The use of severity assessment scales in evaluating the transportability of newborns: a cohort retrospective study (original) (raw)

TRIPS scale as a predictor of outcomes in newborns requiring medical evacuation: оbservational cohort retrospective study

Annals of Critical Care

INTRODUCTION: Assessment of the patient’s condition and prediction of outcomes is critically important during pre-transport stabilization and remains the most complex challenges of the activities of transport teams. A significant variety of scales and different requirements for their application indicates that there is no consensus on the choice of a specific scale and predictive tool. OBJECTIVE: To study hospital outcomes in transported newborns, depending on the assessment on the TRIPS scale (Transport Risk Index of Physiological Stability for Newborn Infants). MATERIALS AND METHODS: The оbservational, cohort, retrospective study included data from 604 trips of the transport team to newborns consulted by resuscitation and consultative center from August 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. The total sample was divided into groups depending on the assessment of the score, followed by a comparison of characteristics and outcomes in these groups. RESULTS: There is a significant difference i...

Comparative assessment of acceptability of the prognostic scales in predicting the risk of interhospital evacuation of newborns

Russian Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Anesthesia and Intensive Care, 2021

BACKGROUND: The safety of interhospital transfer of newborns remains one of the most important issues of emergency neonatology. Assessment of risks associated with transfer is the basic concern of pre-transport preparation. AIM: This study aimed to assess and compare the predictive value of the KSCHONN, National Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System (NTISS), and TRIPS scales in predicting the risks associated with the interhospital transfer of newborns. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The cohort study included data from 604 visits of the transport team. The KSHONN, NTISS, and TRIPS scales were used in the assessments, the therapeutic actions of the transport team during transfer were evaluated, and mortality during the first day after assessments was analyzed. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC ROC) was calculated for the KSCHONN, NTISS, and TRIPS scales in relation to the therapeutic actions of the transport team and first-day mortality. RESULTS: The predictiv...

Clinical characteristics of newborn with different birth weight (results of a multicenter cohort study)

Pediatrician (St. Petersburg), 2016

ФГБоу Во «сибирский государственный медицинский университет» минздрава россии, томск; 2 оГауЗ «областной перинатальный центр», томск; 3 департамент здравоохранения томской области; 4 ГБуЗ республики мордовия «мордовский республиканский клинический перинатальный центр», саранск; 5 ГБуЗ Пермского края «ордена "Знак Почета" Пермская краевая клиническая больница», Пермь; 6 ГБуЗ «Забайкальский краевой перинатальный центр», Чита; 7 санкт-Петербургское ГБуЗ «детская городская больница № 17 св. николая Чудотворца», санкт-Петербург; 8 ФГБоу Во «санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет» минздрава россии Ключевые слова: недоношенные; ретинопатия недоношенных; бронхолегочная дисплазия (БЛд); некротический энтероколит (НЭК); внутрижелудочковое кровоизлияние (вЖК); транзиторный гипотиреоз; артериальный проток. cl inic al char acteristics of ne wBorn w ith different Birth weight (results of a Multicenter cohort study)

Predictors of the need for re-evacuation of newborns from secondary level hospitals

Russian Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Anesthesia and Intensive Care

BACKGROUND: The medical evacuation of premature newborns to institutions providing a higher level of medical care results in the reduction of death risk. The use of pediatric intensive care units in level 2 organizations for the hospitalization of newborns can be a potential solution to the lack of neonatal beds in level 3 institutions. AIM: This study aimed to determine the predictors of the re-evacuation of newborns from level 2 medical organizations to level 3 institutions. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This observational, cohort, retrospective study included data of 284 cases of the evacuation of newborns from level 1 and 2 medical organizations without a pediatric intensive care unit to level 2 medical organizations with a pediatric intensive care unit. The sample was divided into two groups: the first group included patients who received the necessary therapy in level 2 medical organizations and did not require further evacuation to level 3 (n = 261), and the second group included pa...

