Pengaruh Flavonoid Propolis Terhadap Lama Penyembuhan Luka Bakar Grade II Pada Tikus Putih (original) (raw)
Propolis to main content flafonoid have antioxidant properties, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic believed to be used as an agent in wound healing. The purpose of this study is to prove the effect of propolis on the healing process of burns . The research was carried out in vivo with a sample of 21 rats . Maintenance of experimental animals for 14 days were divided into three treatment groups : (1 ) Giving bioplasenton; ( 2 ) treatment of propolis 1 time a day, (3 ) treatment of propolis 2 times a day. Observation of wound healing observed changes in the diameter of the wound seen in the inflammatory phase – 4 days and the proliferative phase at day -14 . In addition to the observed changes in the diameter of the wound healing and duration until wound is drying . The results showed no significant difference in the diameter of the third group wound treatment, burns and diameter significantly at day -14 ( p = 0.001 ). where the diameter of the wound 3 groups of almost equal groups of 1...