Proposed Design of Walk-Through Gate (WTG): Mitigating the Effect of COVID-19 (original) (raw)

Full Body Sanitizing Tunnel To Tackle Covid-19

Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, 2021

As we know the deadly Coronavirus is spreading very fastly across the world it’s almost around 12 months gone but still, there is lack of vaccine manufacturer in India , the only way to stay protect and safe is in the form of taking precautions which may be in the terms of wearing PPE’s, masks, hand gloves, washing/sanitizing hands at regular interval and maintaining social distancing. The impact of Coronavirus is very deadly so precaution is very necessary. At the very early stage, the Govt. realized the threat by Coronavirus and implemented a nationwide lockdown which led to a drastic decrease in the chance of community spread. And we all experienced the lockdown and now we are in the second phase of deadly coronavirus and lockdown all over but country can’t be in lockdown forever otherwise it’s economy will be hit badly. So, in Unlock 1.O in first phase all the businesses and shops opened increasing the chance of spread of corona. So, first, all these shops were using sanitizers ...

Robotics Utilization for Healthcare Digitization in Global COVID-19 Management

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020

This paper describes the evolving role of robotics in healthcare and allied areas with special concerns relating to the management and control of the spread of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The prime utilization of such robots is to minimize person-to-person contact and to ensure cleaning, sterilization and support in hospitals and similar facilities such as quarantine. This will result in minimizing the life threat to medical staff and doctors taking an active role in the management of theCOVID-19 pandemic. The intention of the present research is to highlight the importance of medical robotics in general and then to connect its utilization with the perspective of COVID-19 management so that the hospital management can direct themselves to maximize the use of medical robots for various medical procedures. This is despite the popularity of telemedicine, which is also effective in similar situations. In essence, the recent achievement of the Korean and Chinese health...

Knowledge and Attitude of Dental Practitioners Related to Disinfection during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Healthcare, 2020

The world is currently facing a pandemic crisis due to a novel coronavirus. For this purpose, acquiring updated knowledge regarding prevention and disinfection during the current pandemic is necessary for every dental practitioner. In our study, we aimed to evaluate globally the level of knowledge and the attitude of dental practitioners related to disinfection. A total of 385 participants out of 401 participants from 23 different countries across the world were included in the final analysis after the exclusion of incomplete responses. The majority of the dentists who responded were females (53.8%) and were practicing at private health institutes (36.4%). The mean knowledge score of the participants was estimated to be 4.19 ± 1.88 out of 12, reflecting insufficient knowledge, and the mean attitude score of the participants was estimated to be 12.24 ± 3.23 out of 15, which shows a positive attitude toward disinfection practices during coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Thus, the current s...

House-Hold Safety Recommendations for COVID-19

Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences

Since COVID-19 has erupted as a pandemic worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 4,758,937 cases are confirmed and approximately 316,300 deaths are claimed. Therefore, every individual is confining himself in quarantine at home. As people are staying at home for about 3 months, house-hold precautions are important and should be followed to mitigate the proliferation of disease. Today, social distancing has become a national rule all over the world, so being eschewed is loving yourself. As the world is hit by the drastic pandemic, which has changed the entire pattern of living and everyone is in a tough situation. To help the community, it is necessary to have some guidelines and recommendations to opt regarding household functioning. Meanwhile, it is important to provide awareness and explicit misconceptions about coronavirus and COVID-19, also to clarify its symptoms, its ways of transmission, and its preventions. Moreover, to suggest house-hold recommend...

Preliminary Design of a Smart Wristband Disinfectant to Help in Covid-19 Fight

Inventions, 2020

This concept paper describes a device consisting of a disinfectant wristband for the hands of the wearer and objects that the wearer intends to touch. This wristband can be powered automatically by the movement of the user’s hand or by solar cells or, if necessary, by a power outlet. It disinfects the surface of the hands and the objects in front of them using an ultraviolet (UV) lamp. Control and monitoring can be carried out automatically or manually, which guarantees complete and effective disinfection. The electronic control system, which is fully integrated into the UV emitter head, regulates the intensity and duration of the UV radiation and also manages the electrical energy. In addition, the wristband can be fitted with an optional watch to improve its decoration and ergonomics. The device in question has a compact, elegant, and practical shape. This hand sanitizing wristband can be an effective tool in the fight against the current COVID-19 pandemic and, in general, help to...

Covid-19 Pandemic: What Changes for Dentists and Oral Medicine Experts? A Narrative Review and Novel Approaches to Infection Containment

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

The authors performed a narrative review on Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome- CoronaVirus-2 ( SARS-CoV-2) and all infectious agents with the primary endpoints to illustrate the most accepted models of safety protocols in dentistry and oral medicine, and to propose an easy view of the problem and a comparison (pre- vs post-COVID19) for the most common dental procedures. The outcome is forecast to help dentists to individuate for a given procedure the differences in terms of safety protocols to avoid infectious contagion (by SARS-CoV-2 and others dangerous agents). An investigation was performed on the online databases Pubmed and Scopus using a combination of free words and Medical Subject Headings (MESH) terms: “dentist” OR “oral health” AND “COVID-19” OR “SARS-CoV-2” OR “coronavirus-19”. After a brief excursus on all infectious agents transmittable at the dental chair, the authors described all the personal protective equipment (PPE) actually on the market and their indications, an...

A Cross-Sectional Survey of Personal Hygiene Positive Behavior Related to COVID-19 Prevention and Control among Indonesian Communities

Sustainability, 2021

People’s behaviors can affect the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Public behaviors, including proper personal hygiene and healthy life practices, the use of appropriate masks, and the application of good disinfectants, have an important role in human health and protection towards prevention and control of COVID-19 spread. This study aims to perform a survey of public behavior and best practices related to COVID-19 prevention and control among Indonesian communities. A cross-sectional study was designed to collect information using an online survey. Respondents were gathered from 34 provinces in Indonesia through the Indonesia National Safety and Health Council network and Universities network. Respondents voluntarily submitted their response to a predesigned online questionnaire. The collected data was then analyzed using SPSS 24.0. A total of 771 respondent subjects (male 386; female 385) were recruited. The results show that 96% of participants implement positive behavior of persona...