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The 11-year solar-cycle effects on the temperature in the upper-stratosphere and mesosphere: Part I—Assessment of observations

Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 2005

Three independent temperature datasets have been analyzed for quantifying the influence of the 11-year solar cycle modulation of the UV radiation. The datasets used include: US rocketsondes, the OHP lidar, and the global temperature database made by the successive SSU on the NOAA satellites, adjusted and provided by the UK Meteorological Office. These measurements cover the upper stratosphere and the mesosphere, where the direct photochemical effect is expected. The improvement of the analysis compared to previous ones was possible because the overall quality and the continuity of many data series have been checked more carefully during the last decade in order to look for anthropogenic fingerprints and the one used here have been recognized as the best series according to their temporal continuity. The analysis of the different data set is based on the same regression linear model. The 11-year solar temperature response observed presents a variable behavior, depending on the location. However, an overall adequate agreement among the results has been obtained, and thus the global picture of the solar impact in the upper stratosphere and lower mesosphere has been obtained and is presented here. In the tropics, a 1-2 K positive response in the mid and upper stratophere has been found, in agreement with photochemical theory and previous analyses. On the opposite, at mid-latitudes, negative responses of several Kelvin have been observed, during winters, in the analyses of the datasets analyzed here. In the mesosphere, at sub-tropic and mid-latitude regions, we observe a positive response all the year round increasing by a factor of two during winter. r

Observed change in association of temperature with solar activity in upper troposphere and lower stratosphere after 1977


This paper presents the analysis of upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric (UTLS) region for the change in the solar dependence of temperature in the last half century, i.e. the second global warming episode. Analysis shows that the solar dependence of temperature at different levels, viz. 500, 300, 200, 100 and 50 mb has abruptly changed after 1977. The change is recorded around the world in UTLS region with its irrefutable prominence around the tropopause (near 100 mb pressure level or 16 km height over equator and 250 mb pressure level or 10 km height over the poles). The abrupt and continuous increase in number of El Nino events, after 1977 as compared to the number of La Nina events, is examined with other global phenomenon, such as global warming, ozone depletion, polar vortex and increase in greenhouse gases to be a probable mechanism triggering this change. Observations indicate that it is actually the change in solar dependence of temperature that leads to the global wa...

The signal of the 11-year solar cycle in the global stratosphere

J Atmos Sol Terr Phys, 1999

The search for a signal of the 11-year sunspot cycle in the heights and temperatures of the lower stratosphere was previously successfully conducted for the northern hemisphere with a data set from the Freie Universität Berlin, covering four solar cycles. This work has been extended to the whole globe by means of the NCEP/NCAR reanalyses for the period 1968-1996. The re-analyses show that the signal exists in the southern hemisphere too, and that it is of nearly the same size and shape as on the northern hemisphere. The NCEP/NCAR reanalyses yield higher correlations with the solar cycle than do the Berlin analyses for the same period, because the interannual variability is lower in the NCEP/NCAR data. The correlations between the solar cycle and the zonally averaged temperatures at the standard levels between 200 and 10 hPa are largest between the tropopause and the 25 km level, that is, in the ozone layer. This may be partly a direct effect in this layer, because of more absorber (ozone) and more ultraviolet radiation from the sun in the peaks of the 11-year solar cycle. However, it is more likely to be mainly an indirect dynamical consequence of UV absorption by ozone in the middle and upper stratosphere. The largest temperature correlations move with the sun from one summer hemisphere to the other, and the largest height correlations move poleward from winter to summer.

The Influence of the 11-year Solar Cycle on the Stratosphere Below 30?km: a Review

Space Sci Rev, 2000

The NCEP/NCAR re-analyses of the global data as high as 10hPa have made it possible to examine the influence of the 11-year sunspot cycle on the lower stratosphere over the entire globe. Previously, the signal of the solar cycle had been detected in the temperatures and heights of the stratosphere at 30hPa and below on the Northern Hemisphere by means of a data set from the Freie Universität Berlin. The global re-analyses show that the signal exists on the Southern Hemisphere too, and that it is almost a mirror image of that on the Northern Hemisphere. The largest temperature correlations with the solar cycle move from one summer hemisphere to the other, and the largest height correlations move poleward within each hemisphere from winter to summer. The correlations are weakest over the whole globe in the northern winter. If, however, one divides the data into the winters when the equatorial Quasi-Biennial Oscillation was easterly or westerly, the arctic correlations become positive and large in the west years, but insignificantly small over the rest of the earth. The correlations in the east years are negative in the Arctic but positive in the subtropics and tropics on both hemispheres. The difference between the east and west years in January-February can be ascribed to the fact that the dominant stratospheric teleconnection and the solar influence work in the same direction in the east years but oppose each other in the west years.

Probable causes of late twentieth century tropospheric temperature trends


We assess the most probable causes of late twentieth century tropospheric temperature changes. Optimal detection techniques are used to compare observed spatio-temporal patterns of nearsurface and tropospheric temperature change with results from experiments performed with two different versions of the Hadley Centre climate model. We detect anthropogenic forcings, particularly well-mixed greenhouse-gases, with a less certain sulfate aerosol cooling influence. More limited evidence exists for a detectable volcanic influence. Our principal results do not depend upon the choice of model. Both models, but particularly HadCM3, appear to overestimate the simulated climate response to greenhouse gases (especially at the surface) and volcanoes. This result may arise, at least in part, due to errors in the forcings (especially sulfate) and technical details of our approach, which differs from previous studies. We use corrected and uncorrected versions of the radiosonde record to assess sensitivity of our detection results to observational uncertainties. We find that previous corrections applied to the radiosonde temperature record are likely to have been sub-optimal in only taking into account temporal consistency. However, the choice of corrected or uncorrected version has no systematic effect upon our main conclusions. We show that both models are potentially internally consistent explanations of observed tropospheric temperatures.

