Jurnal Sistem Informasi Triguna Dharma (JURSI TGD)
Masalah yang terjadi pada penelitian ini adalah ketersediaan dokter yang menangani Varises tidak selalu ada sepanjang waktu atau memiliki jadwal khusus, yang dapat akan berakibat pada pasien yang lambat ditangani apabila ada kasus Varises yang terjadi namun pada saat tidak ada dokter yang tersedia. Oleh karena itu maka dibutuhkan sebuah sistem cerdas yang akan menjadi Knowledge Assistant dan digunakan oleh asisten dokter untuk melakukan diagnosa terhadap penyakit Varises. Sistem tersebut nantinya akan dikombinasikan dengan Metode Certainty Factor (CF), Metode Certainty Factor merupakan sebuah metode yang menggunakan suatu nilai untuk mengansumsikan derajat keyakinan seorang pakar terhadap suatu data. Certainty Factor memperkenalkan konsep keyakinan dan ketidakyakinan yang dapat digunakan untuk mengukur tingkat diagnosa berdasarkan gejala yang dialami oleh pasien dengan jenis penyakit yang berbeda-beda. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah terciptanya sistem pakar untuk dapat digunakan oleh s...
Sistem Pakar Diagnosis Penyakit Perokok Pasif Mengunakan Metode Certainty Factor
EPI SAPUTRA (2021):SISTEM PAKAR DIAGNOSIS PENYAKIT PEROKOK PASIF MENGUNAKAN METODE CERTAINTY FACTOR Dewasa ini sering ditemukan kondisi perokok pasif yang berdampak pada resiko terkena kanker paru-paru. Oleh karena itu perlu di diagnosa sejak dini apakah tergolong perokok pasif dengan menerapkan salah satu metode sistem pakar yaitu Certainty Factor. Penilitian ini mencoba untuk mendiagnosa penyakit pada perokok pasif dari 32 gejala dan 6 data keluaran berupa Asma, PPOK, Bronkitis, thromboangiitis obliteran, Rhinitis vasomotor dan Kanker paru-paru. Gejala yang diperoleh melalui studi pustaka dan wawancara dengan dokter spesialis paru. Pengujian dengan UAT (User Acceptance Test) yang telah dibagikan kepada pasien dan pakar menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan SS (Sangat Setuju) sebesar 94% dan pengujian akurasi sistem dengan hasil akurasi 85%. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem pakar diagnosa penyakit pada perokok pasif menggunakan metode Certainty Factor berhasil di bangun dan da...
Sistem Pakar Mendiagnosa Penyakit Diabetes Dengan Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor
Penyakit diabetes merupakan suatu kondisi kronis yang menurunkan kemampuan tubuh untuk mengubah makanan menjadi energi. Diabetes memiliki beberapa jenis type yaitu diabetes mellitus type I, diabetes mellitus type II, dan diabetes mellitus gestasional. Ketiga jenis diabetes ini memiliki gejala yang hampir serupa, hal ini menyebabkan masyarakat awam ataupun penderita sulit membedakan diabetes jenis apa yang sedang dialami sehingga sering kali terjadi kelalaian dan menyebabkan penyakit yang semakin parah. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sebuah sistem pakar yang dapat mendiagnosa penyakit diabetes.Dengan menggunakan metode certainty factor, dibuatlah sebuah sistem pakar yang dapat mendiagnosa penyakit diabetes dengan mempertimbangkan gejala-gejala yang dirasakan oleh pengguna. Adapun gejala-gejala tersebut diantarnya adalah : Banyak kencing dimalam hari, sering haus atau lapar, berat badan turun, luka sulit sembuh, impotensi dan sebagainya.Sistem pakar ini dapat membantu mediagnosa penyakit ...
Sistem Pakar Untuk Mendiagnosa Penyakit Diabetes Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor
Diabetes is a health disorder where a person’s blood suger levels are higher due to lack of insulin or insulin receptors do not funtion properly. Initially many people did not know that they were suffering from diabetes, people with diabetes only found themselves suffering from diabetes after experiencing complications in various organs of the body. This ignorance is caused by the lack of information about diabetes and its symptoms. This study aims to create an expert system that uses the Certainty Factor method as a tool in dignosing diabetes. Consultation on this system is in the from of interactive dialogue between user and expert system on diabetes. The user selects the symptoms proposed by the system, and the system provides the results of the drop disease that the user has suffered.
Expert System Mendiagnosa Tingkat Depresi Siswa Menggunakan Metode Certainly Factor
Computer and Science Industrial Engineering (COMASIE)
Depression is a mood disorder characterized by symptoms such as moodiness, lethargy, lack of passion, feelings of worthlessness, deep frustration, hopelessness, thoughts of death and suicidal thoughts, depression is one of the mental health conditions, many students still have difficulty determining which stage and how severe the depression they are experiencing, Identifying factors that affect the level of depression experienced by students by applying the Certainty Factor (CF) method to the expert system to diagnose the level of student depression, Certainty Factor is a method for dealing with uncertainty in rule-based systems by performing calculations, after the system runs well, the implementation is carried out on students by registering first then logging in after that answering questions from data on symptoms that cause depression based on their respective levels.
Sistem Pakar Menggunakan Metode Certainty Factor dalam Akurasi Identifikasi Penyakit pada Paru
Jurnal Sistim Informasi dan Teknologi
Lungs are a very importand part of the human organ, which functions as a place for oxygen exchange. This organ that is located under the ribs has a very heavy task, as well as the pollution of the air we breathe everyday which will cause various diseases in the lungs. Lung disease is a disease that is common to everyone, and there are still many who are less concemed with lung healty, so that is causes many indications of lung diseas. Expert system is a system that uses human knowledge recorded in a computer to solve a problem. The purpose og this study was to datermine the accuracy of disease identification in the lungs using the Certainty Factor method. The date obtained is datae about the symptoms that prove wherher a person has lung disease or not and conduct an analysis of the date, so that later conclusions can be abtained from the facts found using an expert system of the Certianty Factor method. The date obtained is date about the sympyoms thet prove whethera person has lu...