Measuring pattern retention in anonymized data -- where one measure is not enough (original) (raw)
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Measuring Rule Retention in Anonymized Data - When One Measure Is Not Enough
Trans. Data Priv., 2017
In this paper, we explore how anonymizing data to preserve privacy affects the utility of the classification rules discoverable in the data. In order for an analysis of anonymized data to provide useful results, the data should have as much of the information contained in the original data as possible. Therein lies a problem – how does one make sure that anonymized data still contains the information it had before anonymization? This question is not the same as asking if an accurate classifier can be built from the anonymized data. Often in the literature, the prediction accuracy of a classifier made from anonymized data is used as evidence that the data are similar to the original. We demonstrate that this is not the case, and we propose a new methodology for measuring the retention of the rules that existed in the original data. We then use our methodology to design three measures that can be easily implemented, each measuring aspects of the data that no pre-existing techniques ca...
Improving Accuracy of Classification Models Induced from Anonymized Datasets
The performance of classifiers and other data mining models can be significantly enhanced using the large repositories of digital data collected nowadays by public and private organizations. However, the original records stored in those repositories cannot be released to the data miners as they frequently contain sensitive information. The emerging field of Privacy Preserving Data Publishing (PPDP) deals with this important challenge. In this paper, we present NSVDist (Non-homogeneous generalization with Sensitive Value Distributions)a new anonymization algorithm that, given minimal anonymity and diversity parameters along with an information loss measure, issues corresponding non-homogeneous anonymizations where the sensitive attribute is published as frequency distributions over the sensitive domain rather than in the usual form of exact sensitive values. In our experiments with eight datasets and four different classification algorithms, we show that classifiers induced from data generalized by NSVDist tend to be more accurate than classifiers induced using state-of-the-art anonymization algorithms.
Anonymity preserving pattern discovery
The VLDB Journal, 2006
It is generally believed that data mining results do not violate the anonymity of the individuals recorded in the source database. In fact, data mining models and patterns, in order to ensure a required statistical significance, represent a large number of individuals and thus conceal individual identities: this is the case of the minimum support threshold in frequent pattern mining. In this paper we show that this belief is illfounded. By shifting the concept of k-anonymity [42,44] from the source data to the extracted patterns, we formally characterize the notion of a threat to anonymity in the context of pattern discovery, and provide a methodology to efficiently and effectively identify all possible such threats that arise from the disclosure of the set of extracted patterns. On this basis, we obtain a formal notion of privacy protection that allows the disclosure of the extracted knowledge while protecting the anonymity of the individuals in the source database. Moreover, in order to handle the cases where the threats to anonymity cannot be avoided, we study how to eliminate such threats by means of pattern (not data!) distortion performed in a controlled way.
2016 IEEE 17th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI)
The dissemination of textual personal information has become a key driver for innovation and value creation. However, due to the possible content of sensitive information, this data must be anonymized, which can reduce its usefulness for secondary uses. One of the most used techniques to anonymize data is generalization. However, its effectiveness can be hampered by the Value Generalization Hierarchies (VGHs) used to dictate the anonymization of data, as poorly-specified VGHs can reduce the usefulness of the resulting data. To tackle this problem, we propose a metric for evaluating the quality of textual VGHs used in anonymization. Our evaluation approach considers the semantic properties of VGHs and exploits information from the input datasets to predict with higher accuracy (compared to existing approaches) the potential effectiveness of VGHs for anonymizing data. As a consequence, the utility of the resulting datasets is improved without sacrificing the privacy goal. We also introduce a novel rating scale to classify the quality of the VGHs into categories to facilitate the interpretation of our quality metric for practitioners.
Measuring Information Quality for Privacy Preserving Data Mining
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 2014
In the strive for knowledge discovery in a world of ever-growing data collection, it is important that even if a dataset is altered to preserve people's privacy, the information in the dataset retains as much quality as possible. In this context, "quality" refers to the accuracy or usefulness of the information retrievable from a dataset. Defining and measuring the loss of information after meeting privacy requirements proves difficult however. Techniques have been developed to measure the information quality of a dataset for a variety of anonymization techniques including Generalization, Suppression, and Randomization. Some measures analyze the data, while others analyze the outputted data mining results from tasks such as Clustering and Classification. This survey discusses a collection of information measures, and issues surrounding their usage and limitations. Index Terms-Anonymization, data mining, data quality, privacy preserving data mining. 5 "Clustering" refers to grouping records in such a way that similar records are grouped together and dissimilar records are grouped in separate clusters [5]. 6 "Data imputation" and "data cleaning" refer to estimating missing values in a dataset and removing misinformation/noise [9].
