Health care of convicts in penal institutions in the principality and the Kingdom of Serbia

Vojnosanitetski pregled

The planned reform of the penal institutions in the Principality/Kingdom of Serbia included health care and medical care for imprisoned convicts. The extremely vulnerable prison population was at the same time a great risk for the rest of the population, and the treatment of prisoners was a great concern for the relevant authorities. The organization of prisoners' health care was faced with great constraints and difficulties: lack of doctors and nurses, small hospital capacities, poor equipment in prison hospitals and infirmaries, as well as scarcity of material resources. The poor living conditions further affected the deterioration of health, the frequent illnesses, the occurrence of additional complications and longer hospital treatment, and the increased mortality of prisoners as well. The prisoners were most susceptible to severe, infectious diseases, and the most common cause of mortality among them was tuberculosis. The healing of prisoners was carried out by prison doctors and district physicians in modest prison and town hospitals.

Health Protection of Prisoners in the Republic of Macedonia

CBU International Conference Proceedings, 2016

INTRODUCTION: Prisoners’ health is one of the major challenges of public health systems because of prisoners’ greater care needs due to the poor economic conditions connected to the numerous risks and higher morbidity and mortality related to incarceration. Malnutrition, infectious diseases, overcrowding, strict custodial physical infrastructure, and limited access to basic health services, among other factors, contribute to a worsening of the physical and mental health of prisonersOBJECTIVES: This study aimed to ascertain leading health problems, care needs, and the degree of health protection used in the prison population of the Republic of Macedonia. METHODS: The research is a cross-sectional study of the prison population, composed of 550 prisoners, with 100 situated in Bitola’s prison, 100 in the prison of Prilep, 50 women imprisoned in the women’s section of the correctional institution, Idrizovo, and another 300 prisoners from Idrizovo. RESULTS: The most important reasons for...

Mitasin Beqiri, Sevil Muaremoska: Observation and study of the convicted persons at the penitentiary institutions of the Republic of Macedonia

Nowadays, it is rightfully considered that the issues regarding the selection and application of the tools and methods, which involve the individualized treatment and observation, are increasingly dealing within the realm of penology. This study will briefly review the more typical and current issues. Often, the term observation, when talking about general principles, relates to the knowledge of psychological, physical and social characteristics of the convict, but it also requires the application of specific tools and methods for each sanction, respectively, depending on their specific nature. Considering the most frequent sanction, which is imprisonment, as a usual measure to combat crime today, the greater focus is on its enforcement during imprisonment. Furthermore, not incidentally observation is identified precisely with this punishment. In relation to this, the clear definition of the term observation needs to be highlighted, as well as its elaboration regarding the specific ways of enforcement and effectuation of certain penal sanctions. In this context, the authors are rightfully stating that the treatment cannot (should not) be the same for intra-institutional and extra-institutional sentences. It is about essentially qualitative differences that require the enforcement of clear tools and methods, which are defined and differentiated in the re-socialization process.

Sanitary Conditions in the City of Fiume (Rijeka) at the Turn of the 19 Century Sanitarne Prilike U Rijeci Na Prijelazu


SUMMARY The Municipal Sanitary Commission (Commisione sanitaria municipale) was founded in Fiume (Rijeka) at the end of the 19 th century. The well known physician of the municipal hospital, Dr. Antonio Grossich was its first president. In his inaugural speech he pointed out the mortality within the city during the last decade as 28 ‰. Based on the monthly reports from the municipal physicians, Dr. Giovanni Benzan evaluated the mortality within the city as 25,9 ‰ in 1900. Mortality of children under age of five accounted for almost half of the estimated mortality (11,4‰), while contribution of tuberculosis was the second (5,8‰). Feeding with cow milk caused considerable mortality among small children, thus pointing to the necessity for milk control in the market. He also proposed destruction and resettling the population from the inner city area with poor sanitary conditions. In his opinion, municipal authorities’ duty was to educate the population to promote hygiene, e.g. disinfect...

