Adopting Learning Strategies for English Language Acquisition on Secondary Level Students (original) (raw)

2022, Journal for Educators, Teachers and Trainers

The purpose of this study is to analyze and research language acquisition strategies on high-achieving secondary level students, focusing on the types of strategies that are frequently used in learning, in order to incorporate them into the language learning process and achieve successful learning. In this study, 50 high-achieving secondary level students at the Secondary School level in Uttar Pradesh, India were chosen. A qualitative technique with descriptive analysis was used. The Stratified Random Sampling Technique was used to choose the sample for this study, which took into account students' test scores and language teacher recommendations. Interviews, questionnaires, and documentation were used to gather data for this study. In high-achieving students, indirect tactics such as metacognitive strategy (48.1%) and Cognitive strategy (42.6%) dominated language acquisition strategies, according to the findings of this study. It directs that high-achieving students can master language acquisition strategies by managing their time well, giving attention to activities for language learning, enrolling in appropriate course, and managing appropriate leaning environment with friends and family. Social strategy (41.4%), emotive (28.5%), and memory (27.4%) are the next most popular tactics.

Mother Tongue as a Threat for English Language Learning at Primary Level in Indian Schools: a Survey-Based Study

Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun

This study looked at the possibility of using the mother tongue (MT) as an instructional tool at the elementary level of schooling in India. Many academics have remained intent on using their native languages as a medium of teaching in elementary schools because of the country's multilingual character. This study explained why MT, as an instructional tool, may or may not be successful in the coming years, and many issues that make it impossible to carry out are also discussed. Through a purposeful sampling method, the researcher gathered data from 150 elementary school teachers from government-run and private schools in the western part of Uttar Pradesh, India. To gather data, the researcher needed a well-designed questionnaire consisting of questions in two parts- Part A and Part B. The first part wanted demographic data on respondents. In contrast, the second part focused on the many reasons that encourage or discourage primary school students in India from learning their nati...

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Mother Tongue as a Threat for English Language Learning at Primary Level in Indian Schools: a Survey-Based Study Cover Page

Students' Attitudes to the Implementation of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Writing Task

World Journal of English Language

Vocabulary is paramount in language learning. Learners can strategize vocabulary learning using vocabulary learning strategies (VLS), namely memory, cognitive compensation, metacognitive, social, affective, and determination. If used appropriately, VLS can help learners in writing. The study investigates the level of students' attitudes and use of VLS in writing. Also, it examines the male and female students in their attitudes and the use of VLS in writing. Finally, it investigates students' attitudes in writing according to their English grades. A quantitative research method, namely a survey, was employed as the research design in the study. It employed 71 diploma students taking engineering majors in one of the technical universities on the East Coast of Malaysia. The study found that students demonstrated a moderately high attitude in writing but moderately low VLS scores. There was also no significant difference in the attitudes and use of VLS between genders. Finally,...

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Students' Attitudes to the Implementation of Vocabulary Learning Strategies in Writing Task Cover Page

Modeling the impact of L2 grit on EFL learners’ core of self-assessment and foreign language anxiety

Language Testing in Asia

Learners’ personality traits and self-assessment have an essential role in their academic achievement and the well-being of society. Although L2 grit and the core of self-assessment (CSA) have attracted considerable attention in educational research, few studies have focused on the impact of L2 grit on boosting CSA and managing foreign language anxiety (FLA). Drawing upon this existing research gap, the present study set forth to test a structural model of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) university learners’ L2 grit, CSA, and FLA. The language-domain-specific grit scale (LDSGS), the core of self-assessments questionnaire (CSAQ), and the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) were administered to 418 Iranian EFL university learners. The findings of structural equation modeling (SEM) reflected the contributions of L2 grit and CSA to overcoming language learners’ experienced anxiety. Furthermore, the significant influence of EFL learners’ CSA on FLA was concluded. The imp...

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Modeling the impact of L2 grit on EFL learners’ core of self-assessment and foreign language anxiety Cover Page

Developing English Majors’ Comprehension of Literary Texts and Online Self-Regulated Language Learning Skills via Literature Circles 2.0

Education Research International

To cope with the virtual learning mode that the COVID-19 pandemic has posed and driven by the desire to enhance students’ ability to plan, monitor, and evaluate their online learning, the current study sought to digitalize the Literature Circles model and investigate its effect on developing English majors’ comprehension skills of literary texts and online self-regulated language learning skills in an EFL context. Literature Circles 2.0 was adopted to teach the Literary Reading course that includes five short stories and a one-act play. To achieve the purpose of the study, two tools were implemented: Test of Literary Reading Comprehension Skills and Online Self-Regulated Language Learning Skills Questionnaire (Barnard et al., 2009). Sixty English majors, divided into two equivalent groups, participated in the study. The control group studied the course using the traditional teaching method, teacher-centered, which relies on lecturing, whereas the experimental group studied the same ...

