Calibration of the MIRAS Radiometers (original) (raw)

One-Point Microwave Radiometer Calibration

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019

A method for internally calibrating microwave total power radiometers by using only one level of noise injection is presented. It is based on having a previous accurate characterization of the receiver noise temperature, which used de facto as a second calibration standard. The method proves to be at least equivalent to the classical two level, as demonstrated through their intercomparison using the data provided by the Microwave Imaging Radiometer using Aperture Synthesis (MIRAS) on board the European Space Agency Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Satellite. The long-term stability in terms of retrieved brightness temperature using both methods has similar trends with a small advantage for the one-point approach proposed here.

Long-term stability of ERS-2 and TOPEX microwave radiometer in-flight calibration

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2005

The microwave radiometers on altimeter missions are specified to provide the "wet" troposphere path delay with an uncertainty of 1 cm or lower, at the location of the altimeter footprint. The constraints on the calibration and stability of these instruments are therefore particularly stringent. The paper addresses the questions of long-term stability and absolute calibration of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Topography Experiment (TOPEX) and European Space Agency European Remote Sensing 2 (ERS-2) radiometers over the entire range of brightness temperatures. Selecting the coldest measurements over ocean from the two radiometers, the drift of the TOPEX radiometer 18-GHz channel is confirmed to be about 0.2 K/year over the seven first years of the mission, and the one of the ERS-2 radiometer 23.8-GHz channel to be 0 2 K/year.

Microwave Imaging Radiometers by Aperture Synthesis—Performance Simulator (Part 1): Radiative Transfer Module

Journal of Imaging, 2016

The Synthetic Aperture Interferometric Radiometer Performance Simulator (SAIRPS) is a three-year project sponsored by the European Space Agency (ESA) to develop a completely generic end-to-end performance simulator of arbitrary synthetic aperture interferometric radiometers. This means, on one side, a generic radiative transfer module from 1 to 100 GHz, including land and ocean covers, as well as a fully 3D atmosphere and Faraday ionospheric rotation based on variable TEC. On the other hand, the instrument can have an arbitrary array topology (number of antenna elements, and their time-dependent position and orientation). Receivers' topology can also be modified, starting from a very generic one to connecting and disconnecting subsystems, whose parameters can be individually configured. These parameters can be defined either by mathematical functions or by input data files, including the frequency and temperature dependence. Generic calibration and image reconstruction algorithms that are suitable for arbitrary array topologies have also been implemented, as well as tools to compute the instrument performance metrics, i.e., radiometric accuracy, sensitivity, angular resolution, etc. This manuscript presents the generic architecture of the SAIRPS, the algorithms implemented in the Radiative Transfer Module, and simulation results showing its performance. A companion manuscript (Part II) describes the instrument and calibration modelling, the image reconstruction algorithms, and the validation tests that were performed.

Microwave radiometer inter-calibration using the vicarious calibration method

2009 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2009

The vicarious cold and warm calibration methods of Ruf, and Brown and Ruf, have been used to assess the calibration of the WindSat radiometer as well as the biases of the TMI, SSM/I F13 and SSM/I F14 radiometers relative to WindSat. WindSat biases computed as a function of scan position are consistent with a roll offset of the instrument of .2° and a pitch offset of .15°, and biases in the 6 GHz and 22 GHz channels of up to 8 Kelvins are consistent with an obstruction in the feed-horn edge of scan fields of view. Beam fractions and effective brightness temperatures of the obstructions are estimated for each affected channels using both the vicarious cold and warm calibration observations to produce an end-to-end WindSat calibration. Computed biases of TMI, SSM/I F13 and SSM/I F14 relative to WindSat agree well with independent estimates.

Radiometric Performance of the SMOS Reference Radiometers—Assessment After One Year of Operation

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2012

In this paper, we present an analysis of the radiometric performance of the three 1.4-GHz noise injection radiometers of the European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite. The units measure the antenna temperature, which contributes to the average brightness temperature level of SMOS retrievals. We assess the radiometric resolution of the receivers, the similarity between their measurements, and their thermal stability. For these purposes, we use SMOS measurement data gathered during the first year of the orbital operations of the satellite, which was launched in November 2009. The main results from the analysis are that the units meet the design requirements with a margin. Also, we present a new thermal model for the radiometers to further enhance their stability.

On-board phase and modulus calibration of large aperture synthesis radiometers: study applied to MIRAS

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1996

On-board calibration of bidimensional aperture synthesis radiometers with a large number of antennas by the standard correlated noise injection method is technologically very critical because of the stringent requirements on mass, volume, and phase equalization of the noise distribution network. A novel approach, which makes use of a set of uncorrelated noise sources uniformly distributed in the array, is proposed in this paper. Each noise source drives correlated noise only to a small set of adjacent antennas. These sets of antennas are overlapped in order to maintain phase and modulus track along the array. This approach reduces drastically mass and volume of the noise distribution network. Moreover, its phase matching requirement is strongly relaxed because it is only necessary within small sets of adjacent antennas. Power stability of the uncorrelated noise sources is also not a stringent requirement. This procedure allows independent phase and modulus calibration by making use of a reduced number of redundant correlations.

Development and characterization of fully polarimetric noise injection radiometer for MIRAS

Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 2003

An L-band noise injection radiometer (NIR) has been designed and implemented by Helsinki University ofTech- nology Laboratory ofSpace Technology f or the SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) mission ofESA (1). The work is performed as a part of ESA's MIRAS Demonstrator Pilot Project-2 (MDPP-2) under a subcontract for EADS-CASA. Other partners in the MDPP-2 NIR project are Toikka Engineering

Radiometric Performance of the SMOS Reference Radiometers—Assessment After One Year of Operation

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2012

In this paper, we present an analysis of the radiometric performance of the three 1.4-GHz noise injection radiometers of the European Space Agency's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite. The units measure the antenna temperature, which contributes to the average brightness temperature level of SMOS retrievals. We assess the radiometric resolution of the receivers, the similarity between their measurements, and their thermal stability. For these purposes, we use SMOS measurement data gathered during the first year of the orbital operations of the satellite, which was launched in November 2009. The main results from the analysis are that the units meet the design requirements with a margin. Also, we present a new thermal model for the radiometers to further enhance their stability.