Surfactant Treatment of Late Preterm Infants during Emergency Transport: A Retrospective, Observational Study

Neonatology, 2021

Background: In late preterm infants born in nontertiary hospitals, the occurrence of respiratory distress syndrome requires postnatal transport. This study aimed to investigate the impact of the timing of surfactant administration in late preterm infants needing postnatal transport. Methods: This is a retrospective study evaluating surfactant administration in late preterm infants during emergency transports by the Eastern Veneto Neonatal Emergency Transport Service between January 2005 and December 2019. The outcome measures included short-term clinical complications, stabilization time, oxygen concentration, duration of mechanical ventilation and noninvasive respiratory support, length of hospital stay, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intraventricular hemorrhage, and sepsis. Results: Surfactant was administered to 155/303 neonates (51.1%) at 3 different time points: at a referring hospital (50 neonates), when the transport team arrived (25 neonates), or at a referral hospital (80 neon...

Respiratory parameters as a predictor of hospital outcomes in newborns requiring medical evacuation

Russian Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Anesthesia and Intensive Care

BACKGROUND: Assessment of the clinical condition, prediction of risks and possible outcomes during the transfer of newborns remains an important part of the work of transport teams. Respiratory disorders remain a significant indication for transfer to medical organizations of a higher level of care. AIM: To study the predictive value of the parameters of respiratory support in newborns requiring medical evacuation for the outcomes of treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The observational, cohort, retrospective study included data from neonatal to patients on ventilators (286 newborns) in the period from August 1, 2017 to December 31, 2018. Anamnesis parameters, intensive care volume, respiratory support settings, and assessments on scales (KSHONN, NTISS, TRIPS) were evaluated. Analyzed: 24-hours mortality, 7 days mortality, hospital mortality, air leakage syndrome. The assessment and comparison of the predictive value of the parameters in relation to the hospital outcomes was performed...

The Association of Survival of Newborns with Extremely Low Body Weight with the Carriage of Genes Predisposition to the Inverse Course of Respiratory Distress Syndrome of Newborns

Russian Biomedical Research

Значимость особенностей генотипа в исходах тяжелой дыхательной недостаточности у новорожденных с экстремально низкой массой тела пока не ясна. Целью исследования являлась оценка взаимосвязи выживаемости с носительством некоторых генов предрасположенности к адверсивному течению респираторного дистресс - синдрома у новорожденных с экстремально низкой массой тела (ЭНМТ). Методы. Дизайн - контролируемое, проспективное, нерандомизированное, одноцентровое исследование. Критерии включения: новорожденные с ЭНМТ менее 1000 г и гестационным возрастом 28 недель и менее, ИВЛ более 3 суток. Критерии исключения: множественные пороки развития, гестационный возраст менее 26 недель, гибель в первые 48 часов жизни. В разработку включено 88 пациентов. Исследовался полиморфизм генов белка сурфактанта В (SFTPB 1580 C>T), интерлейкина-1β (IL1B 3953 C>T), рецепторного антагониста ИЛ-1 (VNTR полиморфизм интрона 2 IL-1RN), интерлейкина-10 (IL10 627 С>A), фактора некроза опухоли (TNF-α 308 G>A), ...

Experience in implementing the International Standards for Assessing Newborn Growth INTERGROWTH-21st

Rossiyskiy Vestnik Perinatologii i Pediatrii (Russian Bulletin of Perinatology and Pediatrics), 2021

The physical development of newborns and infants is the most important parameter in assessing their health. However, the standards of anthropometric parameters, and most importantly their growth in premature babies, especially those born with low and extremely low body weight, are still controversial.Objective: to apply the methodology for measuring and assessing the main anthropometric indicators of newborns using the international standards of postnatal growth of premature babies INTERGROWTH-21st to resolve the issue of the feasibility of its adaptation and widespread introduction into neonatological and pediatric practice in the Russian Federation. 4876 children were born at Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology (participant of the international project for the implementation of INTERGROWTH-21st standards in neonatological and pediatric practice) from 15.05.2018 to 26.11.2018. 439 (9%) of them were born premature, of which 376 childr...


Древняя Русь: Вопросы медиевистики, 2023

The article focuses on certain aspects of the social history of Novgorod in the 13th – 15th centuries and deals with an issue that has not received much attention until now: the status of transport personnel taking part in the trade with the Hanse (boatmen, carters and loaders). Since the latter are hardly mentioned in Russian sources, evidence can be taken only from Hanseatic documents written in Latin and Middle Low German. The author argues that transport personnel were a significant part of the lower stratum of the Novgorod’s political community – “black people”, had their own corporate structures and were under control and protection of the Novgorod authorities.