Teachers' perspective of English learning models amidst pandemic: Online and offline learning (original) (raw)

Teachers’ Reflection towards the Experiences of Teaching English On-Line During Pandemic and Off-Line In New Normal Era

JETS: Journal of English Teaching Strategies

Instructing amid the Covid-19 widespread is challenging for teachers who have never implemented online or virtual learning. There are many challenges occur according to the implementation of remote teaching. It is necessary to comprehend the reflection of teachers‘ performance in online teaching as the contribution for school policy makers to develop teachers’ quality through enhancing technology-based learning. The purpose of this study was to investigate the reflections of teachers on online learning during the pandemic and learning in the new normal. From the results of interviews with several teachers, it is indicated that students’ motivation, the role of parents, an unstable network, supporting devices, the ability to purchase data packages, and geographic location were all shown to be problems during online learning. Furthermore, throughout the pandemic, online learning has an impact on students' English learning achievement, particularly in listening and speaking skills....

Teachers’ Obstacles of Online Learning Process During Pandemic Era (A Study of English Teachers at Golden Kidz School, West Jakarta)

JEdu: Journal of English Education

The objective in this research is that there are various obstacles in the implementation of online learning due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic experienced by Golden Kidz teachers, Jakarta. This research uses a descriptive case study design with a qualitative approach. In this research, the key instrument is the researcher. The data in this study are the obstacles faced and the source of interview data from subject teachers at the Golden Kidz School Jakarta, there are 3 people. They were selected as informants based on the problems experienced by the teacher during the implementation of online learning. Collecting data using interview techniques. To test the validity of the data, the researcher triangulated the time by comparing the results of the interviews. Based on data analysis, the results of the study indicate that there are several obstacles that become teacher problems during online learning at Golden Kidz School. These problems include (a) internet access, (b) techno...

Teachers’ Perception toward the Challenges in Online English Teaching during Covid-19 Pandemic


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and government policy to carry out online learning or study from home in Balikpapan, Indonesia, this study aims to describe the teachers’ perception of the challenges in the implementation of online learning in teaching English subjects in the learning process and the recommendation to overcome the problems. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. Three English teachers volunteered to participate in this research through invitation at SMK Nusantara Balikpapan. The research data collected through in-depth interviews, which were analyzed descriptively by using interactive techniques. The Thematic analysis is done by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of the data analysis show that three English teachers were not too familiar with online learning at first, so they still have many obstacles in the teaching process by using online applications or platforms. There are several obstacles, such as using...

Teachers’ Problems and Solutions in Teaching English through Online Learning

Alford Council of International English & Literature Journal

This study aims to describe the problems that English teachers faced in online teaching and learning activities during Covid-19 pandemic and how they solved those problems. The respondents of this study were two English teachers, an IT staff, and twenty five students of State Senior High School 3 of Banyuasin III, South Sumatra, Indonesia. This study was conducted with qualitative descriptive method with guided interview and close-ended questionnaire as the techniques of collecting data. The findings of this study were problems that English teachers faced in online teaching dealt with lack of facilities and difficulties in delivering online lesson.In addition to those problems, the teachers also solved problems such as stress and loneliness that some students felt in conducting online learning activity. Teachers' solutions to these problems were to allow students with lack of facilities problem to go to the school with health protocols that they must obey. As for difficulties in delivering online lesson, the teachers tried to create interesting learning media and they also provided group discussion for students.

Teachers’ perceptions of English language teaching process via online learning during Covid-19

English Education Journal, 2021

During the Covid-19 pandemic, many teachers and students were doing the teaching and learning process from home. They experienced many problems during the remote instruction. Therefore, the objectives of this research were to investigate the teachers' perceptions and obstacles in the process of teaching and learning English by using online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used in this research was mixed method, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. The instruments used were a set of questionnaire and interview. The data collected from the questionnaire was analyzed using descriptive statistic. In addition, the interview result was analyzed qualitatively to describe the obstacles. The result in the questionnaire indicated that most of the teachers were against the implementation of online learning, i.e. 55.45% and 44.54% teachers were in favor of this method of instruction. The problems can be categorized into technical and situational problems. These p...

