ვანისჭალის ქვა-საყუდარი (არქეოლოგიური გათხრების მიხედვით). საქართველოს სიძველენი. 25. 2022/ Vanistchala Rock-hermitage (Based on the archaeological excavations). Georgian Antiquities. 25. 2022 (original) (raw)
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Kartveluri Memk'vidreoba [Kartvelian Heritage], 2021
The current study is the first attempt to examine the relations between Russia and Georgia within the context of international political processes of the second half of the 18th century, in particular, the Seven Years’ War, the plan for the redistribution of Europe, and the “Greek Project”. The global historical process of the second half of the 18th century is of special importance for the proper assessment of the history of Georgia. The Russian and Soviet historiography deliberately distorted the facts and events of the time leading to the improper assessment of the annexation of Georgia and the Caucasus. The European contacts of King Erekle II of Kartli-Kakheti were deliberately erased, and hence the Caucasus was declared a geostrategic space on Russian orbit and was artificially separated from the global historical processes. Therefore, a violent political act, the conquest of Georgia was disguised as an alliance corresponding to the idea of Christian common faith. The article a...
Some Artistic Aspects of Late Medieval Georgian Mitres
A mitre is one of the main components of a bishop’s apparel, and is thought to have originated from the Byzantine emperor’s crown. According to Christian tradition, the mitre symbolizes Christ’s crown of thorns. This article aims to illustrate specific features of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century mitre decorations and to analyze their symbolic meaning.
ტელეიკონური გამოსახულება საბჭოთა საქართველოში
სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი, 2018
სამაგისტრო ნაშრომი წარმოადგენს ტელეიკონური გამოსახულების ექსპერიმენტულ კვლევას საქართველოს გვიანი საბჭოთა ეპოქის კონტექსტში. ნაშრომი ექსპერიმენტული მცდელობაც არის, რადგან თავისთავად კონცეპტი "ტელეიკონურობაც" ჯერ არ არის ბოლომდე გამოკვლეული. იგი მოითხოვს დღევანდელ თანამედროვეობის კონტექსტშიც გაანალიზებას, რაც მომდევნო ნაშრომის საგანი გახდება.
David Agmashenebeli. Numismatic Heritage. (Typology, iconography, foreign policy)
Artanuji, 2022
Numismatic heritage of David IV and his activities as an issuing authority has long become a subject of interest for both Georgian and foreign scholars. In 2021, within a span of one year, two coins discovered on the territory of Georgia bearing the image of king David found their place at the Georgian National Museum. The present work attempts to study newly discovered coins and to introduce them to scientific community. The present coin type issued by great king is important for at least two reasons. Firstly, a coin stored at the British Museum was supposed to be the unique specimen up to date. Besides, their iconography is as exclusive within a milieu of Georgian numismatic monuments as the reign of David IV in the history of Georgia. It is well known that aforementioned coin was acquired by the British Museum in 1857 and remained the unique one until the 21st century. Today, 164 years later, two new copper coins bearing portrayal of David appeared in the Georgian National Museum. New specimens give us the opportunity to shed light on a few iconographic and historical issues. Along with the study of newly discovered coins, we present numismatic-metrological analysis of the well-known British sample, revisit its iconographic peculiarities that have enabled us to revise some assumptions about the historical context. The appearance of new specimens has enriched our knowledge about this specific coin type. It has revealed peculiar emphasis on David IV’s foreign policy – his relationship with the Crusaders in particular, which has been a matter of debates for the long time.
რეფლექსურობის კატეგორია და ‘თავ’ უკუქცევითი ნაცვალსახელი ქართულში
The represented article discusses one of the most actual issues of linguistics, namely, the category of reflexivity, also those lexical means by which the features are shown in Georgian. The history of studying the mentioned category in Georgian linguistics as well as in foreign languages, are briefly discussed in the article. Special attention is paid to the newest views of the issue shown in the latest investigations. The main point of our investigation is to study the reflexive pronoun 'tavi' (head = myself, itself, himself...), to show its morphological-syntactic characteristics in the Georgian language, and to find out the specifications of the constructions and their usage. In our investigation, we have underlined the fact that it is necessary to show the difference between the narrow and the broad meaning of reflexivity. In its narrow meaning, reflexivity is characteristic of the pronoun 'tav' (head = 'self') and this pronoun formally represents the direct object but in its broader meaning, it also contains the forms of subjective version which have vowel prefix i-. The forms with the vowel prefixes are also considered reflexive forms, as well as one-valency verbs in which the action does not go on to the object, it does not leave the space of the subject. The reflexive pronoun is derived through grammaticalization of the noun tavi (head) (a similar phenomenon occurs in some other languages as well). The word 'tavi' as a reflexive pronoun ('head' in the meaning of 'self') is also documented in some texts as being used earlier, in the Old and Middle Georgian language forms. According to N. Amiridze, the simple and complex reflexives can be marked out as 1. Reflexive can be said simple when only the Georgian reflexive pronoun 'tavi' is connected to the verb; 2. Reflexive can be complex if the reflexive pronoun is accompanied by a possessive one ('chemi tavi'-myself; 'sheni tavi'-yourself, and so on).
Artistic Research Philosophy and Georgia
Pro Georgia
Artistic research studies the creative process that leads to an artwork. The aim of artistic research is to produce knowledge on the basis of research outcomes and thus to contribute to development of various disciplines of culture. The idea of artistic research is quite new and it is no surprise that the field is still unexplored in Georgia. Though, artistic research has its historical background in the academic field of the country. The authors of the present article were given a unique opportunity to actively participate in the formation of a new research form and to contribute to its development at the international level as their fundamental research “Development of Artistic Research Methodology on the Example of Exploration of the Piano of the 21st Century and its Future Perspectives” was supported by Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia. Within the project, they carried out the first research in the field of Georgian academic music which was conceived as pur...