Influence of chronic severe periodontitis in the face of metabolic control, and of periodontal therapyin the immune response of diabetic type 2 individuals (original) (raw)

Efeito do tratamento periodontal em pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2

Revista Hospital Universitario Pedro Ernesto, 2013

The relationship between periodontitis and diabetes mellitus has been investigated for some time. Both diseases exhibit a high population prevalence, risk factors and similar changes in neutrophil function. It may also alter the systemic immune response and cause, to some degree, a dysfunction in the immune

Periodontal conditions and metabolic control markers in diabetic patients | Condição periodontal e marcadores do controle metabólico em pacientes diabéticos


Objetivo: Avaliar a condição periodontal dos pacientes diabéticos tipo 2, relacionando com o controle de marcadores metabólicos. Método: Para este estudo foram selecionados 92 pacientes diabéticos que recebiam tratamento em dois centros de referência em Recife, Brasil. Foram realizados exames clínicos periodontais em seis sítios de cada dente, avaliando a profundidade de sondagem, sangramento à sondagem, perda de inserção, índice de placa dentária e número de dentes presentes. A doença periodontal foi definida pela presença de mais de 4 sítios com perda de inserção ≥ 5 mm, sendo um ou mais destes sítios com profundidade de sondagem de 4 mm ou mais. Foram realizados exames hematológicos para avaliar os marcadores metabólicos (hemoglobina glicosilada, glicemia de jejum, triglicérides, colesterol total, colesterol HDL e LDL). Foi realizada análise estatística bi-variada para verificar a associação entre as variáveis em estudo. Resultados: A avaliação da condição periodontal dos pacientes avaliados mostrou que 59,8% dos pacientes diabéticos eram portadores de doença periodontal, caracterizada por periodontite. A média de idade observada foi de 54,8 anos com DP = 9,3, o sangramento gengival à sondagem e o índice de placa foram de 33,8% e 61,07%, respectivamente. A maioria dos pacientes com níveis elevados de glicemia (≥ 126 mg / dL) apresentaram doença periodontal (62,3%),o perfil lipídico dos pacientes com doença periodontal se mostrou controlado. Conclusão: Não foi observada associação entre a condição periodontal e os marcadores do controle metabólico dos pacientes diabéticos. Diabetes Mellitus; Periodontite; Hemoglobina A Glicosilada; Glicose. Objective: Evaluate the periodontal condition in diabetic patients type 2, relating to markers of metabolic control. Methods: 92 diabetic patients who received treatment in two centers in Recife, Brazil, had been invited to participate in this study. It was carried through periodontal clinical examinations in six sites of each tooth, evaluating the depth probing, bleeding probing, attachment loss, dental plaque and the number of teeth present. Periodontal disease was defined as the presence of 4 + sites with attachment loss of ≥ 5 mm with one or more than these sites with depth probing of 4 + mm. Hematologic examinations were carried out to evaluate the metabolic markers (Glycosylated Hemoglobin, fasting blood glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, cholesterol HDL and LDL). Bi-variate analysis were used to verified the association between variables. Results: Evaluation of periodontal condition in the sample have shown 59.8% of diabetic patients had periodontal diseases, characterized as periodontitis. The average of age observed was 54.8 years with DP= 9.3, average of bleed on probing and plaque index were 33.8% and 61.07%, respectively. The majority of patients with raised glicemic levels (≥126 mg/dL) had presented DP (62,3%), in relation to the lipidic profile the patients with periodontal disease had been presented controlled. Conclusion: In the studied population there were no signs of any association between the periodontal condition and the markers of metabolic control.