Teachers' Perception of Online Learning in The Pandemic Era

Jurnal Lingua Idea, 2023

The Covid-19 pandemic situation has changed many aspects of life, including the learning process. In this regard, researchers are interested in analyzing teachers' perceptions of online learning. This study explains teachers' opinions about online learning and its impact, such as the disadvantages, advantages, and difficulties of online learning during the pandemic. This study uses qualitative research using questionnaires through a google form. The resource persons in this study were English teachers in North Sulawesi, totaling ten teachers. The main target of this research is the teacher's perception because they have experience in online learning in a pandemic situation. From the research data, 90% of teachers choose face-to-face in the learning process because they cannot interact directly with students and experience difficulties in the learning process due to internet access problems. Although online learning has many difficulties and weaknesses, there is no choice but to stop the spread of COVID-19. We must continue to study online. Here teachers and students are equally challenged in creative and active online learning methods and objects. One of the most important is the stability of the internet network, then adequate devices or computers, applications with accessible platforms, and online socialization that carry out efficiently, effectively, sustainably, and integrative to all interested parties in the field of education.

Students’ Perception toward Online Learning in Pandemic Situations in English Speaking Classrooms

Loquen: English Studies Journal

This study was aimed to know the students’ perception of online learning on Public Speaking class during Covid-19 pandemic. This study was the qualitative descriptive approach. Three instruments were used to collect the data, those are: observations, interview, and documentation. The subject of this study were the second semester students of the English Education Study Program in IAIN Palangka Raya. Purposive sampling was used to determine them based on some criteria needed. The result of this research viewed that students enjoyed online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic because they feel happy that they can still learn even through online learning. In a pandemic situation, they find it helpful to have online learning through applications that make it easier for them to learn to speak, such as WhatsApp and Google meet. Their lecturer also explain the material well, making it easier for students to understand the material. However, some students considered that they were dissatis...

Teachers vs Students: Perceptions Toward the Switch from Offline to Online Learning at the Primary School Level

Premise, 2022

Online learning has been one of the best available options for coping with the teaching and learning process during the pandemic era. Understanding teachers' and students' perceptions of online learning has been an important and popular research topic. The focus of the current study is ascertaining whether the teachers and students can do the online teaching and learning process optimally. The subject of the study was 15 teachers and 52 primary students of SD Muhammadiyah 03 Tumpang who have faced online learning for almost two years. This study used a survey method with an online closeended questionnaire to capture the perceptions of students and teachers on online learning implementation. The results indicated that the teachers and students perceived online learning negatively even though they agreed it was a suitable learning system during the pandemic. The study implies that online learning may positively or negatively impact students and teachers. However, it can be an alternative to learning over a long distance, and it is also one of the ways to define the technology to the teachers and students, especially in rural schools.

Teachers’ Perspectives on Face-To-Face English Teaching After Teaching Online In Pandemic

Interdiciplinary Journal and Hummanity (INJURITY)

Before the pandemic, previous research found that online teaching improved teacher face-to-face teaching. Especially in Indonesia, the pandemic has provided an unsatisfactory online teaching experience. Considerably, this study aimed to investigate teachers' perception of face-to-face English teaching after online teaching in a pandemic. The study was designed as a phenomenological study with a sampling method using purposeful random sampling. Sources of data came from interviews with five teachers in urban areas and five teachers in rural areas. Data was supported by documentation and field notes. The study found that teachers perceive face-to-face English teaching practice after the pandemic has changed compared to previous face-to-face teaching. The changes can be seen from three aspects: teaching practice, teaching competencies, and impact on students.

Teacher’s Challenges towards Online Learning in Pandemic Era

LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal

The teaching and learning process has a big revolution since Corona Virus Disease 19 (COVID19) has spread out to the world. Education is one of the sectors that have a mostly big impact on its condition. COVID 19 changes everything in the education system. The teaching and learning process which do face to face must be changed to an online system. Thus, in this research, the researchers want to identify the teacher’s challenges for doing online teaching and learning. The researchers also describe the strength and weaknesses of online learning based on teachers’ perceptions. This research used a qualitative approach because the researchers describe teacher challenges toward online learning and the easiness and the difficulties of online learning in the pandemic era. The participants of this research were 14 English teachers from a different level of education in South Kalimantan. The instruments used in this study consisted of 12 open-ended questionnaires made online using Google for...