Pengaruh Supervisi Dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Tindakan Yang Menurunkan Kualitas Audit (original) (raw)

Pengaruh Tindakan Supervisi, Kompleksitas Tugas dan Profesionalisme Auditor terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Auditor

Jurnal Akuntansi dan Investasi, 2017

This study aims to examine and find the empirical evidence the effects of Supervisory Action, Task Complexity, and Auditor's Profesionlism toward Auditor's Job Satisfaction. The samples of this study are the Internal Control Officers (APIP) in Regional Inspectorate in Sumbawa Island, Nusa Tenggara Barat Province. Total sample are 81 which consists of 50 Auditor Officers (JFA) dan 31 Control Officers (P2UPD) whose as member in audit team, selected by using sampling technique of purposive sampling. The research results showed that Supervisory Action and Task Complexity have positive significant influence on Auditor's Satisfaction.This study also find evidence that Auditors' Professionalism able to effects Job Satisfaction negatively.

Analisis Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Supervisi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Auditor Internal Inspektorat Se-Provinsi Riau

Jurnal Ekonomi, 2014

This research was conducted to determine the effect of aspects of leadership and mentoring, aspects of working conditions, and aspects of the assignment to the satisfaction of the work of internal auditors inspectorate as Riau province. The study was conducted in 13 offices spread inspectorate in Riau Province. Sampling was carried out using non-probability sampling methods (purposive sample method) while the data collection techniques performed by direct methods.

Pengaruh Kompetensi, Independensi, Profesionalisme Terhadap Kualitas Audit

TEKUN: Jurnal Telaah Akuntansi dan Bisnis, 2019

This study aimed to test whatever there is influence of Competence, Independence, Professionalism, Integrity, and Objectivity of the Quality Audit. The study was conducted by distributing questionnaires. The study population was Affiliates Medium Public Accountants and Public Accounting Firm Medium Non Affiliates. Data analysis is done using multiple regression. The result showed that the competence, independence, professionalism, integrity and objectivity affect audit quality on an ongoing basis. In addition, this study proves that the partial competency, independence and Professionalism while simultaneously all influence the quality of audits. For research in the future, this study suggests the development of survey area coverage and the addition of more variables that affect audit quality

Pengaruh Etika, Beban Kerja, Dan Time Budget Pressure Terhadap Kualitas Audit


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh etika, beban kerja, dan time budget pressure terhadap kualitas audit. Data penelitian diambil dari auditor yang bekerja di KAP Big Four Indonesia dengan metode pengampilan sampel convenience. Penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner sebagai alat survei untuk mengumpulkan data responden. Data yang dapat diolah di dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 100 kuesioner atau 83 persen dari jumlah kuesioner yang disebarkan oleh peneliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas audit akan meningkat ketika auditor menjunjung tinggi etika. Kualitas audit akan menurun ketika auditor mengalami beban kerja yang tinggi, dan mengalami tekanan anggaran waktu yang ketat. Implikasi hasil penelitian ini adalah untuk bahan evaluasi bagi auditor dalam meningkatkan kualitas auditnya, yaitu dengan cara mematuhi kode etik yang telah ditetapkan dan bagi KAP tidak memberikan beban kerja yang tinggi serta anggaran waktu yang ketat kepada auditor. Kata kunci: Etika...

Pengaruh Kepuasan Kerja Auditor, Pengalaman Dan Profesionalisme Terhadap Kualitas Audit


This study was conducted to determine the effect of auditor job satisfaction, experience, and professionalism on audit quality in public accounting firms in Jakarta. This study uses primary data in the form of answers from respondents to questionnaire data collection. This study uses a purposive sampling method in determining the sample and 63 samples have met the criteria. This study uses multiple linear regression analysis in the data analysis technique, where the results of this study indicate that the experience and professionalism variables affect audit quality, while the auditor's job satisfaction variable does not affect audit quality.

Pengaruh Komitmen organisasi motivasi dan tindakan supervisi terhadap kepuasan kerja Auditor Junior Kantor Akuntan Publik


The objective of this research is to know the empirical influence of organization commitment, motivation, and supervision action toward job satisfaction of junior auditors. The data were collected by survey method are using questionaire as primer data agregation. The sample of this research are 50 junior auditors within three years maximum job period from 17 public acoountant office in Jakarta. Field research are using purposive sampling method. Data has been analyze use validity test, reliability test, multiple linear regression, classical assumption test, t-test, F-test and determination coefficient. The result of this research are: (1) organization commitment influence significantly to junior auditor's job satisfaction (2) motivation influence significantly to junior auditor's job satisfaction (3) supervision action influence significantly to junior auditor's job satisfaction (4) organization commitment, motivation, and supervision action simultanously influence significantly to junior auditor's job satisfaction.

