Performance Analysis of different Anode Materials of a Double Chambered Microbial Fuel Cell (original) (raw)
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Review on Material and Design of Anode for Microbial Fuel Cell
Energies, 2022
Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) is a bio-electrochemical system that generates electricity by anaerobic oxidation of substrates. An anode is the most critical component because the primary conversion of wastewater into electrons and protons takes place on the surface of the anode, where a biofilm is formed. This paper describes the essential properties of the anode and classifies its types according to the material used to make it. Anode material is responsible for the flow of electrons generated by the microorganism; hence biocompatibility and conductivity can considered to be the two most important properties. In this paper, the various modification strategies to improve the performance of anodes of MFC are explained through the review of researchers’ published work in this field. The shape and size of the anode turned out to be very significant as the microbial growth depends on the available surface area. The attachment of biofilm on the surface of an anode largely depends on the inte...
Anode and cathode materials characterization for a microbial fuel cell in half cell configuration
Water science and technology : a journal of the International Association on Water Pollution Research, 2011
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are novel bioelectrochemical devices for spontaneous conversion of biomass into electricity through the metabolic activity of the bacteria. Microbial production of electricity may become an important source of bioenergy in future because MFCs offer the possibility of extracting electric current from a wide range of soluble or dissolved complex organic wastes and renewable biomass. However, the materials used in these devices are still not economic and researchers use different materials as cathode and anode in MFCs. This results in variable performance which is difficult to compare. We tested several commercially available materials for their suitability as anode in an acetate fed MFC. Besides, a novel non-platinized activated carbon (AC) based, gas porous air cathode was also tested. Both the anode and cathode were tested in a half cell configuration. Carbon cloth, graphite cloth and dynamically stable anode (DSA) served as ideal anode material with carb...
Evaluation of viable anode material for bioelectricity production in Microbial Fuel Cell
Global NEST International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology
Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) technology is based on bioelectrochemical system, extract power from organic load of the wastes to produce bio-electricity. The present study have evaluated the effect of the different electrode materials in two sets of mediator-less H- type double chambered MFC operated at 30 ± 2 °C in a batch mode. In MFCGG, graphite rods (G) and in MFCCBG carbon brush (CB) and graphite rod (G) were used as anode and cathode electrode respectively. The both MFC were fed with distillery spent wash as a substrate with HRT of 21 days. The maximum COD removal of 61.07 % and 67.17 %; open circuit voltage (OCV) of 565 and 735 mV were achieved in MFCGG and MFCCBG respectively. The peak power densities of 3.19 W/m2 and 5.4 W/m2 were recorded in MFCGG and MFCCBG. These results suggest the efficacy of carbon brush anode in MFCCBG compared to graphite rod as an anode material in MFC for bioelectricity production.
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy a b s t r a c t Various materials and anode structures have been applied to enhance MFC performance. However, their comparative evaluation of performance and electrochemistry has not yet been investigated in detail under a same condition. In this study, a carbon-cloth anode, an anode-cathode assembly, and a brush anode with two different orientations were tested under a same condition for comparative analyses on their performance and electro-chemistry, in order to reveal their unique electrochemical characteristics. The brush anode cells exhibited better performance than the carbon cloth cells. The brush anodes showed 41e72% higher maximum power densities, 18e75% higher maximum current density and 24e32% higher optimum current densities than the carbon cloth anodes. The brush anodes showed 25e43 U lower anodic polarization resistance than the carbon cloth anodes. The brush anodes showed 1.6e21.2 U lower ohmic impedance, 7.7e10.6 U lower charge transfer impedance and 9.3e31.8 U lower anodic impedance than the carbon cloth anodes. Anodic ohmic impedance was greatest in the carbon-cloth-anode MFC (21.9 U), where loose contact between a carbon cloth and a current collector might cause the high ohmic resistance, and large solution resistance in the cell could diminish anode performance due to slow ion transport. In order to improve MFC performance by modifying anode structures, we suggest the followings: 1) an anode should have large surface area, 2) anodic carbon material and a metal current collector must be tightly connected, 3) locating a brush anode closer to a cathode can be important. ScienceDirect j o urn al h om epa ge: www.elsev i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 2 (2 0 1 7) 2 7 6 7 7 e2 7 6 8 4
Comparative Study of Microbial Fuel Cell’s Performance Using Three Different Electrodes
Malaysian Journal of Analytical Science, 2018
Microbial Fuel Cell (MFC) is an alternative method of renewable energy which have gained considerable attention due to its capability to generate electricity and treat wastewater such as palm oil mill effluent (POME). MFC’s mechanism on its electrochemical process is still lacking and further studies is needed. The objectives of this study are (1) to determine the compatibility of MFC device in generating electricity by using three different electrodes and (2) to study the effect of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to MFC’s performance. In this work, the MFC device is associated with 3 different electrodes which are carbon brush (CB), carbon cloth (CC) and pre-treated carbon cloth (PCC) on its anode chamber. There are 2 types of substrates used in this experiment which are POME with the presence of bacteria (POME+) and POME without bacteria in it (POME-). The experiment was carried out for 120 hours and its power generation was monitored. The experimental result shows that PCC with POME+ yie...
