"Reflections in Images of the Hüdavendigâr Province and Genesis of Modern Neo-Ottoman History in the Late Nineteenth Century" (original) (raw)

A Brief History of the Late Ottoman Empire

The American Historical Review, 2009

This brief history aspires to cover a period of almost one-and-a-half cen turies, during which enormous changes took place over a vast geographic area. As if this were not ambitious enough, the need to place the events of 1798-1918 in context requires a description of Ottoman reality in the late eighteenth century by way of background, as well as some discussion of the legacy bequeathed by the late Ottoman Empire to the new nation-states that emerged on its ruins. The compression of so much history into a con cise book naturally necessitates certain choices and omissions, as well as the privileging of trends and analyses over facts and fi gures. Th e general nature of this work thus precludes a thorough discussion of any particular issue or field. Specialists-whether of cultural, diplomatic, intellectual, lit erary, military, political, social, or economic history-may thus be some what disappointed with the result. But they may find some compensation in the attempt to integrate the advances made in multiple subfields into a gen eral framework that offers a new approach to the study of late Ottoman history. There is also a more ideological problem. The usual human failure to take account of historical contingency has been reinforced by prevalent nation alist narratives in the Ottoman successor states, producing a conception of late Ottoman history that is exceedingly teleological. It is oft en assumed that the emergence of the Republic of Turkey in Anatolia, and of the neigh boring nation-states in the surrounding territories of the disintegrated Ot toman polity, was the inevitable and predictable result of the decline of a sprawling multinational empire. This retrospective approach to late Otto man history has become, it seems to me, a major obstacle to viewing the period as it really was. In particular, it distorts key historical processes by pulling them out of their historical context and placing them in a contrived chain of events leading up to the familiar post-imperial world. The point is not to deny the significance of the link between the successor nation-statesespecially Turkey-and their Ottoman past; on the contrary, retrieving the historical roots of modern phenomena is a vital and worthy undertaking. But the attempt to frame late Ottoman history in a narrative of imperial collapse to the relentless drumbeat of the march of progress-usually

The Ottoman East in the Nineteenth Century: Societies, Identities and Politics


The Ottoman East – what is also called 'Western Armenia', 'Northern Kurdistan' or 'Eastern Anatolia' – compared to other peripheries of the Ottoman Empire, has received very little attention in Ottoman historiography. So-called taboo subjects such as the fate of Ottoman Armenians and the 'Kurdish Question' during the latter years of the Ottoman Empire have contributed to this dearth of analysis. By integrating the Armenian and Kurdish elements into the study of the Ottoman Empire, this book seeks to emphasise the interaction of different ethno-religious groups. As an area where Ottoman centralization faced unsurpassable challenges, the Ottoman East offers an ideal opportunity to examine an alternative social and political model for imperial governance and the means by which provincial rule interacted with the Ottoman centre. Discussing vital issues across this geographical area, such as trade routes, regional economic trends, migration patterns and the molding of local and national identities, this book offers a unique and fresh approach to the history and politics of modernization and empire in the wider region.

Images of an Ottoman Town in Rumeli– Ethnodemographic, Economic and Urban Development of Eskihisar Zağra, XVTH-Xviith Centuries


Bu makale 15. ve 17. yuzyila ait mufassal ve icmal tapu tahrir defterlerine, Sofya’da Milli Kutuphanenin Şarkiyat Bolumunde muhafaza edilen belgelere, seyahat raporlarina, Osmanli kroniklerine ve yayinlanmis hatiratlara dayanmaktadir. Osmanli Rumelisinin bir kasabasi olan Eskihisar Zagra’da etnik-demografik degisim ve Musluman nufusun kolonizasyonunu ortaya koymaktadir. Kasabada sehir mekaninin organizasyonu surecini ve Musluman ibadethanelerinin insasini arastirmaktadir. Calismanin son bolumu yerlesimin ekonomik yapisini ortaya koymaktadir.

Yayın Değerlendirme / Book Reviews-Tarihi Rus Haritalarında Osmanlı Devleti (1700-1917) [The Ottoman Empire in Historical Russian Maps (1700-1917)]. Author of text Mikhail Bashanov, transl. and ed. by İlyas Kemaloğlu, TDBB, 2023. / Başak Kuzakçı / bilig Türk Dünyası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 108

bilig, 2024

History can be defined as the actions and words of people, but it is important where, in what situation, at what distance all these occurred, and what kind of natural events affected these actions. In addition, cartography is used to examine the locations of communities, both old and new city names, and their geography through maps and general descriptions. History is doomed to fail in its search for truth without the information the map gives about geography. The book titled Tarihi Rus Haritalarında Osmanlı Devleti (1700-1917) [The Ottoman Empire in Historical Russian Maps (1700-1917)], prepared for publication by Mikhail Bashanov and İlyas Kemaloğlu, significantly contributed to Turkish history literature in this context. In this book, the mapping process of the Ottoman geography by the Russians is discussed in depth, based on Russian archive records.