Pengaruh Kompetensi, Independensi, Dan Motivasi Terhadap Kualitas Audit


This study aims to examine the influence of competence, independence and motivation on audit quality. A common problem in this study is that audit findings are not detected by the inspectorate apparatus as internal auditors, but are found by an external auditor, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with SPSS 23 and Lisrel 8.80 applications.The results of this study indicate that competence has a positive and significant effect on audit quality as well as motivation variable does. Meanwhile independence has no positive effect on Audit Quality. The value of coefficient of determination shows that together the competence, independence and motivation variables contribute to the audit quality variable of 84%, while the remaining 16% is influenced by other variables outside the model.

Pengaruh Penilaian Tindakan Supervisi dan Pengalaman Kerja dengan Pendekatan Dyadic Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Auditor


Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk membandingkan penilaian yang berasal dari supervisor dan subordinat, dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penilaian supervisor maupun subordinat atas tindakan supervisi dan pengalaman kerja dengan pendekatan dyadic terhadap kepuasan kerja auditor pada BPK, Inspektorat Kota dan Provinsi Maluku. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris dengan sumber data primer yang diperoleh melalui instrument kuesioner serta menggunakan metode purposive sampling atau sampel bertujuan untuk pengambilan sampel. Selain itu data dalam penelitian ini dianalisis dan diuji dengan menggunakan program statistik SPSS dan menggunakan 2 tahap pengujian hipotesis; pengujian beda dan pengujian regresi berganda. Penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa secara statistik penilaian kedua pihak tersebut (supervisor/atasan dan subordinat/bawahan) tidaklah berbeda karena tindakan supervisi yang dilakukan untuk sektor publik adalah merata, baik untuk aspek kepemimpinan dan mentoring, kondisi kerja d...

Analisis Pengaruh Pelaksanaan Supervisi Terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Auditor Badan Pengawasan Keuangan Dan Pembangunan (BPKP) Kantor Perwakilan Propinsi Riau

Jurnal Ekonomi, 2013

Kata Kunci: Supervisi^ kepemimpinan dan mentoring, kondisi kerja, penugasan, serta kepuasan kerja auditor internal PENDAHULUAN Banyak faktor yang mempenaruhi Kepuasan Kerja. Menurut Robbin (2003:111) faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan kega antara lain, kondisi kega, supervisi, pembayaran upah, kesempatan promosi, dan hubiu^an sesama relasi kega. Faktor -faktor tersebut merupakan faktor yang standar yang dapat menambah nilai kepuasan kega. Hal ini juga telah dibukfikan oleh Goh dan Koh (1994) dalam Angrim (2005) pada penelitiannya di sejumlah anggota Institute of Internal Auditors Singapura diketahui bahwa kepuasan kega Auditor Internal dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yaitu kondisi kega yang aiami, upah, kesempatan untuk promosi, supervisi, rekan kerja dan pekegaan secara umum serta menggunakan faktor-113 Jumal Ekonomi

Pengaruh Independensi, Integritas Dan Profesionalisme Terhadap Kualitas Audit

Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi, Manajemen dan Ekonomi Islam (JAM-EKIS)

This study aims to determine the effect of independence, integrity and professionalism on audit quality. The sample in this study were auditors at the Inspectorate Office of Solok City, Solok Regency, Sawahlunto City, and Padang City, totaling 62 respondents. The type of data used is primary data. The sample technique used is saturated sample by distributing questionnaires.The results showed that: (1) independence has a positive and significant effect on audit quality. This is evidenced by using the t test with a t-count value greater than the t-table of 3,312> 2.00172. (2) Integrity does not have a positive and significant effect on audit quality. This is evidenced by using the t test with a t-value greater than t-table of 0.372> 2.00172. Besides, it has a significant value of 0.711> 0.05. (3) Professionalism has a direct effect on audit quality. This is evidenced by the t test, namely t count of 5.744> t table of 2.00172 with a significance of 0.000 <0.05. (4) indep...