Influence of Carbon Based Electrodes on the Performance of the Microbial Fuel Cell
International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 2017
In this study electricity generation was evaluated in a two chambered microbial fuel cell. Performance of microbial fuel cells using two bacteria, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Bacillus coagulans and using three different electrodes namely graphite blocks, carbon cloth and graphite sheet was studied. The device was operated under anaerobic condition in the anode chamber and parameters were recorded for a period of 48 hours. The performance of MFC was analyzed by the measurement of open circuit voltage, polarization curves, impedance curves and cyclic voltammetry. Among different combinations of electrode tested, carbon cloth electrode produced high power density (80 mW/m2). Graphite block gave much high power compared to sheet. Finally, performance was compared with Shewanellaputrefaciens. The current study explores the applicability of carbon electrode for MFC applications.
Selection of cheap electrodes for two-compartment microbial fuel cells
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2017
This work compares the performance of four microbial fuel cells (MFCs) equipped with different cheap electrodic materials during two-month long tests, in which they were operated under the same operating conditions. Despite using sp 2 carbon materials (carbon felt, foam and cloth) as anode in the four MFCs, results demonstrates that there are important differences in the performance, pointing out the relevance of the surface area and other physical characteristics on the efficiency of MFCs. Differences were found not only in the production of electricity but also in the consumption of fuel (acetate) and even in the cathodic consumption of oxygen. Carbon felt was found to be the most efficient anode material whereas the worst results were obtained with carbon cloth. Performance seems to be in direct relationship with the specific area of the anode materials. In comparing the performance of the MFC equipped with carbon felt and stainless steel as cathodes, the later shows the worst performance, which clearly indicates how the cathodic process may become the bottleneck of the MFC performance.
Journal of Power Sources, 2011
Graphite fiber brush electrodes provide high surface areas for exoelectrogenic bacteria in microbial fuel cells (MFCs), but the cylindrical brush format limits more compact reactor designs. To enable MFC designs with closer electrode spacing, brush anodes were pressed up against a separator (placed between the electrodes) to reduce the volume occupied by the brush. Higher maximum voltages were produced using domestic wastewater (COD = 390 ± 89 mg L −1) with brush anodes (360 ± 63 mV, 1000) than woven carbon mesh anodes (200 ± 81 mV) with one or two separators. Maximum power densities were similar for brush anode reactors with one or two separators after 30 days (220 ± 1.2 and 240 ± 22 mW m −2), but with one separator the brush anode MFC power decreased to 130 ± 55 mW m −2 after 114 days. Power densities in MFCs with mesh anodes were very low (<45 mW m −2). Brush anodes MFCs had higher COD removals (80 ± 3%) than carbon mesh MFCs (58 ± 7%), but similar Coulombic efficiencies (8.6 ± 2.9% brush; 7.8 ± 7.1% mesh). These results show that compact (hemispherical) brush anodes can produce higher power and more effective domestic wastewater treatment than flat mesh anodes in MFCs.
Bioresource Technology, 2021
Anodes in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) can be chemically treated to improve performance but the impact of treatment on power generation has not been examined for different electrode base materials. Brush or flat anodes were chemically treated and then compared in identical two-chambered MFCs using the electrode potential slope (EPS) analysis to quantify the anode resistances. Flat carbon cloth anodes modified with carbon nanotubes (CNTs) produced 1.42 ± 0.06 W m − 2 , which was 3.2 times more power than the base material (0.44 ± 0.00 W m − 2), but less than the 2.35 ± 0.1 W m − 2 produced using plain graphite fiber brush anodes. An EPS analysis showed that there was a 90% decrease in the anode resistances of the CNT-treated carbon cloth and a 5% decrease of WO 3 nanoparticle-treated brushes compared to unmodified controls. Certain chemical treatments can therefore improve performance of flat anodes, but plain brush anodes achieved the highest power densities.
Journal of Power Sources, 2014
Different types of treatment methods for anode materials are reported to enhance power 19 production in microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Here we report a simple, cost-effective and 20 environmentally friendly electrochemical oxidation technique that is used to modify the carbon 21 cloth for the improvement of MFC performance. Carbon cloth is immersed in a 5% NH 4 HCO 3 22 solution and then the solution is oxidized at different set currents. Optimal performance is 23 obtained at 14 mA cm -2 with an oxidation time of 2 min, based on production of a maximum 24 power density of 939 ± 7 mW m -2 in MFC tests, which is 14.2% higher than that of the untreated 25 carbon cloth control. This treatment method increases the electrochemical active surface area by 26 2.9 times (from 11.2 to 44.1 cm 2 ), and improves the exchange current density by 41% (from 27 4.79×10 -4 to 6.76×10 -4 A m -2 ). XPS analysis indicates that electrochemical oxidation in this 28 solution introduced amide groups onto the electrode surface, which likely improves bacterial 29