Field and Laboratory Assessment of a New Electrolytic Point-of-Use Water Treatment Technology (original) (raw)
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Evaluation of point-of-use drinking water treatment systems’ performance and problems
Desalination and Water Treatment, 2014
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Design of a cost-effective electrochlorination system for point-of-use water treatment
Environmental Engineering Research
Bacteriological contamination in drinking water is known to be responsible for the spread of various waterborne diseases. Although chlorine is frequently used as disinfectant in water treatment, low-cost disinfecting technologies in the villages of developing and under-developed countries are not yet successfully implemented. This study contributed in designing a simple and inexpensive water disinfection unit to produce chlorine from the naturally available dissolved chloride of groundwater by electrochlorination, using inert and cheap graphite electrodes. Laboratory-based experiments were performed in both batch and continuous flow reactors to study the effect of time, current, electro charge loading (ECL), and surface area of electrodes in chlorine generation and bacterial inactivation. Controlled experiments in continuous mode in the absence of chlorine further indicated the possibility of partial inactivation of bacteria under the influence of the electric field. Finally, a trea...
It is estimated that 780 million people do not have access to improved drinking water sources and approximately 2 billion people use fecally contaminated drinking water. Effective point-of-use water treatment systems (POU) can provide water with sufficiently reduced concentrations of pathogenic enteric microorganisms to not pose significant health risks to consumers. Household water treatment (HWT) systems utilize various technologies that physically remove and/or inactivate pathogens. A limited number of governmental and other institutional entities have developed testing protocols to evaluate the performance of POU water treatment systems. Such testing protocols are essential to documenting effective performance because inferior and ineffective POU treatment technologies are thought to be in widespread use. This critical review examines specific practices, procedures and specification of widely available POU system evaluation protocols. Testing protocols should provide standardize...
Supplementary 6
The lab-scale electrolytic cell was designed to produce acidic and alkaline electrolyzed water for cleaning study. Electrolyzed water (EW) was produced by electrolysis of a dilute sodium chloride solution. The generation of free chlorine, pH and oxidation-reduction potential from the electrolysis process by the electrolytic cell were far from the expected value. Thus, the lab-scale electrolytic cell was revamped by using the acrylic slot to hold the electrode plate and a membrane holder without metal screws. This revamp work is to reduce the resistance for current flow with the aim to increase the value of chemical properties (pH, oxidation-reduction potential, free chlorine) for acidic and alkaline electrolyzed water. Findings have shown that the current was increased from 0.013A to 2.5A after the revamp process. As a result of the revamp, the value of pH, oxidationreduction potential and free chlorine for acidic electrolyzed water was increased by 1.7 times, 2.7 times, and 20 time...
Electrolysis Performancevalidationinwastewater Treatment
Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector
The rapidly growing population all over the world with increasing water pollution level and permeant need for food resources is leading to the recycling of wastewater and the recovery of new water resources. In fact, water is a very important resource it must not be wasted after being used in the various processes. Electrodes made from Iron, Steel, Aluminum and graphite are mainly the most common in the electrolytic treatment of wastewater Among the electrochemical processes. This process is a very suitable choice because it proved to achieve more satisfactory removal and also due to the easy and cost-effective in the technological aspect. The main research efforts in the future will focus on physio-chemical and/or biologically treated wastewater for the optimization of electrolytic technology in order to serve the required limits of discharged wastewater for its order to help the design of in site-treatment mechanism. The main purpose of this paper is to validate ability, efficiency and the future of this type of in-site treatment methods. Experiments made on a prototype of the electrolysis process by measuring the removal of the pollutants throw the entire process. Considering all the factors that may affect the results.
