Related papers
Education responses to climate change and quality: Two parts of the same agenda?
International Journal of Educational Development, 2010
Increasing attention to climate change and the current global economic crisis have underscored the need for approaches to education that equip and empower people of all ages to deal with uncertain environmental, economic and political futures. A range of educational research and initiatives already exist which could support this aim, however, policy and discussion continue to focus on technical solutions or "knowledge transfer" without seriously engaging with education. This paper suggests that education responses are needed which attend to provision of both appropriate educational infrastructure and relevant knowledge and skills. It also explores the connections between education for sustainable development (ESD) and education quality, and argues that these frameworks already support potentially effective education responses to climate change.
Learn for our planet A global review of how environmental issues are integrated in education
Learn for our planet, 2021
This publication presents the extent to which environmental issues are integrated in primary and secondary education policies and curricula across 46 UNESCO Member States. Over half of education policies and curricula studied made no mention of climate change. Only 19 per cent made reference to biodiversity. Countries have made progress: 83 per cent of education policies and curricula studied addressed the environment at least once, and 69 per cent mentioned sustainability - but it is clear that more needs to be done to prepare learners with the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to act for our planet. This paper calls on governments, education policy-makers, academics, and education and environmental stakeholders to further commit to the inclusion of, and emphasis on, sustainability issues in educational policies and official curricula.
Journal of Education for Sustainable Development, 9(1): 1-23
Although the role of education in addressing the challenges of climate change is increasingly recognized, the education sector remains underutilized as a strategic resource to mitigate and adapt to climate change. Education stakeholders in many countries have yet to develop a coherent framework for climate change education (CCE). This article underscores the critical role that education can and should play in addressing and responding to climate change in all of its complexity. It provides rationales as to why CCE should be addressed in the context of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). Advancing CCE in the context of ESD, or Climate Change Education for Sustainable Development (CCESD), requires enhancement of learners’ understanding of the causes and consequences of climate change and their readiness to take actions to address it. The article presents key organizing principles of CCESD and outlines key knowledge, skills, attitudes, dispositions and competences to be fostered through it.
Educational Philosophy and Theory, 2019
Understanding climate change is becoming an urgent requirement for those in education. The normative values of education have long been closely aligned with the global, modernised world. The industrial model has underpinned the hidden and overt curriculum. Increasingly though, a new eco-centric orientation to economics, technology, and social organisation is beginning to shape up the post-carbon world. Unless education is up to date with the issues of climate change, the estate of education will be unable to meet its task of knowledge transfer. This paper covers the basic science and ethical policy debates, and begins to outline the questions that will necessarily entangle education as we orientate ourselves to the new world that is upon us.
Teaching Environmental Education for Sustainable Development: Strategies and Challenges
Journal of Sustainable Development Education and Research
Building on a serious concern over excessive increase ofproduction garbage waste from one year to another, this articleargues that the garbage waste produced by cities around the globehas led to an environment crisis and the planet earth has faceddesertification, drought, and degradation. Within this scenario, itis high time we brought this awareness by teaching environmentliteracy. To this end, the article discusses climate change as aninconvenient scenario, key challenges, tale of two dying rivers,education for sustainable development, and then approaches toenvironmental education.
The Contribution of Education Towards Meeting the Challenges of Climate Change
This paper outlines the contribution the education sector can provide in meeting the challenges of climate change, worldwide. It offers an analysis of the means via which education, awareness and training can help the global efforts to tackle climate change and lists a set of practical activities which may assist various groups in handling climate matters as part of formal and non-formal education. The paper concludes by providing a warning: without proper emphasis to educational approaches, the desired (and indeed) changes in attitudes and behaviour as well as the motivation needed in order to engage people in reducing the impacts they may have on the climate, may not be fully achieved.