On the distortion of turbulence by a progressive surface wave (original) (raw)

A linear model for the structure of turbulence beneath surface water waves

Ocean Modelling, 2011

The structure of turbulence in the ocean surface layer is investigated using a simplified semi-analytical model based on rapid-distortion theory. In this model, which is linear with respect to the turbulence, the flow comprises a mean Eulerian shear current, the Stokes drift of an irrotational surface wave, which accounts for the irreversible effect of the waves on the turbulence, and the turbulence itself, whose time evolution is calculated. By analysing the equations of motion used in the model, which are linearised versions of the Craik–Leibovich equations containing a ‘vortex force’, it is found that a flow including mean shear and a Stokes drift is formally equivalent to a flow including mean shear and rotation. In particular, Craik and Leibovich’s condition for the linear instability of the first kind of flow is equivalent to Bradshaw’s condition for the linear instability of the second. However, the present study goes beyond linear stability analyses by considering flow disturbances of finite amplitude, which allows calculating turbulence statistics and addressing cases where the linear stability is neutral. Results from the model show that the turbulence displays a structure with a continuous variation of the anisotropy and elongation, ranging from streaky structures, for distortion by shear only, to streamwise vortices resembling Langmuir circulations, for distortion by Stokes drift only. The TKE grows faster for distortion by a shear and a Stokes drift gradient with the same sign (a situation relevant to wind waves), but the turbulence is more isotropic in that case (which is linearly unstable to Langmuir circulations).

On the Interaction of Surface Waves and Upper Ocean Turbulence

Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2006

The phase-averaged energy evolution for random surface waves interacting with oceanic turbulence is investigated. The change in wave energy balances the change in the production of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE). Outside the surface viscous layer and the bottom boundary layer the turbulent flux is not related to the wave-induced shear so that eddy viscosity parameterizations cannot be applied. Instead, it is assumed that the wave motion and the turbulent fluxes are not correlated on the scale of the wave period. Using a generalized Lagrangian average it is found that the mean wave-induced shears, despite zero vorticity, yield a production of TKE as if the Stokes drift shear were a mean flow shear. This result provides a new interpretation of a previous derivation from phase-averaged equations by McWilliams et al. It is found that the present source or sink of wave energy is smaller but is still on the order of the empirically adjusted functions used for the dissipation of swell energy in operational wave models, as well as observations of that phenomenon by Snodgrass et al.

Turbulent mixing driven by mean-flow shear and internal gravity waves in oceans and atmospheres


This study starts with balances deduced by Baumert and Peters (2004, 2005) from results of stratified-shear experiments made in channels and wind tunnels by Itsweire (1984) and Rohr and Van Atta (1987), and of free-decay experiments in a resting stratified tank by Dickey and Mellor (1980). Using a modification of Canuto's (2002) ideas on turbulence and waves, these balances are merged with an (internal) gravity-wave energy balance presented for the open ocean by Gregg (1989), without mean-flow shear. The latter was augmented by a linear (viscous) friction term. Gregg's wave-energy source is interpreted on its long-wave spectral end as internal tides, topography, large-scale wind, and atmospheric low-pressure actions. In addition, internal eigen waves, generated by mean-flow shear, and the aging of the wave field from a virginal (linear) into a saturated state are taken into account. Wave packets and turbulence are treated as particles (vortices, packets) by ensemble kinetics so that the loss terms in all three balances have quadratic form. Following a proposal by Peters (2008), the mixing efficiency of purely wave-generated turbulence is treated as a universal constant, as well as the turbulent Prandtl number under neutral conditions. It is shown that: (i) in the wind tunnel, eigen waves are switched off, (ii) due to remotely generated long waves or other non-local energy sources, coexistence equilibria of turbulence and waves are stable even at Richardson numbers as high as 10310^3103; (iii) the three-equation system is compatible with geophysically shielded settings like certain stratified laboratory flows. The agreement with a huge body of observations surprises. Gregg's (1989) wave-model component and the a.m. universal constants taken apart, the equations contain only one additional dimensionless parameter for the eigen-wave closure, estimated as Yapprox1.35.Y\approx 1.35.Yapprox1.35.

