Energy Levels and Atomic Lifetimes of Rydberg States in Neutral Indium (original) (raw)

Radiative Lifetimes of Rydberg States in Neutral Gallium

Acta Physica Polonica A, 2009

Radiative lifetimes were calculated using weakest bound electron potential model theory for 4s 2 ns 2 S 1/2 (n ≥ 7), 4s 2 np 2 P 0 1/2 (n ≥ 5), 4s 2 np 2 P 0 3/2 (n ≥ 6), 4s 2 nd 2 D 0 3/2 (n ≥ 6), 4s 2 nd 2 D 0 5/2 (n ≥ 6) series in neutral gallium. The use of the quantum defect theory and Martin's expressions allowed us to supply lifetime values along by means of the series above. The results obtained in this work presented good agreement with theoretical and experimental values. Moreover, some lifetime values not existing in the literature for highly excited Rydberg states in gallium atom were obtained using this method.

Lifetimes along perturbed Rydberg series in neutral thallium

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2005

Radiative lifetimes of 15 Tl I levels belonging to the 6s 2 ns 2 S 1/2 (n = 7-14) and 6s 2 nd 2 D 3/2 Rydberg series (n = 6-12) have been measured using a time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence technique. All the measured levels have been excited from the ground state 6s 2 6p 2 P 0 1/2 (odd parity) with a single-step excitation process. The general perturbation of the ns series by the 6s6p 2 configuration and the corresponding modification of the lifetimes are adequately reproduced by a theoretical model including core-polarization effects and combined with a least-squares fit to the observed energy levels. The general behaviour of the lifetime values for the 6s 2 np odd levels along the Rydberg series is also well reproduced. The use of the multiconfiguration quantum defect theory has allowed us to obtain lifetime values along the 6s 2 ns 2 S 1/2 series up to levels with n = 31.

New Higher Excited Energy Levels of Rydberg States for Weakest Bound Potential Model Theory: Extended Quantum Mechanics

Journal of Nano- and Electronic Physics

In present research paper, a Bopp's shift method and standard perturbation theory are used to find exact analytical solutions of the noncommutative 3-dimensional space phase (NC: 3D-RSP) for modified time-independent Schrödinger equation of weakest bound electron potential model (WBEPM) theory for neutral indium. We have obtained the explicit higher energy eigenvalues for th n excited states. Furthermore, the obtained corrections of energies are depended on the discreet atomic quantum numbers (

Quantum-defect analysis of npnpnp and ndndnd rmH_3\rm{H_3}rmH_3 Rydberg energy levels

In this work, Rydberg energy levels of the triatomic hydrogen molecule (H3) are studied with multichannel quantum-defect theory. We extract the body-frame p-wave quantum defects from highly accurate ab initio electronic potential surfaces and calculate the quantum defects of higher angular momentum states in a long-range multipole potential model. Laboratory-frame quantum defect matrices emerge from a rovibrational-frame transformation carried out with accurate rovibrational states of H + 3 . Finally, we use the laboratory-frame quantum defects to calculate Rydberg energy levels for the fundamental neutral triatomic molecule H3.

Lifetimes of atomic Rydberg states by autocorrelation function

laser phys. lett. 2, no.5, 253257 (2005)

We have derived the autocorrelation function for the field emitted by a Rydberg atom in a micocavity weakly excited in the strong coupling regime and in the non-resonant case. We propose simple analytical expressions and make use of them to determine the atomic frequency and the mean radiative lifetime of the Rydberg atom. As compared to direct measurements this method is promising.

Observations of Molecular Rydberg State Decay for n = 10-200

Time-resolved ZEKE (zero electron kinetic energy) spectroscopy has enabled measurements of the rates of decay of molecular Rydberg states close to (within a few cm-l of) the ionization threshold. The ion yield as a function of photon energy in this region cannot be understood without knowing both the ionization potential and the principal quantum numbers, n, of the states involved. Unfortunately, these two unknowns are linked by the equation hv = IP-R / (n-a)*; an independent method must be used to measure the ionization potential, IP. We have found two molecules appropriate for these measurements, bis(benzene)chromium (BBC) and diazacyclooctane (DABCO), both of which have very long Rydberg series with resolved transitions up to n = 35 (BBC) and n = 70 (DABCO). Highly accurate values of the ionization potential (10.5 cm-I) were obtained by extrapolating these series. The line widths are shown to decrease with increasing n with a power of n of 2.5 1 0.3. These are the first measurements of the n dependence of the nonradiative rates over a large range of n for polyatomic molecules in Rydberg states. However, one cannot simply extrapolate the lifetimes (as determined from the widths) to the region near the ionization threshold where the n = 100-200 states are being excited. There the lifetimes as determined directly by ZEKE spectroscopy are longer by several orders of magnitude than the values obtained by extrapolation.

Decay dynamics of high Rydberg states in atoms and molecules

Decay dynamics of high Rydberg states above the first ionization limit have been studied. The decay rate to the ionization continuum, due to spin orbit coupling for atoms (Ar), or coupling to the dense manifold of available rovibronic states in poly-atomic molecules, was measured. This decay is non-exponential and can be influenced by external fields. The stabilization of very high (ZEKE) states is demonstrated and possible mechanisms accounting for these very long lived stated are discussed.

A quantum-field theory approach to the calculation of energy levels in helium-like Rydberg atoms

Annals of Physics, 1987

We discuss the tine structure splitting of the energy levels in Rydberg states of helium or helium-like ions on the basis of quantum electrodynamics, using time-independent perturbation theory and the radiation gauge. For the zero-order description of the states we use products of Dirac-type wavefunctions. with shielding for the outer electron. The perturbing interaction includes the residual electrostatic potential, the interaction coming from the exchange of virtual photons, and the creation of virtual electron-positron pairs. It is shown that the level shifts for low-Z ions are given to high accuracy by a procedure followed previously.

Semiclassical theory of quantum defects: Alkali Rydberg states

The Journal of Chemical Physics, 1977

A semiclassical theory of atomic quantum defects is given in terms of a "radial action defect" derived in the context of Hamilton-Jacobi theory. This derivation leads to the relation aleE) = 7TJLI(E) between the semiclassical (WKB) phase shift and the semiclassical quantum defect. a result identical in form to that of Seaton for the analogous fully quantum mechanical quantities. The semiclassical theory and is used to compute quantum defects for the I = 0-13 Rydberg states of Li and the I = 0-4 states of Na and K. with good results.

Fundamental constants and tests of theory in Rydberg states of one-electron ions

Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 2010

The nature of the theory of circular Rydberg states of hydrogen-like ions allows highly accurate predictions to be made for energy levels. In particular, uncertainties arising from the problematic nuclear size correction which beset low angular-momentum states are negligibly small for the high angular-momentum states. The largest remaining source of uncertainty can be addressed with the help of quantum electrodynamics calculations, including a new nonperturbative result reported here. More stringent tests of theory and an improved determination of the Rydberg constant may be possible if predictions can be compared with precision frequency measurements in this regime. The diversity of information can be increased by utilizing a variety of combinations of ions and Ryberg states to determine fundamental constants and test theory.