Makkiyyah dan Madaniyyah (original) (raw)
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Al-Badihiyyah Fil Al-Qur'An Washolatiha Bil Balaghah
LiNGUA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa dan Sastra, 2011
Al-Qur’an senantiasa menjadi objek kajian yang tak ada batas. Semakin lengkap piranti yang kita gunakan untuk mengkaji, maka semakin banyak pula yang kita peroleh. Berbagai model kajian bahasa seperti ilmu Fonologi (ilm al-ashwat), Morfologi (ilm al-sharf), Sintaksis (ilm al-nahw), Semantik (ilm al-dalalah), Balaghah (ilm al-balaghah) dan lain-lain, lahir melalui al-Qur’an. Semua itu tidak terlepas dari keberadaan al-Qur’an sebagai kitab suci yang mu’jiz sepanjang zaman yang selalu dipelajari oleh manusia, terutama umat Islam. Karena itu, tulisan ini memfokuskan pada peran badihiyah (kemampuan alami) yang telah ada pada diri manusia sebagai bekal untuk mengenal ayat Allah. <br />
Jurnal Al Bayan: Jurnal Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab, 2019
This research aims to determine the types of adat al-Syibhi, the differences and the roles in understanding the texts of the hadith of the Prophet, as well as facilitating the identification of tasybih elements in a hadith text. This research is a Library Research, that relies on a descriptive analytical approach (al-Manhaj al-Washfi al-Tahlili). Descriptive approach is to analyze scientific material that is related to the subject, through library research and then presented and explained systematically. The analytical approach is to analyze the hadith of the Prophet which contains the aspects of tasybih and the words of the ‘ulama (clerics) and balaghah experts. Adat al-Shibh is the link between musyabbah and musyabbah bih. Tasybih will not be considered as completed without adat al-Syibh. Adat al-Syibh has a big role in tasybih, which can be mentioned in the sentence or omitted, and with omitting, it will give a stronger meaning than mentioning. Tasybih in terms of the Adat of al-...
Asālīb Tadrīs al-Imlā li Gair Nāṭiqīn bi al-Arabiyyah
Imlā is in the high position among the branches of language. It constitutes an important foundation for written language. Errors in imlā can result in many problems and lead to errors in understanding sentence because of its unclear meaning. Students who are not Arabic speakers encounter many problems when learning this realm. Therefore, it is needed an appropriate method to adapt students language ability with their language level. This study aims to explain several methods of teaching Imla for non Arabic speakers. The suggested method here is adjusted with the four types of imlā, namely: Imlā Manqūl, Imla Manżūr, Imla Masmū’ and Imla Ikhtibāri. Besides it is provided with applicative examples in the teaching of imlā based on certain stages that should be taken by a teacher. Thus the teaching can be carried out pleasantly and satisfy all students needs in the lesson.This study uses the method of al-waşfi al-taḩlīli, a method that describes the problems that occur, by analyzing the...
Asāsiyyātu Tarbiyyat Al-ʻulūm Al-Laduniyyah Fī Al-Tafsīr
AL ITQAN: Jurnal Studi Al-Qur'an
Laduni science is an extraordinary event that can be said to be beyond human behavior and this can be proof that Allah knows everything. In addition, it is also a reminder for us that even though humans have intelligence, they still cannot reveal all the secrets of God Almighty. Actually there is no definite theory to arrive at knowledge of laduni science, because it depends entirely on who will provide knowledge about the science. In contrast to science which is included in the category of exact knowledge, it is largely determined by one's perseverance. The more diligent and diligent in learning, the smarter and gain a lot of knowledge. And we will discuss in this article the basics of laduni science education in the interpretation of the Qur'an. Among them are verses and hadiths that discuss laduni science and comments by Sufis about laduni education.