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Developing English Majors’ Comprehension of Literary Texts and Online Self-Regulated Language Learning Skills via Literature Circles 2.0 Cover Page

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Metacognitive Listening Comprehension Strategies of Arab English Language Learners Cover Page

Formative vs. summative assessment: impacts on academic motivation, attitude toward learning, test anxiety, and self-regulation skill

Language Testing in Asia

As assessment plays an important role in the process of teaching and learning, this research explored the impacts of formative and summative assessments on academic motivation, attitude toward learning, test anxiety, and self-regulation skill of EFL students in Iran. To fulfill the objectives of this research, 72 Iranian EFL learners were chosen based on the convenience sampling method assigned to two experimental groups (summative group and formative group) and a control group. Then, the groups took the pre-tests of test anxiety, motivation, and self-regulation skill. Then, one experimental group was trained by following the rules of the formative assessment and the other experimental group was taught according to the summative assessment. The control group was instructed without using any preplanned assessment. After a 15-session treatment, the post-tests of the test anxiety, motivation, and self-regulation skill were administered to all groups to assess the impacts of the instruc...

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Formative vs. summative assessment: impacts on academic motivation, attitude toward learning, test anxiety, and self-regulation skill Cover Page

The use of concept mapping and vee heuristics in higher education to promote critical reflection and meaningful learning


Higher Education is currently undergoing relentless change worldwide in order to respond effectively to the aspirations of the 21st century. Consequently, prevalent literature in Higher Education calls for more emphasis on the students' learning process through increased metacognition and critical reflection. This paper starts off with the assumption that learning takes place through the integration of thinking, feeling and acting. As a result, this paper will present a model of teaching and learning in Higher Education through the integrated use of Vee Heuristics and Concept Mapping. This research will suggest that when using Concept Maps, Vee Heuristics along with an awareness of how students prefer to learn, the students will go through a metacognitive learning process which would eventually lead to critical reflection and meaningful learning. Using University students' work products, this study traces the effect of a learner's mental operations on the learner's u...

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The use of concept mapping and vee heuristics in higher education to promote critical reflection and meaningful learning Cover Page

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Cognitive Strategy Uses of Saudi English Foreign Language Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge

Education Research International

It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the connection between emotional intelligence, strategy use, and vocabulary knowledge. However, very little attention has been paid to this subject, to the best of researchers’ knowledge. To this end, intermediate students were considered through the Cambridge English: Key English Test (KET). After taking the test, 50 male students with a mean age of 16 whose grades equaled (between 45 and 69) were chosen for this research sample. Adopting a correlational design, the researchers gathered three types of scores: an emotional intelligence questionnaire, cognitive strategy use questionnaire, and a vocabulary knowledge test. The data were checked for linearity of the relationship and normality of the distribution. Finally, Pearson product-moment correlation was conducted to identify any possible correlation between the variables. The results showed a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and cognitive strategy use. The dat...

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The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Cognitive Strategy Uses of Saudi English Foreign Language Students’ Vocabulary Knowledge Cover Page

The Development of Metacognitive Models to Support Students' Autonomous Learning: Lessons from Indonesian Primary Schools

Education Research International

The present study was designed to develop an Indonesian language learning module based on metacognitive strategies to support student learning autonomy. The development of this module is based on Oxford’s (1990) strategy development model. Data were generated through quantitative and qualitative approaches. The analysis showcases that (1) module requirements were determined based on information of student needs, of whom 53% stated to agree and 31% strongly agree in case of the development of an Indonesian language learning module based on the metacognitive strategy; (2) the development of the module was conducted by integrating metacognitive strategy training and implementation in learning, evaluations, and revisions; (3) module accuracy was shown by the validation results from language experts (85%), design experts (93%), media experts (86%), and practitioners (77%), which is stated as valid; and (4) the module effectiveness was based on the results of SPSS 20 analysis: if t-value ...