Turbulence structure in the upper ocean: a comparative study of observations and modeling

Ocean Dynamics, 2014

Observations of turbulent dissipation rates measured by two independent instruments are compared with numerical model runs to investigate the injection of turbulence generated by sea surface gravity waves. The nearsurface observations are made by a moored autonomous instrument, fixed at approximately 8 m below the sea surface. The instrument is equipped with shear probes, a highresolution pressure sensor, and an inertial motion package to measure time series of dissipation rate and nondirectional surface wave energy spectrum. A free-falling profiler is used additionally to collect vertical microstructure profiles in the upper ocean. For the model simulations, we use a one-dimensional mixed layer model based on a k-ε type second moment turbulence closure, which is modified to include the effects of wave breaking and Langmuir cells. The dissipation rates obtained using the modified k-ε model are elevated near the sea surface and in the upper water column, consistent with the measurements, mainly as a result of wave breaking at the surface, and energy drawn from wave field to the mean flow by Stokes drift. The agreement between observed and simulated turbulent quantities is fairly good, especially when the Stokes production is taken into account.

On the structure of Langmuir turbulence

Ocean Modelling, 2010

The Stokes drift induced by surface waves distorts turbulence in the wind-driven mixed layer of the ocean, leading to the development of streamwise vortices, or Langmuir circulations, on a wide range of scales. We investigate the structure of the resulting Langmuir turbulence, and contrast it with the structure of shear turbulence, using rapid distortion theory (RDT) and kinematic simulation of turbulence. Firstly, these linear models show clearly why elongated streamwise vortices are produced in Langmuir turbulence, when Stokes drift tilts and stretches vertical vorticity into horizontal vorticity, whereas elongated streaky structures in streamwise velocity fluctuations are produced in shear turbulence, because there is a cancellation in the streamwise vorticity equation and instead it is vertical vorticity that is amplified. Secondly, we develop scaling arguments, illustrated by analysing data from LES, that indicate that Langmuir turbulence is generated when the deformation of the turbulence by mean shear is much weaker than the deformation by the Stokes drift. These scalings motivate a quantitative RDT model of Langmuir turbulence that accounts for deformation of turbulence by Stokes drift and blocking by the air–sea interface that is shown to yield profiles of the velocity variances in good agreement with LES. The physical picture that emerges, at least in the LES, is as follows. Early in the life cycle of a Langmuir eddy initial turbulent disturbances of vertical vorticity are amplified algebraically by the Stokes drift into elongated streamwise vortices, the Langmuir eddies. The turbulence is thus in a near two-component state, with suppressed and . Near the surface, over a depth of order the integral length scale of the turbulence, the vertical velocity is brought to zero by blocking of the air–sea interface. Since the turbulence is nearly two-component, this vertical energy is transferred into the spanwise fluctuations, considerably enhancing at the interface. After a time of order half the eddy decorrelation time the nonlinear processes, such as distortion by the strain field of the surrounding eddies, arrest the deformation and the Langmuir eddy decays. Presumably, Langmuir turbulence then consists of a statistically steady state of such Langmuir eddies. The analysis then provides a dynamical connection between the flow structures in LES of Langmuir turbulence and the dominant balance between Stokes production and dissipation in the turbulent kinetic energy budget, found by previous authors.

Numerical Evidence of Turbulence Generated by Nonbreaking Surface Waves

Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2015

Numerical simulation of monochromatic surface waves propagating over a turbulent field is conducted to reveal the mechanism of turbulence production by nonbreaking waves. The numerical model solves the primitive equations subject to the fully nonlinear boundary conditions on the exact water surface. The result predicts growth rates of turbulent kinetic energy consistent with previous measurements and modeling. It also validates the observed horizontal anisotropy of the near-surface turbulence that the spanwise turbulent intensity exceeds the streamwise component. Such a flow structure is found to be attributed to the formation of streamwise vortices near the water surface, which also induces elongated surface streaks. The averaged spacing between the streaks and the depth of the vortical cells approximates that of Langmuir turbulence. The strength of the vortices arising from the wave–turbulence interaction, however, is one order of magnitude less than that of Langmuir cells, which ...