[The integrality of the attention in diabetics with periodontal disease]

Ciencia & saude coletiva

The integrality of the attention in diabetics with periodontal disease Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar como está organizado o atendimento aos indivíduos com diabetes melito, usuários do SUS, a partir dos dados das condições periodontais apresentadas por este grupo, em Belo Horizonte (MG). Para tanto, uma amostra representativa de trezentos indivíduos foi selecionada para avaliação clínica e entrevista. Foram realizadas entrevistas também com os gerentes de unidades de saúde. Dos avaliados, 55% apresentaram gengivite, 35,3%, periodontite e 9,7% eram saudáveis. Em relação à integralidade da atenção ao diabético no SUS, pôde-se observar que, apesar da maioria estar sob acompanhamento médico, somente 27,3% estavam sob tratamento odontológico na rede básica, 3,6% recebiam atendimento especializado em odontologia e apenas 3,4% eram atendidos por outros profissionais da saúde. O atendimento interdisciplinar e a atenção em todos os níveis do sistema são fatores essenciais para a integralidade das ações em saúde. Palavras-chave Integralidade, Doença periodontal, Diabetes melito, Saúde bucal, Atenção integral à saúde Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the periodontal conditions of individuals with diabetes and to analyze how SUS has contributed to the health attention of these people in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State. For that, a sample of 300 individuals was selected and interviews with diabetics and health unit managers were conducted. From those, 55% presented gingivitis, 35.3% periodontitis and 9.7% were healthy. As for the integral attention for diabetics in SUS, it was observed that despite the fact that most of them were under medical supervision, only 27.3% were under dental treatment in basic health care units, 3.6% had specialized dental care and only 3.4% were seen by other health workers. Interdisciplinary care and attention in all levels of the system are essential factors for the integrality of health actions.

Influência da terapia cirúrgica periodontal no controle glicêmico de pacientes diabéticos tipo 2


Às10:30hs(dez horas e trinta minutos) do dia 10 (dez) do mês de fevereiro do ano de 2015(dois mil e quinze), reuniram-se em caráter de Solenidade Pública, a Comissão Examinadora para avaliar o trabalho da Doutoranda KEILA CRISTINA RAPOSO LUCENA, candidata ao grau de Doutor em Odontologia com área de concentração em Clínica Integrada, os membros da banca Examinadora, composta pelos professores:

Prevalência da doença periodontal em pacientes portadores de diabetes mellitus


Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) on hemodialysis (HD) have a high mortality rate due to cardiovascular complications and secondary infections. The traditional risk factors do not seem to be sufficient, by themselves, to justify the large number of deaths due to cardiovascular disease (CVD). Research indicates that nontraditional risk factors, such as the presence of inflammatory processes, are also important and exert significant effects on these deaths. Within this context, periodontal diseases appearing as an important source of inflammation and may be associated with the complex interaction between CKD and CVD. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of periodontal disease (PD) and the factors associated with their cause in patients with CKD undergoing hemodialysis. Convenience sample: 75 patients treated at the Hospital do Rim from the Federal University of São Paulo. Periodontal evaluation was performed through the full periogram, and Tonetti & Claffey (2005) definition was used to categorize the PD. In addition, sociodemographic and clinical information was collected to perform associations with PD, which was present in a severe form of 46.7%, in a mild form of 37.3% and 16% were edentulous. Within the limitations of this study, it can be concluded that the PD is present within this population, but due to the nature of this work, interventional studies will be necessary to elucidate the relationship between PD, CVD and CKD.

Prevalence of Apical Periodontitis in Diabetic Patients


Objective: To investigate the prevalence of apical periodontitis (AP) in diabetic and nondiabetic patients. Methods: Cross-sectional study, in which the radiographic records (panoramic and full-mouth periapical radiographs) of 80 patients, being 40 type II diabetic patients and 40 nondiabetic subjects, had the periapical and endodontic regions of all teeth present evaluated by means of the periapical index score. Data was analyzed through BioEstat 5.3® software. Results: At least one tooth was found with apical periodontitis in 90% (n=32) of the diabetic patients and in 52% (n=21) of nondiabetic subjects (p=0.0001). Regarding root-filled teeth, 44% (n=51) presented AP amongst the diabetic patients, whereas only 17% (n=17) (p=0.0004) were affected in the control group. The diabetic patients presented larger quantity of apical periodontitis than did the nondiabetics (p=0.0189). Conclusion: According to these results, type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is associated with an increase in the preva...