Ischemic strokes in oncological patients—treatment and challenges: a literature review (original) (raw)
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Varna Medical Forum, 2020
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Ukrainian neurosurgical journal, 2020
Stroke is the second, and in some countries the third cause of mortality in the population and one of the causes of disability in the adult population. According to statistics, in 2018, 15 million cases of stroke and 6 million deaths were diagnosed, The only currently approved treatments for acute stroke are intravenous tissue plasminogen activator (rtPA) and intra-arterial thrombectomy, which are used in less than 10% and 1% of patients, respectively. The literature review is devoted to the pathophysiology and molecular mechanisms of damage in cerebral ischemia. The modern concept of two strategies of cell therapy is discussed: neuroprotection and remodeling; the role of stem cells in reducing local and systemic inflammation, neurogenesis and angiogenesis, increasing neuronal plasticity, and protecting the bloodbrain barrier, the role of paracrine factors and extracellular vesicles is shown. Methods of stem cell delivery are described: direct intracerebral transplantation, intraventricular and intrathecal, intravenous and intraarterial; the number of cells, their type and optimal delivery time depending on the acute, subacute and chronic periods of stroke. We also described recently designed the radially branched deployment (RBD) device and Cleveland multiport catheter for convection-enhanced delivery in which a cell-delivery catheter can be deployed at various angles and depths from a single longitudinal cannula. Finally, data on the completed 15 clinical trials from 2015 to the present, in which 513 patients took part, are presented. A detailed analysis of the efficacy and safety of cell therapy has been carried out.
The phenomenon of ischemic preconditioning at the patients with ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke
Catedra Neurologie USMF„Nicolae Testemițanu”Medical scientific literature referring to the ischemic preconditioning that includes concepts, classifications, pathophysiological mechanisms and biochemical changes has been studied. Electronic library consisting of items about the importance of remote ischemic preconditioning, applied in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke has been searched. The purpose and objectives of the following research have been set out. The scientific and practical importance of remote preconditioning in ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke has been established. A fost studiată revista literaturii referitor la precondiţionarea ischemică, incluzând notiuni generale, clasificari, mecanisme fiziopatologice şi biochimice. A fost cercetată biblioteca electronică cu articole ce includeau informaţii despre importanţa precondiţionării ischemice la distanţă aplicată în accidentele vasculare cerebrale ischemice şi hemoragice. Au fost stabilite scopul şi obiectivele următoarei cer...
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KRATAK SADRŽAJ Uvod Pri me natrom bo li zeupr vatrisa taodna stan kasimp to mais he mij skogmo žda noguda razna čaj nopo boq ša va we govis hod.USje di we nimAme rič kimDr ža va maovavr state ra pi jeseprimewujeod1997,auve ći nize ma qaEvro pe od2002.go di ne.Pr vatrom bo li zaule če wuis he mij skogmo žda noguda rauSr bi jiiz ve de najefe bru a ra2006.go di ne. Ciq rada Ciqra dajebiodasepri ka župr vais ku stvaupri me niin tra ven sketrom bo li zeule če wubo le sni kasakut nimis he mij skimmo žda nimuda romidaseovire zul ta tiupo re desre zul ta ti madru gihkli nič kihstu di ja. Metod rada Uis pi ti va wesuukqu če nibo le sni cisakut nimis he mij skimmo žda nimuda romko jisuod24.fe bru a ra do26.ok to bra2006.go di nele če niin tra ven skomtrom bo li zomnaOde qe wuur gent nene u ro lo gi jeInsti tu tazane u ro lo gi juKliničkogcen traSr bi jeuBe o gra du.Kodsva kogbo le sni kajeza be le že novre mena stan kasimp to ma,pr vog ne u ro lo škogpre gle da,vre mekom pju te ri zo va neto mo gra fi je(CT)ipo čet kale če wa.Ra nizna ciis he mi jenaCTna la zugla vesuste pe no va nipre masko ruASPECTS,ste penne u ro lo škogde fi ci tajeod re đi vanska lomNIHSS,dokjefunk ci o nal niis hodbo le sni kaprocewenmo di fi ko vanomRan ki no vom(Ran kin)ska lom(mRS). Rezultati