Intercepação De Comunicações Sob a Luz Da Convenção Européia De Direitos Humanos (original) (raw)
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Espaço Juridico Journal of Law, 2021
In the context of Article 36.1 (b) of the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations (VCCR'63) interpretation by the International Court of Justice and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, this paper helps to clarify how European Law developments reinforce a renewed understanding of Article 36 VCCR '63 as regards its interaction with Human Rights Law. How could a developing case law of the European Court of Human Rights linking individual consular rights with several different rights guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights-along with the European Union's quasi-constitutional normative approach, including consular rights within citizenship rights and due process common guarantees-condition the strongly State-centred interpretation of Article 36 VCCR '63 by the International Court of Justice? The need for a reflection on an interpretative framework for a possible evolutionary, practice-based and teleological approach is highlighted by the ICJ's decision on the Jadhav case (India v. Pakistan). No contexto da interpretação do Artigo 36.1 (b) da Convenção de Viena sobre Relações Consulares (VCCR'63) de 1963 pela Corte Internacional de Justiça e pela Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos, este artigo ajuda a esclarecer como os desenvolvimentos do Direito Europeu reforçam a entendimento renovado do Artigo 36 VCCR '63 no que diz respeito à sua interação com o direito internacional dos direitos humanos. Como poderia uma jurisprudência em desenvolvimento do Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos do Humanos ligando os direitos consulares individuais a vários direitos diferentes garantidos pela Convenção Europeia dos Direitos Humanos - juntamente com a abordagem normativa quase constitucional da União Europeia, incluindo direitos consulares dentro dos direitos de cidadania e devido processo legal garantias comuns - condicionam a interpretação fortemente centrada no Estado do Artigo 36 VCCR '63 pela Corte Internacional de Justiça? O artigo objetiva enfatizar a necessidade de uma reflexão sobre um parâmetro para uma possível interpretação evolutiva, baseado numa abordagem prática e teleológica da decisão da Corte Internacional de Justiça no caso Jadhav (Índia v. Paquistão).
Editorial Porrúa, México, 2015
Esta obra estudia una cuestión relevante, poco explorada en el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos: la negación a personas jurídicas de la titularidad de derechos y de la legitimación para buscar tutela internacional, junto con la desprotección de las personas humanas que integran entes morales. A partir de la identificación de la falta de defensa ante lesiones directas o por conexidad a derechos colectivos o ejercidos de manera asociada, se realiza un análisis inductivo de más de cien decisiones de la Comisión y de la Corte y una interpretación integral de los tratados relevantes. El análisis se ve enriquecido con el aporte de otros sistemas internacionales y de la Teoría general de los derechos humanos. Fundado en una investigación de varios años, el libro expone importantes descubrimientos en la jurisprudencia y en los instrumentos aplicables que, junto a una construcción dogmática profunda y novedosa, revelan los diversos recursos que en rigor contiene el Sistema Interame...
Revista da Faculdade de Direito UFPR, 2016
Os sistemas regionais de proteção aos direitos humanos inserem-se em complexo mecanismo protetivo composto também por mecanismos nacionais e globais. Uma das importantes vantagens dos sistemas regionais em comparação com instrumentos globais de proteção aos direitos humanos reside na menor dificuldade daqueles sistemas em firmar consensos sobre esses direitos. Inegavelmente, os sistemas interamericano e europeu são os mais estruturados e desenvolvidos, sendo objeto de análise específica neste trabalho. Após uma reflexão sobre a construção do Direito Internacional dos Direito Humanos e o Sistema Interamericano de Direitos Humanos, apresentam-se os dados de pesquisa empírica sobre as decisões da Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos no período de 2006 a 2012. Posteriormente, realiza-se uma comparação com os julgamentos produzidos pela Corte Europeia de Direitos Humanos no período de 2009 a 2015. É importante registrar que este artigo utiliza, além de literatura especializada, uma f...
This article seeks to illustrate how the Principles of Distinction and Proportionality, coming from a branch of primary rules (International Humanitarian Law) have a relevant influence on the modern system of international criminal responsibility, consecrated in the Statute of the International Criminal Court, ICC. It is found that even if the latter contains provisions -war crimes-reproaching conducts due to their indiscriminate character, there are gaps related with the meaning and extension of such criminal conducts; this problematic is explained on one hand, by the political reluctance of States to compromise their sovereignty, and the specificities of the punitive function on the other. Practical consequences can be seen on the way on which modern armed conflicts take place, as most of them take place in a non-international level. Despite of a pessimist diagnosis, it has to be firmly pointed that the sole fact that a permanent criminal court has came to be a reality is a tremendous gain, provided that it is through its activity i.e. the production of clarifying jurisprudence, that this problems will be confronted and solved. Int. Law: Rev. Colomb. Derecho Int. ildi. Bogotá (Colombia) N° 14: 15-42, enero-junio de 2009 17 Distinction anD ProPortionality unDer international criMinal resPonsibility
Regional systems of human rights are part of a complex protective system that also includes national and global instruments. One of the important advantages of regional systems in comparison with global protection instruments of human rights lies in the lower difficulty of those systems in establishing consensus on these rights. Undeniably, the Inter-American and European systems are the most structured and developed and are specific object of analysis in this paper. After a reflection on the construction of the Systems has many peculiarities because of the cultural, legal, and historical circumstances, but a comparative study of those systems is important to understand some common problems and to analyze different ways to deal with the protection of human rights. As will be showed in this paper, the hypothesis is true because, for example, the number of processes is very diverse, but both systems have strong problems in correctly enforcing their decisions. 68 Revista da Faculdade de Direito -UFPR, Curitiba, vol. 61, n. 3, set./dez. 2016, p. 67 -89
Critérios de judicialização de casos pela comissão interamericana de direitos humanos
The main objective of this work is to analyze the criteria used by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to submit cases before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, having in mind that the first body is the only legitimate to present individual cases to the court. The IACHR functions as a negative filter of cases, both admitting petitions to processing and deciding which cases will be sent to the IACourtHR. However, despite the requirements set by the American Convention on Human Rights, not all cases that fulfill these criteria are judicialized, providing the body a blurred and not transparent performance. Because of that, the present work seeks to verify what other determining factors could influence IACHR decisions. Cases with determined characteristics, be they regarding the profile of the victims, the type of violation or the potential impact they could cause in the country or in the region, have more chances in being admitted to processing and, later, sent to the IACourtHR. In this scenario, this work also aims to verify the performance of human rights NGOs playing the role of representatives of the victims in the Inter-American Human Rights System, taking into account that they also use specific requirements to select which cases will have their support and defense. NGOs, acting through strategic litigation, have a leading role in the Inter-American system. The main question this work intents to answer is: to whom, after all, serves the Inter-American Human Rights System?