MemoriAl plate unveiled in memory of staff of the Institute of Experimental Medicine who were victims of political repression (original) (raw)

To the history of the journal "Izvestia of the Imperial Military Medical Academy

Russian Military Medical Academy Reports

One Five years ago, the publication of the journal Izvestia of the Imperial Military Medical Academy, which was published in the period from 1900 to 1917, was resumed. Purpose of the article: based on the constituent documents and other documentary evidence, to consider the history of this scientific and practical publication, the goals and objectives of its establishment, the main purpose, structure of sections and topics of publications; outline the circle of personalities who have made the greatest contribution to the existence of the journal: initiators of its creation, editors, regular authors. The work describes in detail the functions of the editorial office and the practical aspects of interaction with authors. Particular attention is paid to the details of the reform undertaken in 1911, aimed at raising the scientific authority of the publication as the official organ of the Academys press and expanding the circle of its subscribers. As a result of the reform, noticeable st...

Prominent physician and manager of health care in the Crimea (on the 120th anniversary of the death of N.N. Betling)

The year 2022 marks the 120th anniversary of the death of Nikolai Nikolaevich Betling, one of the most prominent representatives of pre-revolutionary medicine in the Taurida Gubernia. For more than thirty years he was the head of the Taurida Gubernatorial Zemstvo Hospital, which he took over in a very difficult and crucial period — soon after it was transferred from the Prikaz Public Charity to the Taurida Gubernatorial Zemstvo. It was his efforts that laid the foundation for the development of not only the practical medicine of the region, but also the surgical research center of the Gubernia. For his outstanding contribution to medicine, Betling was awarded not only several orders, but also the title of honorary nobility, and after his death a street in Simferopol was named in his honour. However, over a century later, Betling’s legacy has been forgotten. Today Betling’s name is known only to some local historians and is practically not mentioned in scientific publications. The authors of the article analyzed pre-revolutionary literature sources and searched among archival documents, plans and photographs. Today, in the main building of the former hospital is a Department of Human Anatomy of Institute “Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky”, where medical students of junior courses are trained. Resurrecting the memory of such figures of Medicine as Betling is a fertile ground for creating a sense of pride in the national history of Medicine among aspiring physicians.

Жертвы массовых репрессий в Мордовии: социальная идентификация, память и забвение [Victims of Mass Political Repressions in Mordovia: Social Identfication, Memory and Oblivion]

Вестник Пермского университета. История, 2021

The subject of the study undertaken in 2019–2020 by the method of in-depth sociological interviews with the descendants of persons suffered of massive political repressions, including the dispossessed peasants, is the social memory of the population of the Republic of Mordovia about the mass political repressions of the 1920s – 1940s. The aims of the study were to identify the main strategies for dealing with collective trauma in families of repressed in a regional society, the main subjects of social memory about traumas of repression, strategies for remembering and forgetting, and social factors that influence their choice, strategies for group self-identification of the descendants of the repressed, prerequisites (or their lack) for the consolidation of broader traumatized communities, as well as the underlying cultural modalities of discussing trauma and repressions in terms of detraumatization or retraumatization. The results of the study show that the families of the repressed...

Victims of Mass Political Repressions in Mordovia: Social Identfication, Memory and Oblivion

Вестник Пермского университета. История, 2021

The subject of the study undertaken in 2019–2020 by the method of in-depth sociological interviews with the descendants of persons suffered of massive political repressions, including the dispossessed peasants, is the social memory of the population of the Republic of Mordovia about the mass political repressions of the 1920s – 1940s. The aims of the study were to identify the main strategies for dealing with collective trauma in families of repressed in a regional society, the main subjects of social memory about traumas of repression, strategies for remembering and forgetting, and social factors that influence their choice, strategies for group self-identification of the descendants of the repressed, prerequisites (or their lack) for the consolidation of broader traumatized communities, as well as the underlying cultural modalities of discussing trauma and repressions in terms of detraumatization or retraumatization. The results of the study show that the families of the repressed...

The most important events in the history of chernivtsi state medical institute for 1954 - 1974

Current issues of social sciences and history of medicine, 2020

Бойчук Тарас, Мойсей Антоний. Важнейшие события в истории Черновицкого государственного медицинского института за 1954-1974 гг. В статье в логической последовательности представлены важнейшие события из истории ЧГМИ за период с 1954 по 1974 гг. Цель работы-корректировать формирование стереотипа деятельности учебного заведения в обозначенный период. Актуальность исследования обусловлена необходимостью создания документально обзора деятельности Буковинского государственного медицинского университета в 1954-1974 годах. Методика работы основывается на анализе историографических изданий и архивных материалов. Выводы. Исследования показывают, что первая послевоенная декада деятельности Института проходила в чрезвычайно сложных экономических, социальных, культурных, эпидемиологических, санитарно-гигиенических условиях. Период, очерченный хронологическими рамками 1954-1974 годов, имел более благоприятные материальные, технические, кадровые, методические и научные предпосылки. Это дало возможность укрепить учебную базу, условия проживания и досуга студентов и преподавателей, усовершенствовать методическую работу, добиться позитивных результатов в научной сфере и их внедрению в практическую медицину. Как результат, была выполнена главная социально-политическая задача, окончательно не решенная на протяжении первого десятилетия,-увеличение процента студентов-выходцев из Черновицкой и других областей Западной Украины до оптимального числа необходимого для экономики страны в тот исторический период. Ключевые слова: Буковинский государственный медицинский университет, Черновицкий медицинский институт, материально-техническая база, учебный процесс, досуг студентов.

Institute of the President under martial law

Political Studies

Traditionally, authorities are formed to ensure the needs of society, guarantees of security and economic opportunities. However as history has proven, as long as there are political ambitions, imperial narratives, and a growing military-industrial complex, there will always be a risk of war or interstate conflicts. That is why basic things are included in the content of the state administration system, which can be used in the conditions of military operations, the emergence of various kinds of conflicts, and at the same time ensure the vital activities of the country. How correct the approaches to the formation of institutions in Ukraine and the mechanisms of their interaction are in this matter, let's try to understand on the example of one of the key institutions of power – the President. The uniqueness and at the same time the complexity of today’s situation is that the events are analyzed in the process of their reproduction, there is no ready-made template, and the model ...