Uncertainties in observationally based estimates of temperature change in the free atmosphere

Journal of Geophysical Research, 1999

Uncertainties are quantified in atmospheric temperature changes derived from satellites, radiosondes, and the reanalyses of the National Center for Environmental Prediction and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (NCEP and ERA). To facilitate intercomparison, we compute from the reanalyses and radiosonde data deep layer temperatures equivalent to those estimated from the satellite-based Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU). Equivalent MSU temperatures generated using global mean weighting functions and a radiative transfer code give similar results. NCEP's pre-1979 global mean lower stratospheric temperature anomalies diverge markedly from radiosonde data. A smaller offset occurs in the midtroposphere. These differences are attributed to a likely warm bias in the tropical lower stratosphere in the temperature retrievals used by NCEP from November 1978 onward, and changes in the error characteristics of the assimilation model's simulation of the lower stratosphere. In the lower troposphere, ERA and NCEP show different global mean trends due to differences in assimilation strategy, input observational data, quality control procedures, and model physics. Over 1979-1993, ERA warms by 0.106øC/decade, while NCEP cools by 0.028øC/ decade. Applying the HadRTi.1 (radiosonde) data availability mask to NCEP improves the agreement between these data sets. Neglecting coverage differences can yield misleading results in MSU-radiosonde trend comparisons. Substantial trend uncertainties also arise from coverage differences between various radiosonde data sets. Version c of the MSU lower tropospheric temperature retrieval fails to adjust explicitly for orbital decay. If this were applied without any additional adjustments, it would resolve an important discrepancy: in MSUc the lower troposphere has cooled in relation to the midtroposphere, while the reverse is the case for both reanalyses and for the radiosonde data examined here.

Century-scale solar variability and the instrumental temperature record


On June 2-4, 1997, a workshop m Integrated Space Microsystems and l)ower was hclcl at the I)oubletree 1 Iotcl, Pasadena, CA. 'l'he workshop was co-sponsored by NASA/JPl, and the l)epartment of I;nergy (I)oI;). l'hc technical committee consisted of 1 h. I eon Alkalai, JPI. (Chair); Dr. C. Perry Dankston, JP1.; Ih-. Joel Scrccl, JPI,; and Beverly Cook, 1)01{. 'l'he program chairs were I)r. Charles IHachi, J1'I,; and Ih-. Car-1 Kukkonen, JP1,. “l'he honorary chairs vcre I)anie] Go]din, NASA IIQ; and I)r. l{dward Stone, J1'1,. ... NASA is currently considering a major initiative in the ...

Revisiting the Mystery of Recent Stratospheric Temperature Trends

Geophysical Research Letters

Simulated stratospheric temperatures over the period 1979-2016 in models from the Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative are compared with recently updated and extended satellite data sets. The multimodel mean global temperature trends over 1979-2005 are À0.88 ± 0.23, À0.70 ± 0.16, and À0.50 ± 0.12 K/decade for the Stratospheric Sounding Unit (SSU) channels 3 (~40-50 km), 2 (~35-45 km), and 1 (~25-35 km), respectively (with 95% confidence intervals). These are within the uncertainty bounds of the observed temperature trends from two reprocessed SSU data sets. In the lower stratosphere, the multimodel mean trend in global temperature for the Microwave Sounding Unit channel 4 (~13-22 km) is À0.25 ± 0.12 K/decade over 1979-2005, consistent with observed estimates from three versions of this satellite record. The models and an extended satellite data set comprised of SSU with the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A show weaker global stratospheric cooling over 1998-2016 compared to the period of intensive ozone depletion (1979-1997). This is due to the reduction in ozone-induced cooling from the slowdown of ozone trends and the onset of ozone recovery since the late 1990s. In summary, the results show much better consistency between simulated and satellite-observed stratospheric temperature trends than was reported by Thompson et al. (2012, for the previous versions of the SSU record and chemistry-climate models. The improved agreement mainly comes from updates to the satellite records; the range of stratospheric temperature trends over 1979-2005 simulated in Chemistry-Climate Model Initiative models is comparable to the previous generation of chemistry-climate models.

A quantification of uncertainties in historical tropical tropospheric temperature trends from radiosondes

Journal of Geophysical Research, 2011

1] The consistency of tropical tropospheric temperature trends with climate model expectations remains contentious. A key limitation is that the uncertainties in observations from radiosondes are both substantial and poorly constrained. We present a thorough uncertainty analysis of radiosonde-based temperature records. This uses an automated homogenization procedure and a previously developed set of complex error models where the answer is known a priori. We perform a number of homogenization experiments in which error models are used to provide uncertainty estimates of real-world trends. These estimates are relatively insensitive to a variety of processing choices. Over 1979-2003, the satellite-equivalent tropical lower tropospheric temperature trend has likely (5-95% confidence range) been between −0.01 K/decade and 0.19 K/decade (0.05-0.23 K/decade over 1958-2003) with a best estimate of 0.08 K/decade (0.14 K/decade). This range includes both available satellite data sets and estimates from models (based upon scaling their tropical amplification behavior by observed surface trends). On an individual pressure level basis, agreement between models, theory, and observations within the troposphere is uncertain over 1979 to 2003 and nonexistent above 300 hPa. Analysis of 1958-2003, however, shows consistent model-data agreement in tropical lapse rate trends at all levels up to the tropical tropopause, so the disagreement in the more recent period is not necessarily evidence of a general problem in simulating long-term global warming. Other possible reasons for the discrepancy since 1979 are: observational errors beyond those accounted for here, end-point effects, inadequate decadal variability in model lapse rates, or neglected climate forcings.