2 nd International Seminar on Education 2017 Empowering Local Wisdom on Education for Global Issue THE DEVELOPMENT OFREADING MATERIALS INTEGRATED INTO CHARACTER VALUES ON ENGLISHLEARNING AT SMPN 5 PADANG PANJANG (original) (raw)
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This background of the research was curriculum policy on the essence of integrating character values into learning, previous research in instructional materials in infusing character values on receiving and responding stages, and teacher’ difficulties in embedding the character education. Besides, hardly varieties instructional materials applied in English learning. The purposes of the studies are: to develop reading materials on English subject matter integrated into character values was valid, practical, and effective. This research and developmentused ADDIE model development procedures, consist of stages; analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The subject of the research was under taken in SMPN 5 Padangpanjang. This research used qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The findings of the studies can be concluded: first learning reading materials development of the English learning following stages, 1) conduct need analysis of English reading materials,...
knowledge E-engaging Minds, 2019
English teachers have difficulty in education character, because they have to explore the materials and to integrate character values [1]. A number of studies have reported on internalizing the character values into instruction materials through conferences, dissemination and workshop. However, little attention is given to English reading materials integrated in character values to address the problems. A lot of development research has been conducted on the integration character values into instructional materials [2, 3] yet very little applied to instruction reading materials integrated into character values joined by scientific approach. This paper report was to develop the valid, and effective English reading materials integrated into character values based on scientific approach. This development research was ADDIE model. This research was under taken in MA KM Padang Panjang. The research findings are; 1) the instruction materials including of teacher book was 3.28 and student book was 3.26, the effectiveness of instruction materials including of students' activities was 3.43, students' achievement was 71.42 percent and character values was 3.10 developing (began being characterized). To sum up the English reading materials integrated into character values on English subject based on scientific approach was valid and effective.
academia, 2018
English teachers have difficulty in education character, especially in internalising character values into instructional materials, because they have to explore the materials and also integrate character values into the teaching (Abdurrrachman; 2014). A number of studies have reported on internalising the character values into English learning materials through conferences, dissemination and workshop. However, little attention is given to English reading materials integrated in character values in Indonesia and to the development of effective English reading materials to address the problem. Furthermore, although a lot of development research has been conducted on the integration character values into instructional materials (Sri Mulatsih, et al; 2013, Dewi and Riau; 2013, Agusliana, et al; 2014, Rizadi. Hadi; 2015, Sardjijo & Hapzi; 2017, very little applied to instructional reading materials, and steps of implanting the character values joined with scientific approach. In order to fill this gap, this paper report was to develop the valid, practical and effective English reading materials integrated into character values on English subject through scientific approach. This development research model was ADDIE, consisting of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. This research was under taken in MA KM Padang Panjang consisted of two classes, namely ITT class for trying out and science class for applying the materials. Based on the research result can be concluded that; 1) development of English reading materials integrated into character values based student and English teacher’s need, 2) validating an English reading materials integrated into character values on English subject was very valid included teacher book was (3.28) and student book was (3.26), practicality of data was 3.14 or practical, the effectiveness of using English reading materials integrated into character values included students’ activities was (3.43), students’ achievement was (71.42%) and character values was 3.10 developing (began being characterised). To sum up the English reading materials integrated into character values on English subject based on scientific approach was valid, practical and effective.
Interweaving Character Education in English Textbook of Senior High School
LET: Linguistics, Literature and English Teaching Journal, 2020
This research is aimed at find out the character education values in reading materials of English textbook which is published by Yudhistira and Tiga Serangkai. This research used the textbook that is used by the eleventh grade of Senior High School as a handbook. This study is a descriptive qualitative research by doing content analysis. In conducting the research, the researchers analyzed the reading materials provided in the textbook by analyzing the material and determined the genre and character education value of the text. Throughout the analysis, the researchers found 15 character education values are inserted in reading text material, involve: Friendly, Social Care, Love Peace, Curiosity, Religious, Joy of Reading, Tolerance, The Spirit of Nationality, Love Homeland, Creative, Discipline, Rewarding Achievement, Hard Work, Environmental Care, and Responsibility. The teachers assess the character education values directly and joined with other evaluation, in the form of Affecti...