Anonymizing Classification Data for Privacy Preservation
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2000
Classification is a fundamental problem in data analysis. Training a classifier requires accessing a large collection of data. Releasing person-specific data, such as customer data or patient records, may pose a threat to individual's privacy. Even after removing explicit identifying information such as Name and SSN, it is still possible to link released records back to their identities by matching some combination of non-identifying attributes such as {Sex, Zip, Birthdate}. A useful approach to combat such linking attacks, called k-anonymization [1], is anonymizing the linking attributes so that at least k released records match each value combination of the linking attributes. Previous work attempted to find an optimal k-anonymization that minimizes some data distortion metric. We argue that minimizing the distortion to the training data is not relevant to the classification goal that requires extracting the structure of predication on the "future" data.
Enhancing the Utility of Anonymized Data by Improving the Quality of Generalization Hierarchies
Transactions on Data Privacy
The dissemination of textual personal information has become an important driver of innovation. However, due to the possible content of sensitive information, this data must be anonymized. A commonly-used technique to anonymize data is generalization. Nevertheless, its effectiveness can be hampered by the Value Generalization Hierarchies (VGHs) used as poorly-specified VGHs can decrease the usefulness of the resulting data. To tackle this problem, in our previous work we presented the Generalization Semantic Loss (GSL), a metric that captures the quality of categorical VGHs in terms of semantic consistency and taxonomic organization. We validated the accuracy of GSL using an intrinsic evaluation with respect to a gold standard ontology. In this paper, we extend our previous work by conducting an extrinsic evaluation of GSL with respect to the performance that VGHs have in anonymization (using data utility metrics). We show how GSL can be used to perform an a priori assessment of the VGHs' effectiveness for anonymization. In this manner, data publishers can quantitatively compare the quality of various VGHs and identify (before anonymization) those that better retain the semantics of the original data. Consequently, the utility of the anonymized datasets can be improved without sacrificing the privacy goal. Our results demonstrate the accuracy of GSL, as the quality of VGHs measured with GSL strongly correlates with the utility of the anonymized data. Results also show the benefits that an a priori VGH assessment strategy brings to the anonymization process in terms of time-savings and a reduction in the dependency on expert knowledge. Finally, GSL also proved to be lightweight in terms of computational resources.
Using anonymized data for classification
Abstract In recent years, anonymization methods have emerged as an important tool to preserve individual privacy when releasing privacy sensitive data sets. This interest in anonymization techniques has resulted in a plethora of methods for anonymizing data under different privacy and utility assumptions. At the same time, there has been little research addressing how to effectively use the anonymized data for data mining in general and for distributed data mining in particular.
Attacks on Anonymization-Based Privacy-Preserving: A Survey for Data Mining and Data Publishing
Data mining is the extraction of vast interesting patterns or knowledge from huge amount of data. The initial idea of privacy-preserving data mining PPDM was to extend traditional data mining techniques to work with the data modified to mask sensitive information. The key issues were how to modify the data and how to recover the data mining result from the modified data. Privacy-preserving data mining considers the problem of running data mining algorithms on confidential data that is not supposed to be revealed even to the party running the algorithm. In contrast, privacy-preserving data publishing (PPDP) may not necessarily be tied to a specific data mining task, and the data mining task may be unknown at the time of data publishing. PPDP studies how to transform raw data into a version that is immunized against privacy attacks but that still supports effective data mining tasks. Privacy-preserving for both data mining (PPDM) and data publishing (PPDP) has become increasingly popular because it allows sharing of privacy sensitive data for analysis purposes. One well studied approach is the k-anonymity model [1] which in turn led to other models such as confidence bounding, l-diversity, t-closeness, (α,k)-anonymity, etc. In particular, all known mechanisms try to minimize information loss and such an attempt provides a loophole for attacks. The aim of this paper is to present a survey for most of the common attacks techniques for anonymization-based PPDM & PPDP and explain their effects on Data Privacy.
To do or not to do: the dilemma of disclosing anonymized data
Proceedings of the 2005 …, 2005
Decision makers of companies often face the dilemma of whether to release data for knowledge discovery, vis a vis the risk of disclosing proprietary or sensitive information. While there are various "sanitization" methods, in this paper we focus on anonymization, given its widespread use in practice. We give due diligence to the question of "just how safe the anonymized data is", in terms of protecting the true identities of the data objects. We consider both the scenarios when the hacker has no information, and more realistically, when the hacker may have partial information about items in the domain. We conduct our analyses in the context of frequent set mining. We propose to capture the prior knowledge of the hacker by means of a belief function, where an educated guess of the frequency of each item is assumed. For various classes of belief functions, which correspond to different degrees of prior knowledge, we derive formulas for computing the expected number of "cracks". While obtaining the exact values for the more general situations is computationally hard, we propose a heuristic called the O-estimate. It is easy to compute, and is shown to be accurate empirically with real benchmark datasets. Finally, based on the O-estimates, we propose a recipe for the decision makers to resolve their dilemma.