Turbulence closure: turbulence, waves and the wave-turbulence transition - Part 1: Vanishing mean shear

Ocean Science, 2009

This paper extends a turbulence closure-like model for stably stratified flows into a new dynamic domain in which turbulence is generated by internal gravity waves rather than mean shear. The model turbulent kinetic energy (TKE, K) balance, its first equation, incorporates a term for the energy transfer from internal waves to turbulence. This energy source is in addition to the traditional shear production. The second variable of the new two-equation model is the turbulent enstrophy (Ω). Compared to the traditional shear-only case, the Ω-equation is modified to account for the effect of the waves on the turbulence time and space scales. This modification is based on the assumption of a non-zero constant flux Richardson number in the limit of vanishing mean shear when turbulence is produced exclusively by internal waves. This paper is part 1 of a continuing theoretical development. It accounts for mean shear- and internal wave-driven mixing only in the two limits of mean shear and no waves and waves but no mean shear, respectively. The new model reproduces the wave-turbulence transition analyzed by D'Asaro and Lien (2000b). At small energy density E of the internal wave field, the turbulent dissipation rate (ɛ) scales like ɛ~E2. This is what is observed in the deep sea. With increasing E, after the wave-turbulence transition has been passed, the scaling changes to ɛ~E1. This is observed, for example, in the highly energetic tidal flow near a sill in Knight Inlet. The new model further exhibits a turbulent length scale proportional to the Ozmidov scale, as observed in the ocean, and predicts the ratio between the turbulent Thorpe and Ozmidov length scales well within the range observed in the ocean.

On Waves, Oceanic Turbulence, and Their Interaction

Much progress in understanding the coupling between the atmosphere and the sea has been made during the past years. Here we discuss the implications of the recent discovery of enhanced (above wall layer predictions) dissipation rates in the upper ocean. In particular, we look at estimates of surface roughness and discuss mechanisms of wave-turbulence interaction.

The Cospectrum of Stress-Carrying Turbulence in the Presence of Surface Gravity Waves

Journal of Physical Oceanography

The cospectrum of the horizontal and vertical turbulent velocity fluctuations, an essential tool for understanding measurements of the turbulent Reynolds shear stress, often departs in the ocean from the shape that has been established in the atmospheric surface layer. Here, we test the hypothesis that this departure is caused by advection of standard boundary layer turbulence by the random oscillatory velocities produced by surface gravity waves. The test is based on a model with two elements. The first is a representation of the spatial structure of the turbulence, guided by rapid distortion theory, and consistent with the one-dimensional cospectra that have been measured in the atmosphere. The second model element is a map of the spatial structure of the turbulence to the temporal fluctuations measured at fixed sensors, assuming advection of frozen turbulence by the velocities associated with surface waves. The model is adapted to removal of the wave velocities from the turbulent...

On the initiation of surface waves by turbulent shear flow

Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 2006

An analytical model is developed for the initial stage of surface wave generation at an air–water interface by a turbulent shear flow in either the air or in the water. The model treats the problem of wave growth departing from a flat interface and is relevant for small waves whose forcing is dominated by turbulent pressure fluctuations. The wave growth is predicted using the linearised and inviscid equations of motion, essentially following Phillips [Phillips, O.M., 1957. On the generation of waves by turbulent wind. J. Fluid Mech. 2, 417–445], but the pressure fluctuations that generate the waves are treated as unsteady and related to the turbulent velocity field using the rapid-distortion treatment of Durbin [Durbin, P.A., 1978. Rapid distortion theory of turbulent flows. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge]. This model, which assumes a constant mean shear rate Γ, can be viewed as the simplest representation of an oceanic or atmospheric boundary layer. For turbulent flows in the air and in the water producing pressure fluctuations of similar magnitude, the waves generated by turbulence in the water are found to be considerably steeper than those generated by turbulence in the air. For resonant waves, this is shown to be due to the shorter decorrelation time of turbulent pressure in the air (estimated as ∝ 1/Γ), because of the higher shear rate existing in the air flow, and due to the smaller length scale of the turbulence in the water. Non-resonant waves generated by turbulence in the water, although being somewhat gentler, are still steeper than resonant waves generated by turbulence in the air. Hence, it is suggested that turbulence in the water may have a more important role than previously thought in the initiation of the surface waves that are subsequently amplified by feedback instability mechanisms.