Developing English Reading Materials to Support Character Education for Grade IX Students
This research aimed to develop English reading materials to support character education of grade IX students and to find out the appropriateness of the developed English reading materials. This research was using research and development (R&D) method proposed by Jolly and Bolitho (1998). The research design followed severals steps, they were need analysis, contextual realisation of materials, pedagogical realisation of materials, production of materials and try out, and evaluation of materials. The research was conducted at SMP N 10 Yogyakarta. The subjects of this research were grade IX students. The data were collected through an interview and observation. The instruments of the research were an interview guideline, a questionnaire, and an observation guideline. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and descriptive qualitative. This research developed six Units of English reading materials. In terms of target needs, the students expected to be able to understand the ...
Metathesis: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching
This research is focused on content analysis of character education potrayed in English texbooks based on the Indonesia 2013 curriculum to find out the types of character education values in English textbooks and how educational character values were included into English textbooks for secondary schools. In fact, moral degradation among the youth in the modern era is becoming trends. Therefore, in this study, researchers want to focus on content analysis of character education potrayed in English texbooks based on the Indonesia 2013 curriculum based on 18 character values issued by Indonesian government. In this study, the researchers used a content analysis technique under the formula of qualitative research method. The result of the study showed that the total frequency of character value based on first semester that emerged in the textbook 1 gained 73 times or percentage (39%). The value of related to self was the most frequent value with 40 times. Then, it was followed by relate...
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Innovation in Education (ICoIE 2018), 2019
The background of this research was curriculum policy on the essence of integrating character values into instruction, teacher's difficulties in character education, and the results of previous research in instructional materials in using character values on receiving and responding stages. There is still lack of varieties of instructional materials applied in English instruction. The purpose of the studies was to develop reading materials integrating character values on English subject matter which were valid, practical, and effective. This developmental research used ADDIE procedures consisting of five stages; analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. The data were analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative approach. The results showed that; (1) the reading materials developed were very valid, in terms of content, constructs, and language. (2) the reading materials developed were very practically used by teachers and learners as well, (3) the reading materials developed were effective in improving the learners activity and achievement. Besides, they are also effective in implanting the character values: honest, disciplinary, cooperative, hardworking, responsible, and caring.
The aim of this research is to find out a content analysis of character values in the English students’ textbooks for senior high school 10th grade, 11th grade and 12th grade and the dominant differences of character from all the books. This research employed qualitative method by using content analysis. For this research mainly character values in the textbooks was carried out. The data in this research were all passages that taken from the three English sudents’ textbooks for senior high school. This research used observation check list as the instruments to evaluate coursebooks in an effective and practical way. The researcher has analyzed the data based character values found on the three books. And all of the dominants character values that the researcher were found.
REGISTER: Journal of English Language Teaching of FBS-Unimed
This study was descriptive-qualitative approach using content analysis. The data used in this study were in the forms of texts in the textbook. Some steps were undertaken during the data collection: reading the texts carefully, understanding specific parts related to the research focus intensively, marking certain parts related to the research focus, making a description of the data and inserting the data into the table. The subjects were 10 texts in English textbook entitled Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X. The objects were the 18 characters described by Kemendiknas. The results showed that there were two points of findings discussed in this research. First, related to the occurrence of characters, Hard work character was the most dominant character found in the texts with 8 data or 19.04%. It implied that the author wanted wants to raise the students’ effort of students to other human..Second, related to the techniques of integrating characters, there were two techniqu...
This study is a Research and Development study (R&D) which aimed at developing character based English material for the ninth grade students of Junior High School in SMP Negeri 1 Petang. The development model used in this study was adapted from the development model by Sugiono (2011). The research was started by analyzing the existing English material used by the teacher and the students of grade IX of SMP Negeri 1 Petang to obtain the weaknesses of the English material being used in the school. The result of the analysis showed that the existing materials suffered from several flaws, such as; the absence of explicit statements about character aspects that need to be included in students' activities, lack of use of clear instructions and examples that supported the clarity of the materials, and the monotonous content and lay-out. These weaknesses were concluded from the result of the questionnaire analysis and observation which found that only 33% the existing materials comply with the teachers' need.