Introduction to Quantum Information Processing (original) (raw)

Theory of quantum error-correcting codes

Physical Review A, 1997

Quantum Error Correction will be necessary for preserving coherent states against noise and other unwanted interactions in quantum computation and communication. We develop a general theory of quantum error correction based on encoding states into larger Hilbert spaces subject to known interactions. We obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for the perfect recovery of an encoded state after its degradation by an interaction. The conditions depend only on the behavior of the logical states. We use them to give a recovery operator independent definition of error-correcting codes. We relate this definition to four others: The existence of a left inverse of the interaction, an explicit representation of the error syndrome using tensor products, perfect recovery of the completely entangled state, and an information theoretic identity. Two notions of fidelity and error for imperfect recovery are introduced, one for pure and the other for entangled states. The latter is more appropriate when using codes in a quantum memory or in applications of quantum teleportation to communication. We show that the error for entangled states is bounded linearly by the error for pure states. A formal definition of independent interactions for qubits is given. This leads to lower bounds on the number of qubits required to correct e errors and a formal proof that the classical bounds on the probability of error of e-error-correcting codes applies to e-errorcorrecting quantum codes, provided that the interaction is dominated by an identity component.

Trade-off between the tolerance of located and unlocated errors in nondegenerate quantum error-correcting codes

Quantum information & computation

In a recent study [Rohde et al., quant-ph/0603130 (2006)] of several quantum error correcting protocols designed for tolerance against qubit loss, it was shown that these protocols have the undesirable effect of magnifying the effects of depolarization noise. This raises the question of which general properties of quantum error-correcting codes might explain such an apparent trade-off between tolerance to located and unlocated error types. We extend the counting argument behind the well-known quantum Hamming bound to derive a bound on the weights of combinations of located and unlocated errors which are correctable by nondegenerate quantum codes. Numerical results show that the bound gives an excellent prediction to which combinations of unlocated and located errors can be corrected with high probability by certain large degenerate codes. The numerical results are explained partly by showing that the generalized bound, like the original, is closely connected to the information-theoretic quantity the quantum coherent information. However, we also show that as a measure of the exact performance of quantum codes, our generalized Hamming bound is provably far from tight.

Quantum correction with three codes


In this paper, we provide an implementation of five, seven and ninequbits error correcting codes on a classical computer using the quantum simulator Feynman program. We also compare the three codes by computing the fidelity when double errors occurs in a depolarizing channel. As triple errors and more are considered very unlikely, it has negligible effect on the next results.

Entanglement increases the error-correcting ability of quantum error-correcting codes

Physical Review A, 2013

If entanglement is available, the error-correcting ability of quantum codes can be increased. We show how to optimize the minimum distance of an entanglement-assisted quantum error-correcting (EAQEC) code, obtained by adding ebits to a standard quantum error-correcting code, over different encoding operators. By this encoding optimization procedure, we found several new EAQEC codes, including a family of [[n, 1, n; n − 1]] EAQEC codes for n odd and code parameters [[7, 1, 5; 2]], [[7, 1, 5; 3]], [[9, 1, 7; 4]], [[9, 1, 7; 5]], which saturate the quantum singleton bound for EAQEC codes.

Undetected Error Probability for Quantum Codes

From last fourteen years the work on undetected error probability for quantum codes has been silent. The undetected error probability has been discussed by Ashikhmin [3] in which it was proved that the average probability of undetected error for a given code is essentially given by a function of its weight enumerators. In this paper, new upper bounds on undetected error probability for quantum codes used for error detection on depolarization channel are given. It has also been established that the probability of undetected errors for quantum codes over depolarization channel do satisfy the upper bound analogous to classical codes.

Asymmetric quantum error-correcting codes

Physical Review A, 2007

The noise in physical qubits is fundamentally asymmetric: in most devices, phase errors are much more probable than bit flips. We propose a quantum error correcting code which takes advantage of this asymmetry and shows good performance at a relatively small cost in redundancy, requiring less than a doubling of the number of physical qubits for error correction.

Fault-Tolerant Error Correction with Efficient Quantum Codes

Physical Review Letters, 1996

We exhibit a simple, systematic procedure for detecting and correcting errors using any of the recently reported quantum error-correcting codes. The procedure is shown explicitly for a code in which one qubit is mapped into five. The quantum networks obtained are fault tolerant, that is, they can function successfully even if errors occur during the error correction. Our construction is derived using a recently introduced group-theoretic framework for unifying all known quantum codes.

Design of Short Codes for Quantum Channels with Asymmetric Pauli Errors

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2020

One of the main problems in quantum information systems is the presence of errors due to noise. Many quantum error correcting codes have been designed to deal with generic errors. In this paper we construct new stabilizer codes able to correct a given number eg of generic Pauli X , Y and Z errors, plus a number eZ of Pauli errors of a specified type (e.g., Z errors). These codes can be of interest when the quantum channel is asymmetric, i.e., when some types of error occur more frequently than others. For example, we design a [[9, 1]] quantum error correcting code able to correct up to one generic qubit error plus one Z error in arbitrary positions. According to a generalized version of the quantum Hamming bound, it is the shortest code with this error correction capability.

Concatenation of Error Avoiding with Error Correcting Quantum Codes for Correlated Noise Models

International Journal of Quantum Information, 2011

We study the performance of simple error correcting and error avoiding quantum codes together with their concatenation for correlated noise models. Specifically, we consider two error models: (i) a bit-flip (phase-flip) noisy Markovian memory channel (model I); (ii) a memory channel defined as a memory degree dependent linear combination of memoryless channels with Kraus decompositions expressed solely in terms of tensor products of X-Pauli (Z-Pauli) operators (model II). The performance of both the three-qubit bit flip (phase flip) and the error avoiding codes suitable for the considered error models is quantified in terms of the entanglement fidelity. We explicitly show that while none of the two codes is effective in the extreme limit when the other is, the three-qubit bit flip (phase flip) code still works for high enough correlations in the errors, whereas the error avoiding code does not work for small correlations. Finally, we consider the concatenation of such codes for both...

Approximate quantum error correction can lead to better codes

Physical Review A, 1997

We present relaxed criteria for quantum error correction which are useful when the specific dominant quantum noise process is known. These criteria have no classical analogue. As an example, we provide a four-bit code which corrects for a single amplitude damping error. This code violates the usual Hamming bound calculated for a Pauli description of the error process, and does not fit into the GF(4) classification.