Optimization and validation of an electrolytic system in the treatment of Coffee Wastewater without recirculation via Response Surface Methodology (RSM) (Atena Editora), 2023
Residual water from coffee without recirculation can cause serious impacts if released into the environment without treatment. The electrolytic technique appears as a promising alternative to minimize this damage. However, high effluent times in the reactor can make the treatment unfeasible, consuming a lot of electrical energy and increasing the wear of the electrodes. For this reason, the objective of this study was to optimize the Hydraulic Detention Time (Time) based on the removal of turbidity, Total Solids (TS) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), monitoring the behavior of pH and electrical conductivity. In the experiments, a glass electrolytic reactor with a volume of 1000 cm 3 was used. Batch experiments were performed following a completely randomized design in a subscript scheme, varying the factors: plate distance (PD: 10, 20 and 30 mm) current density (CD: 25, 50, 75 and 100 A m -2 ) and hydraulic detention time of the reactor effluent (Time: 0, 60, 121, 183, 247, 312, 378, 446, 516 and 586 s). After using optimization techniques, it was found that the averages of the optimal operating conditions of the 2 monitored variables are in Time intervals of 376 seconds, 70 A m -2 of CD and 26 mm of PD, reflecting the greater removal of pollutants. The values predicted by the models generated overestimated turbidity by 59% and underestimated TS and COD by 14% and 2%, respectively. The validation in the optimized conditions, showed removal of 68.35%, 25.55% and 3.68%, for turbidity, total solids and COD, respectively. The overall electrical consumption was 1.75 kW.h m -3 , while the operational treatment cost was US$ 0.13 m -3 . Electricity represents the highest cost in electrolytic treatment, about 78.8% of the total operating cost under the conditions of the studied system, which can be reduced with the capture of photovoltaic electricity.
Water treatment using electrohydraulic discharge system
In South Africa, water pollution problems have continued to increase due to increasing anthropogenic activities. The increasing number of organic contaminants in various water sources can be attributed to industrial development, population growth and agricultural runoff. These activities have impacted negatively on the availability and accessibility to sustainable clean water resources, exposing citizens to water borne diseases such as cholera, diarrhoea and typhoid fever; commonly reported among children. Advanced oxidation technologies such as dielectric barrier electrohydraulic discharge (EHD), also referred to as dielectric barrier discharge (DBD), have the ability to decompose persistent organics and eliminate microbes. DBD offers advantages such as efficiency, energy saving, rapid processing, use of few or no chemicals, and non-destructive impact on the ecosystem. The system is also capable of generating ozone, hydrogen peroxide, singlet oxygen, superoxide radicals, hydroxyl radicals and other active species. The combination of these reactive species has been reported to degrade biological and chemical pollutants rapidly and efficiently. In this study, the DBD system was optimized by investigating the effect of physico-chemical, electrical parameters and reactor configurations on Methylene Blue (MB) decolouration efficiency. The physico-chemical parameters included MB concentration, solution pH and conductivity, solution volume, NaCl electrolyte concentration in the electrode compartment and air flow rate. As for electrical parameters, the effects of voltage, electrode type and size on MB decolouration efficiency were studied. The effect of the aforementioned parameters on MB decolouration efficiency was assessed by varying one parameter at a time. The following physico-chemical parameters: time (from 0-60 minutes), pH (2.5-10.5), solution conductivity (5-20 mS/cm), MB concentration (0.5-10 mg/L), solution volume (500-2000 mL), NaCl electrode electrolyte concentration (10-50 g/L) and air flow rate (2-4 L/min) were varied in their respective ranges under the applied experimental conditions: reactor air gap 2 mm, solution volume 1500 mL, NaCl electrolyte concentration of 50 g/L in the electrode compartment, voltage 25 V (7.8 kV), airflow rate 3 L/min, 0.5 mm silver electrode and a running time of 60 minutes. As for electrical parameters, voltage (from 20-25 V), electrode type (copper, silver and stainless steel) and electrode diameter (0.5-1.5 mm) were also altered individually at the applied experimental conditions. The reactor air gap was varied from 2 to 6 mm. At the same experimental conditions, the free reactive species generated mainly H 2 O 2 and O 3 , were detected and quantified using the Eisenberg and indigo methods, respectively.
Groundwater treatment by electrodialysis: gearing up towards green technology
Experiments on electrodialysis stack to treat groundwater was conducted and evaluated. The stack was operated at optimum experimental conditions at applied voltage of 12V, feed flow velocity of 0.033 l/s and desalination time of 92 minutes. An average cation removal efficiency of 99.15% was obtained while 100% anion removal was recorded for the all the anions except Cl with 99.97% removal efficiency. The oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) was also recorded to increase from-162.2 mV to 908 mV, indicating a shift from a highly reducing to a highly oxidizing reaction that will enhance easier immobilization of toxic metals present in the system. Solution pH was also noted to drop from 7.62 to 4.80 with corresponding decrease in the conductivity of 1388 µS/cm to 36 µS/cm. This indicates that characteristics of product water can be classified that of purified water, suitable for drinking and analytical purposes when process was controlled for such purpose. Arsenic desalination kinetics was found to increase over time at constant applied voltage and feed flow rate with corresponding decrease in current utilization. Lower As feed concentration samples tend to achieve product water concentrations of lower than MCL of 10 ppb earlier than high feed concentration samples.