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The Development of Metacognitive Models to Support Students' Autonomous Learning: Lessons from Indonesian Primary Schools Cover Page

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An Investigation of the Use of Cognitive and Metacognitive Strategies in Foreign Language Learning Cover Page


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Enjoyment in the Foreign Language Teaching Environment: Saudi Teachers’ Perspectives Cover Page

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Analyzing multimedia tools and language teaching Cover Page

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Interventionist vs. interactionist models of dynamic assessment (DA) in the EFL classroom: impacts on speaking accuracy and fluency (SAF), foreign language classroom anxiety (FLCA), and foreign language learning motivation (FLLM) Cover Page

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Revisiting Creative Teaching Approach in Saudi EFL Classes: Theoretical and Pedagogical Perspective Cover Page

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Análisis de un corpus de aprendices de inglés como lengua extranjera para la enseñanzaaprendizaje de los verbos que requieren gerundio o infinitivo Cover Page

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The Impact of Using TED Talks as a Learning Instrument on Enhancing Indonesian EFL Learners’ Listening Skill Cover Page

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Research on Papua, a digital tool with artificial intelligence in favor of learning and linguistic attitudes towards the learning of the English language in students of Spanish language as L1 Cover Page

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Improving EFL students’ speaking proficiency and self-confidence using drama technique: An action research Cover Page

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The Mediating Role of Critical Thinking Abilities in the Relationship Between English as a Foreign Language Learners’ Writing Performance and Their Language Learning Strategies Cover Page

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The Asian EFL Journal Cover Page

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The Phenomenon of Arabic-English Translation of Foreign Language Classes During The Pandemic Cover Page

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STEAM Approach to the Development of Future Teachers’ English Language Skills Cover Page

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Comparing the Effectiveness of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) and Flipped Instruction on EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Cover Page

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Effect Of Online Education On Elementary Education In India Cover Page

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Constraining Issues in Face-to-Face and Internet-Based Language Testing Cover Page

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Is It Justified To Use Arabic In English Class? Efficacy Of English-Arabic Bilingual Teaching For Teaching English At Elementary Level Cover Page

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A sample implementation of teaching molecular structure of DNA in the classroom and the opinions of teacher candidates about it Cover Page

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Teachers Helping EFL Students Improve Their Writing Through Written Feedback: The Case of Native and Non-native English-Speaking Teachers' Beliefs Cover Page

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Assessment and language improvement: the effect of peer assessment (PA) on reading comprehension, reading motivation, and vocabulary learning among EFL learners Cover Page

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A Systematic Review of Research on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in English Language Teaching and Learning (2015-2021): What are the Current Effects? Cover Page

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Revisiting views of grammar and grammar learning strategy use: A multiple case study in Vietnam Cover Page

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The Impact of a Contrastive Lexical Approach in Formulaic Expressions’ Perception on University EFL Learners’ Writing Proficiencies Cover Page

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A corpus-based study of vocabulary problems in IAU Preparatory Year students’ writing Cover Page

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Fpsyg Cover Page

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Learning Strategies in Self-directed Language Learning Using Mobile Technology in Higher Education: A Systematic Scoping Review Cover Page

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Enhancing Professional Development of Iranian EFL Teachers through Collaborative Reflection Cover Page

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Stem Students’ English Language Learning Strategies and Underlying Factors Pertaining to Open Distance Learning Cover Page

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What might make a successful language learner: a research agenda Cover Page

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La integración de la teoría y práctica de la Pedagogía Crítica: experiencias de aula en la formación del profesorado de inglés en Argentina Cover Page

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Language Learning Strategies: Contrasting English Department and Non-English Department Students Cover Page

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An Exploration on the Relationship among Learners' Autonomy, Language Learning Strategies and Big-Five Personality Traits Cover Page

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Language Learning Strategies for English Speaking Skill among Level 2 Primary School Pupils Cover Page

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The Impact of Process Writing on the Language and Attitude of Pakistani English Learners Cover Page

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An Analysis of Language Teacher Education Programs: A Comparative Study of Turkey and Kyrgyzstan Cover Page

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The Contributions of Input Enhancement of Collocations to the Reading Comprehension Performance of Iranian Field-Dependent and Field-Independent Learners Cover Page

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The Development of an Instructional Model Based on Social Cognitive Theory to Enhance English Listening and Speaking Skills for Grade 6 Students in Small Size Schools Cover Page

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A Case Study of English Language Learning Strategies used by Engineering Students in Malaysia Cover Page

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The Correlation between Foreign Language Apprehension and Foreign Language Gaiety and their Impacts on the Ideal L2 Self for EFL Learners Cover Page

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Video and audio platforms for improving listening skills in Spanish´s students of EFL: A preliminary and descriptive study Cover Page