Otherness Within the Otherness: Discrimination of Muslim Female Prisoners in the Prison System of Habsburg Bosnia* Ötekilik İçinde Ötekilik: Habsburg Bosna'sının Hapishane Sistemi'nde Müslüman Kadın Mahkûmlara Yönelik Ayrımcılık

Turkish Journal of History, 2024

The issues of the prison system of the Habsburg Monarchy and the treatment of its prisoners in the late 19th century have not been investigated in historiography. Historians did not pay attention to the treatment of female prisoners in Habsburg's penal practices in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Based on archival records, the article aims to fill this lacuna in the historiography of the Habsburg Monarchy in order to demonstrate how the Habsburg administration in Bosnia either failed to accomplish much-needed reforms within the prison system or at least failed to achieve them in full, even though Habsburg officials promised to implement the Irish progressive system, the golden standard of the time. The article illustrates that the modern approach to imprisonment and the treatment of prisoners in accordance with the latest belief that time spent in prison could rehabilitate the prisoner was not correctly applied to long-term female prisoners in Bosnia, especially Muslim ones.

Polish Prisons in 1918-1939: Number, Organization, Infrastructure, and Sanitary Conditions (A Case Study of the Materials from Ukrainian, Polish, Lithuanian, and Belarusian Archives)

Analele Universităţii din Craiova seria Istorie

This work provides a succinct historical overview of the history of the Spanish education system from 1812, date of the first Spanish Constitution, until 1970 at the end of the Francoist era in Spain, highlighting the legislative milestones and contextualising them within the larger political landscape in which they took place. The paper will go on to describe the basic legislation which has regulated the Spanish education system since 1970 describing some of their most significant aspects, from the General Education Law (LGE) of 1970 to the Organic Law Modifying the Organic Law for Education (LOMLOE) which came into force in 2020.

Miroslav M. Popović, Kristina R. Miličić, Organization and Work of the Čačak County Court in the 1840s, Collection of Papers of the Faculty of Philosophy, 53 (3) 2022, 173-199.

The aim of the paper is to present the organization and work of the Čačak County Court in the 1840s. The source material used for the paper are the reports of the Ministry of Justice, with statistical data, and lists of officials with information about employees, as well as published official state data and the List of ax heads, municipalities and conciliation courts in the Principality of Serbia from 1839. Also, a comparison will be made in relation to other county courts in the country during the observed period. Basic data will be presented on the costs that were determined for this court and the amounts that were deposited within this court, as well as those that were kept in the name of the assets of persons under guardianship (so-called pupilar masses).


Igiena şi sănătatea publică în Bucovina secolului al XIX-lea îmbracă anumite caracteristici ale modernităţii, caracteristici care sunt mai mult sau mai puţin evidente, potrivit marilor schimbări socio-politice şi economice ale vremii. De cele mai multe ori, sănătatea (sau lipsa ei) a fost pusă pe seama condiţiilor naturale şi biologice, în timp ce răspândirea bolilor era puternic influenţată de statutul socio-economic al indivizilor, de credinţele şi tradiţiile entice sau de alţi factori culturali; cu toate acestea, câteva documente istorice preferau să pună vina îmbolnăvirilor mai mult pe seama individului decât pe cea a societăţii. Oricum, proiectele legislative şi ordonanţele aplicate în Bucovina au ilustrat că transformările s-au produs nu numai la nivelul gândirii medicale, ci şi în transferul modelelor de sănătate şi igienă. Cu siguranţă, doctorii au jucat un rol cheieatât în oraşe, cât şi la sate -în explicarea strânsei legături dintre igiena personală şi sănătatea comunităţii. Acest articol explorează modul în care discursurile despre sănătate construiesc sau rezistă identităţilor sociale, centrâdu-se pe impactul sfaturilor disciplinatorii asupra comportamentul de viaţă al populaţiei în provincia austriacă Bucovina.