A Stability Analysis on Models of Cooperative and Competitive Species (original) (raw)

A Mathematical Model to Study Stability of Biological Interaction: Competition

International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology, 2017

In this paper we shall construct a mathematical model to study the impact of competition on the growth of two species in a given geographical region and for a given interval of time. In our paper we shall also discuss the stability of autonomous dynamical system representing the growth of two species and study the relation between the population density of competitively superior species and competitively inferior species competing for the same resources in a given region and in a given interval of time

Defining a stability boundary for three species competition models

Ecological Modelling, 2009

A periodic steady state is a familiar phenomenon in many areas of theoretical biology and provides a satisfying explanation for those animal communities in which populations are observed to oscillate in a reproducible periodic manner. In this paper we explore models of three competing species described by symmetric and asymmetric May-Leonard models, and specifically investigate criteria for the existence of periodic steady states for an adapted May-Leonard model:

Stability and bifurcation in two species predatorprey models


Changes in the number and stability of equilibrium points in the Lotka-Volterra model as well as some of its generalizations that lead to qualitative changes in the behavior of the system as a function of some of its parameters are studied by bifurcation analysis. A generalization involving a cubic interaction as proposed by Nutku is shown to change the stability properties in a simple way and in particular cases introduce additional stability. Numerical methods and the approach provided by approximate techniques near equilibrium points are used in the analysis.

Stability analysis of coexistence of three species prey–predator model

Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015

In this paper, we have proposed a preypredator model for the study of dynamical behaviors of three species such as toxin-producing Phytoplankton, Zooplankton and Fish in a fishery system. The stability condition, existence condition of equilibrium and bifurcation have also been established. In this paper, Holling type II functional response function has been considered to analysis of the proposed model. All equilibriums of the proposed system are determined, and the behavior of the system is also investigated near the positive equilibrium point. At the end, local stability of the system is analyzed by numerical illustrations.


This investigation deals with a mathematical model of a four species (S 1, S 2, S 3 and S 4) Syn-Ecological system (Two of the four species are washed out states). S 2 is a predator surviving on the prey S 1. The predator S 2 is a commensal to the host S 3. The pairs S 2 and S 4 , S 1 and S 3 are neutral. The mathematical model equations characterizing the syn-ecosystem constitute a set of four first order non-linear coupled differential equations. There are in all sixteen equilibrium points. Criteria for the asymptotic stability of six of the sixteen equilibrium points: Two of the four species are washed out states only are established in this paper. The linearized equations for the perturbations over the equilibrium points are analyzed to establish the criteria for stability and the trajectories illustrated.

Stability Analysis and Numerical Solutions of a Competition Model with the Effects of Distribution Parameters

Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences

A system of two nonlinear differential equations in mathematical biology is considered. These models are originally stimulated by population models in biology when solutions are required to be non-negative, but the ordinary differential equations can be understood outside of this conventional scope of population models. The focus of this paper is on the use of linearization techniques, and Hartman Grobman theory to analyze nonlinear differential equations. We provide stability analysis and numerical solutions for these models that describe behaviors of solutions based only on the parameters used in the formulation of the systems. Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences, Vol. 43, No. 1, 95-106, 2019

Local and global stability analysis of a two prey one predator model with help

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2014

In this paper we propose and study a three dimensional continuous time dynamical system modelling a three team consists of two preys and one predator with the assumption that during predation the members of both teams of preys help each other and the rate of predation of both teams are different. In this work we establish the local asymptotic stability of various equilibrium points to understand the dynamics of the model system. Different conditions for the coexistence of equilibrium solutions are discussed. Persistence, permanence of the system and global stability of the positive interior equilibrium solution are discussed by constructing suitable Lyapunov functional. At the end, numerical simulations are performed to substantiate our analytical findings.

Mathematical analysis of a competition model with mutualism

Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences

In this work, we perform the analysis of a mathematical model describing the interaction of two species in a chemostat. This model involves competition (for the main source of carbon) and mutualism (due to cross-feeding), simultaneously. The model is a five-dimensional system of differential equations and involve nonlinear growth functions. In a previous study, this system has been studied only numerically, using growth functions of Monod type. Here, we describe in detail the dynamics of the system by determining analytically the existence and the local stability conditions of all steady-states, considering a large class of growth functions. We prove that there exists a unique stable coexistence steady state and we give the conditions under which bistability can occur. All conditions are given, with respect to the four operating parameters of the system, which are the dilution rate and the three substrate input concentrations. We give bifurcation diagrams and numerical simulations showing the rich behavior of the system.

Stability Analysis of a Three Species Syn-Eco Dynamical System with a Limited Alternative Food for all the Three Species

Bulletin of Society for Mathematical Services and Standards, 2012

The present paper is devoted to an analytic investigation of a three species syn-eco system comprising two mutually helping species, both amensol on a third species. All possible equilibrium points are identified and their stability criteria is discussed by using Routh-Hurwitz criteria. Further, the analytical results are supported by numerical simulation using Mat Lab. 1. Introduction. Every since research in the discipline of theoretical ecology was initiated by Lotka [8] and by Volterra [15], several mathematicians and ecologists contributed in the growth of this area of knowledge, which has been extensively reported in the treatises of Meyer [9],Cushing [2], Paul Conlinvaux [10], Freedman [3], Kanpur [5,6]. The ecological interactions can be broadly classified as prey-predation, competitions, neutralism, and mutualism and so on. N. C Srinivas [14] studied the competitive ecosystem of two species and three species with regard to limited and unlimited resources. Later, Lakshmi Narayan [7] has investigated the two species prey-predator models. Recently stability analysis of competitive species was investigated by Archana Reddy [1]. Local stability analysis for two-species ecological mutualism model has been presented by B. Ravindra Reddy et al [11]. Recently, stability analysis of prey, two predators which are neutral to each other [12], prey, predator and super-predator [13] were carried out by Shiva Reddy and N. Ch. Pattabhi Ramacharyulu. The present investigation is an analytical study of three species system comprising two mutualistic spices, which are amonsolon third species. The model is represented by a system of three ordinary differential equations. All possible equilibrium points are identified and their stability was discussed using Routh-Hurwitz criteria. Further solutions of quasi-linearized equations are identified and the results are simulated by Numerical examples using Mat Lab.