To komosamme se cile če watrom bo li zajepri me we nakod12bo le sni kasta ro stiiz me đu18i66go di na,od ko jihje75%bi lomla đeod55go di na.Me di ja navre me naodna stan kais he mij skogmo žda noguda radodo la skaubol ni cubi laje57,5mi nu ta,adopri me nete ra pi je155mi nu ta.Ra nizna ciis he mi jenaCTna la zugla veuoče nisukod10bo le sni kasame di ja nomsko raASPECTSod9.Me di ja napri jem nogNIHSSsko rabi laje16,5bo do va,aliseonasma wi lau pr va24ča saodtrom bo li zezavi šeodpetbo do vakod58%bo le sni ka.Simp to mat skoin tra ce re bral nokr va re weje za be le že nokodjed nebo le sni ce.Upr vih30da naodna stan kais he mij skogmo žda noguda ra42%bo le sni kajebi lobez zna čaj neone spo so bqe no sti(mRS≤1),dokjekodsamodvabo le sni kaza be le že nate škaone spo so bqe nost.Je danbo le snikjeumrosazna ci main su fi ci jen ci jesr ca. Zakqučak Ia kojeis tra ži va weob u hva ti loma librojbo le sni ka,uti sakjedasuefek titrom bo li zeusa gla sno stis re zul ta ti maob ja vqe nimuza pad nimze mqa ma.Posebnostovese ri jebo le sni kajeuto meštojetrom bo li zapri me we nakodve o mamla dihqu di. Kqučne reči:ishemijskimoždaniudar;intravenskatromboliza;ishod;Srbija
Резюме Целта е да се представи адаптирана програма за домашна рехабилитация при пациенти с исхемичен мозъчен инсулт в хроничен период, разработена възоснова на принципите на двигателния контрол, двигателното обучение и съвременните насоки на невростимулиращата терапия (neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT). Рековалесценцията след увреда на централната нервна система е интерактивна работа между пациент, интердисциплинарен тим от специалисти и близко семейство. Адаптираната програма и терапия за пациенти с исхемичен мозъчен инсулт в хроничен период е ориентирана към решаване на целенасочени функционални задачи, с което се търси активно участие от страна на пациента за да придобие личен опит и да се използват възможностите на невропластичните процеси за възстановяване. Пациентът може да научи само доколко е активен в процеса или извършвайки дейности с активно участие и улесняване, в зависимост от неговите функционални въможности. При двигателното обучение, получавайки дори минимално коректен отговор от страна на пациента добре е да се прекрати с мануалната помощ, за да не се възпрепятства в процеса на възстановяване. Търсейки оптимални стратегии, удобни и подходящи за конкретния пациент и неговите способности, имаме за крайна цел да подобриме функционалните двигателни въможности, постуралната стабилност, ортостатичната реактивност и ходенето. Заключение: Програма може да има принос и за обществото, осигурявайки по-голяма информираност, относно възможностите на физическите упражнения в профилактиката и лечението на тази болест заедно с медикаментозната терапия и диетичния режим. Ключови думи: Исхемичен мозъчен инсулт, Невростимулираща терапия, Домашна рехабилитация Summary The purpose is to present the adapted program for independent home rehabilitation for patients with ischemic stroke in chronic period, which is worked out on the basis of principles of motor control, motor learning and the contemporary guidance of neurodevelopmental therapy, (Neurodevelopmental treatment-NDT). Recovery after injury to the central nervous system is an interactive work between the patient, an interdisciplinary team of specialists and close relatives. The adapted program and therapy for patients with ischemic stroke in the chronic period is oriented towards solving focused functional activities, which require active participation by the patient, to get a personal experience and to take advantage of the possibilities of the processеs of neuroplasticity for recovery. The patient can be learned only if he actively participates in the process or performing activities and facilitation, depending on its functional capabilities. In motor learning, gaining even minimally correct response by the patient, it's good to stop with manual assistance, not to hinder the recovery process. Seeking optimal strategies suitable and appropriate for the particular patient and his capabilities, our final purpose is to improve functional motor capabilities, postural stability, postural reactivity and gait. Conclusion: The program can contribute the society, providing more informations about the possibilities of physical exercise in the prevention and treatment of this disease with drug therapy and dietary regime.